البيانات الاساسيه

السيره الذاتيه

Sameh Abdelmoneem Mohammed Ali
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Sameh Abdelmoneem Mohammed Ali
15 Elemam Abohanifa Street, ELhay- Elgharby , 62514 Beni-Suef (Egypt)
002-01148402671 sameh_abdelmonem@pharm.bsu.edu.eg
Academic Education
Work Experience
2014 –2015 M.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology & Toxicology)
''Pharmacological Study of the possible effects of temozolomide
nanoformulations in the treatment of lung cancer''.
2012 – 2013 Pre-Master courses with Excellent grade, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef
Advanced theoretical and practical courses in Pharmaceutical Statistics,
Toxicometrics, Immunopharmacology and Pathophysiology.
2006 – 2011 B.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Excellent with honors (ranking the
5th on 2011 Batch, 280 students), Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University.
Aug 2015 | Senior Teaching Assistant in Department of Pharmacology &
Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University.
June 2012- 2015 | D e m o n s t r a tor in Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Faculty
of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University.
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Training courses & Workshops
 Experimental Pharmacology: Demonstration of drug actions by experiments
performed on intact animals and isolated organ preparations.
 Forensic Toxicology.
 Case studies on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
 First aid practical lessons.
 Handling of laboratory animals.
 Biochemical analysis of blood samples.
Sep 2014 Participation in the 50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
2014, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland,
Sep 2013 Attendance of 53th Conference of ESPET (Egyptian Society of
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics), British University of
Egypt (BUE), Shorok city, Egypt.
Dec 2014
Mar 2010
Attendance of 54th Conference of ESPET (Egyptian Society of
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics), British University of
Egypt (BUE), Shorok city, Egypt.
Attendance of course entitled "Step on the way" which involve (C.V
writing, Communication skills & Patient councelling), Beni-Suef
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Apr 2015 Attendance of conference entitled "Biotechnology for the Emerging
Economies", Beni-Suef University Conference Centre, Beni-Suef, Egypt.
Feb - Mar 2014 Training courses for promoting knowledge and skills in: Effective
Presentation, Scientific Research and its Ethics, International Publishing,
Use of Technology in Teaching and Quality Standards in education.
Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC), Beni-Suef
May 2015 Participation as official representative of Beni-Suef University and Egypt in 7th
European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation (EUROINVENT 2015),
Palas Mall, Iasi city, Romania.
Honors & Awards
May 2014 "Recent techniques in Molecular Biology" Workshop, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University.
Practicing on DNA & RNA Extraction, PCR & RT-PCR, Gel
Electrophoresis, Tissue Microarray and Western Blotting techniques.
Sep 2012
July 2009
Attendance of the first youth pharmacist's conference, Alexandria, Egypt.
Training in EIPICO (Egyptian International Pharmaceuticals Industries
CO), 10th of Ramadan city, Sharkia, Egypt.
Mar 2015 | A patent application has been filed by Egyptian Patent Office (EGPO),
Academy of scientific Research &Technology, Egypt. Patent title:
Temosome; A novel formula for treatment of lung cancer (333/2015).
May 2015 | Official Delegation Leader of egyptian team at 7th European Exhibition of
Creativity and Innovation (EUROINVENT 2015), Palas Mall, Iasi city,
May 2015 | 2 Gold Medals from 7th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation
(EUROINVENT 2015), Palas Mall, Iasi city, Romania for the invention
entitled " Temosome; A novel formula for treatment of lung cancer".
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Prize of Europe Direct Iasi for the best medical invention at 7th European
Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation (EUROINVENT 2015), Palas Mall,
Iasi city, Romania. The invention entitled " Temosome; A novel formula for
treatment of lung cancer".
Special Gold Medal from Nanomaterial Center, University of Iasi at 7th
European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation (EUROINVENT 2015),
Palas Mall, Iasi city, Romania for the invention entitled " Temosome; A
novel formula for treatment of lung cancer".
Special Gold Medal from World Invention Intellectual Property Associations
(WIIPA), France; at 7th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation
(EUROINVENT 2015), Palas Mall, Iasi city, Romania for the invention
entitled " Temosome; A novel formula for treatment of lung cancer".
Special Award from Aydin New Ideas Association, Turkey; at 7th European
Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation (EUROINVENT 2015), Palas Mall,
Iasi city, Romania for the invention entitled " Temosome; A novel formula
for treatment of lung cancer".
Special Award from Beni-Suef University, Egypt; for its honourable
representation at 7th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation
(EUROINVENT 2015), Palas Mall, Iasi city, Romania.
Financial Award from Beni-Suef University, Egypt; for its honourable
representation at 7th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation
(EUROINVENT 2015), Palas Mall, Iasi city, Romania.
Sameh Mohammed A., Amira M Abo-youssef, Heba F. Salem, Mohamed A. Hamzawy.
Alternative animal model of urethane-induce lung cancer: A pilot study. Toxicology
Letters (2014).
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Mohamed A. Hamzawy, Amira M Abo-youssef, Heba F. Salem, Sameh Mohammed A. An
additional risk of lung cancer from Recurrent Exposure to Ethyl Carbamate (EC) in
BALB/c Mice. Cancer Sciences and Therapy (2015).
Sameh Mohammed A., Amira M Abo-youssef, Heba F. Salem, Mohamed A. Hamzawy. In
vivo assessment of intrapulmonary temozolomide nanoformulations for treatment of
lung cancer in BALB/c mice. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine (2015)
Participation with a poster in the 50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
2014, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Computer Skills
All Documens are available when requested.
Arabic | Mother Tongue.
English | IELTS (Overall Score 6.5) and TOEFL IDP (Score 560).
ICDL Certification | Good command of Microsoft office (Word, Excel, Access & Powerpoint).
iMindMap, Endnote X4 & X7, QIQQA and SPSS program softwares.

