salwa ahmed mohamed

Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration

Basic Informations




Salwa ahmed Mohamed




Date of Birth


11/ 2/1965




Marital Status





drsalwaged @yahoo.Com

Tel. No.


00201227797058 --- 0020552284244 -00201144985220 - 0020109009427

Master Title

Factors Affecting Delegation by Head Nurses at Zagazig University Hospital

Master Abstract

The manager decides what task Should be done, When, where and by whom Responsibility and authority should be assigned the manger needs to evaluate the risk involved in delegating by assessing the criticality of the expected results and the confidence in resource. The management role involves delegating as a key skill in coordinating activities to accomplish organizational goals and enables health care team members to be used to their fullest potential. Delegation is a major tool in time management. Delegation is not the same as direction. It is defined as sharing responsibility and authority with subordinates and holding them accountable for performance. Delegation can provide the opportunity for subordinates to experience feelings for accomplishment and enrichment. Delegation can be defined simply as getting work done through others or as directing the performance of one or more people to accomplish organizational goals. It can be defines as the trancefer of responsibility for the performance of a task from one to another while retaining accountability for the out come. Common delegation Errors are the following: 1- under delegating 2- over delegation 3- Improper delegation. Reasons for delegation are the following: 1- Relieve time pressure 2- Provide growth opportunity for others. 3- Encourage interaction between managers and employees 4- Help set employee goals for annual evaluations. 5- Allow a manager to set back and local at larger picture. 6- Allowed a manager to train replacements. 7- Assigning routine tasks. 8- Changing in Nurse Managers own job emphasis. Steps to safe delegation are the following: Effective delegation requires the use of decision making process that includes assessment of the situation and delegatee’s ability and Knowledge of the nurse practice act. Manager should use these steps to ensure effective delegation: plan head in identifying tasks to be accomplished – identify the skill and educational level necessary to complete the job- single out the individual best able to complete the job in terms of capability – clearly communicate exactly what is to be done. Barriers for delegation was classified to: Barriers in the delegator: lack of experience in the job or in delegation, insecurity, fear of being disliked, refusal to allow mistakes, lack of confidence in subordinates. Barriers in the delegate: e.g. lack of experience. Avoidance of responsibility, overdependence of the boss, disorganization, overload of work. Barriers in the situation: e. g criticality of discussions, urgency, leaving no time to explain, confusion in responsibilities and authority, understaffing.

PHD Title

Effect of Delegation Training Program on Time Management by Head Nurses at Zagazig University Hospitalsx

PHD Abstract

THE EFFECT OF A DELEGATION TRAINING PROGRAM ON TIME MANAGEMENT AMONG HEAD NURSES AT ZAGAZIG UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Salwa Ahmed Mohamed ABSTRACT Delegation is an important managerial skill for head nurses. It is also a time management tool that involves assigning tasks, determining expected results, and transferring responsibility to another. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of delegation training program on time management by head nurses. The study was carried out at Zagazig University hospitals on 100 head nurses. The tools of data collection included a delegation questionnaire and a time management tool. The gain in knowledge and skills after implementation of the designed program that was developed was assessed by pre and post-testing immediate and after three months. The results showed lack of knowledge about time interruptions, low abilities in time management, and a major deficiency in the delegation process. Noticeable improvements were revealed in head nurses’ level of knowledge of time management, and to a less extent in delegation after program implementation. It is concluded that the designed training program had a positive effect on head nurses’ knowledge and time management abilities, and a modest effect on delegation skills. It is recommended that new graduates’ orientation and in-service training programs must cover management skills stressing on delegation and time management. Top managerial positions must accept and support the concept of delegation. Further research on the type of tasks which could be delegated or not delegated is needed in the future.

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