naglaa mohamed elsayed

assistant literture

Basic Informations





Personal information


Name:  Naglaa Mohammad Essayed Ibrahim

Address :  Meet Awwam ,Mansoura , Dakahlya

Mob. No: 0169312456

Marital status :  Married

Nationality :  Egyptian

Date of birth :  January 1st 1974

Place of birth : Shubra Bidden , Mansoura , Dakahlya



1-Bachelor of nursing ,1996 ,Zagazig University

2-Master degree of nursing administration , 2009, Ain Shams University


Last Job

Clinical instructor at faculty of nursing , Mansoura University ,since1998 up till 2010



Current Job

Assistant Lecturer at administration department , faculty of nursing ,Bani Sweif University, since August 2010 up till now


Conferences attended

1-      The second Management Day of Nursing Administration Department Faculty of Nursing , Mansoura University ,March 24 ,2009

2-      The first international nursing conference ,faculty of nursing ,Mansoura University , October 27 – 28, 2009

3-      The first annual conference ,faculty of nursing ,Beni Sweif University , December26  ,2010

Language skills

TOEFL at Ain Shams University

Toefl at benha university


Computer skills

Windows , Word ,PowerPoint , Internet ,Excel








Master Title

nursing student perciption regarding thier role after graudation

Master Abstract

Role perception is crucial in the transition from student to professional role, and the nursing student must be aware of role demands. This study aim was to investigate nursing students' perception regarding their role after graduation. It was conducted on stratified multistage random sample of 504 students from Ain Shams, Mansoura and Benha faculties of nursing. The data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire sheet. The results revealed a very high percentage of agreement upon all items of nursing process in the three universities. Generally, the role dimensions are ranked in descending order by nursing students, in the three Universities, as researcher, educator, communicator, manager, and caregiver. There were statistically significant differences among the three universities regarding the roles of caregiver, educator, and researcher. Statistically significant relations were revealed between students' perception of their future roles as nurses and their type of secondary school education, choice of nursing career, residence, and family income. It is concluded that overall perception of undergraduate nursing students at Ain Shams, Mansoura, and Benha universities regarding their future role as nurses was in very close agreement. This perception was significantly affected by their type of secondary school education, choice of nursing career, residence, and family income. More cooperation and collaboration between hospital staff and teaching staff is recommended, and written job descriptions for different nursing position should be available and communicated to nursing students.

PHD Title

PHD Abstract

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