
The Faculty of Physical Therapy at Beni Suef University organizes its third international conference, “Rethinking the Methodology of Physical Therapy Techniques and Applications”

19 May 2024

Media Center
Under the patronage of Dr. Mansour Hassan, President of Beni Suef University, the Faculty of Physical Therapy organized its third scientific conference, “Rethinking the Methodology of Physiotherapy Techniques and Applications,” from theory to application, in cooperation with the Directorate of Health Affairs in Beni Suef Governorate, under the supervision of Dr. Tariq Ali, Vice President for Postgraduate studies Affairs, Dr. Sherine Mehanna, Dean of the College, in the presence of Dr. Amira El-Tohamy, Chairman of the Physical Therapy Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities, a number of deans of physical therapy faculties in public and private universities across the country, Dr. Ahmed Baghdadi, Director of the Health Affairs Department in Beni Suef, and Dr. Mohamed Abdel Qader, Director of the training unit at the Directorate of Health Affairs in Beni Suef, and Dr. Shaima Hagag, Director of Physical Therapy Department at the Directorate of Health Affairs in Beni Suef, in the presence of a remarkable presence of faculty members, physical therapists, and students.
  The university president explained that the conference included several topics, the most important of which were Chinese medicine, orthopedic physical therapy, children with special needs, rehabilitation of the elderly people, and rehabilitation of post-menopausal women, as well as artificial intelligence and modern therapeutic protocols based on evidence.
Dr. Sherine Mehana, Dean of the College of Physical Therapy, added that recent times have witnessed great development in the field of physical therapy, with our slogan “evidence-based practice,” as modern technology has invaded the field of physical therapy, and one of the most famous examples of this is the use of distance rehabilitation, robotics and the use of the virtual environment in the field of rehabilitation.