عنوان رسالة الماجستير

دراسة دوائية عن الآثار المحتملة لعقار التيموزلوميد فى علاج سرطان الرئة.

ملخص رسالة الماجستير

سرطان الرئة هو السبب الأكثر شيوعا للوفاة بين أنواع أخرى من السرطانات. وذكرت تقارير سابقة أن عبء سرطان الرئة يزداد بشكل ملحوظ. في نفس الخصوص ، حقق سرطان الرئة الأساسي إهتماما كبيرا ليس فقط للتشخيص ولكن أيضا فى تحديد نظام علاجي مناسب. في الواقع؛ إن الخيارات العلاجية لسرطان الرئة لا تزال محدودة وهذا قد يكون راجعا إلى عدم وجود نماذج على حيوانات التجارب المماثلة التي قد توضح آلية المرض بشكل صحيح. من ناحية أخرى فإن التطويرفى تسليم الأدوية مؤخرا قد تساعد في التغلب على الفشل العلاجي الذي تم الحصول عليه خلال الأدوية المضادة للسرطان وتحسين نجاعة الأدوية. عقارالتيموزولوميد هو نوع من أدوية الألكيلاتينج التى تستخدم لعلاج الآفة السرطانية مثل سرطان الجلد الخبيث. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن تكوين الأدوية باشكال جديدة يساهم فى تعزيز النشاط المضاد للسرطان لعقار التيموزولوميد وذلك من أجل منع تخليق أوعية دموية جديدة تغذى سرطان الرئة. وتهدف الدراسة المقترحة للتحقيق في النشاط العلاجي المحتمل لعقارالتيموزولوميد فى حجم النانوميتر المتناهى الصغر عن طريق الاستنشاق ضد سرطان الرئة الناجم تجريبيا في الفئران. ويتم تقييم الدراسة عن طريق معايرة او قياس دلالات الاورام، وبعض السيتوكينات الالتهابية، ومضادات الأكسدة، بيروكسيد الدهون، والتعبير الجيني، توصيف حجم الجسيمات وزيتا المحتملة لجزيئات الذهب النانوميترية وأيضا من خلال دراسة الكيمياء النسيجية المناعية والباثولوجية النسيجية لأنسجة الرئة ونتيجة لذلك فإن النتيجة المتوقعة هي أن التيموزولوميد المحمل على جزيئات الذهب النانوميترية والجسيمات الشحمية المحتوية على التيموزولوميد المحمل على جزيئات الذهب النانوميترية سيقوموا بزيادة امكانية علاج سرطان الرئة بشكل أفضل من التيموزولوميد بمفرده.

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