fatma ali ebrahim Ahmd

Doctor teacher

Basic Informations



I. Personal data : -

Name: Fatma Ali Ibrahim Ahmed

Place of Birth: Egypt - Beni Suef Governorate - Somasta Center - 25 El Horreya Street .

Date of birth: 19/2/1992.

Marital status: Married .

Address: Fayoum New Road - Beni Suef Center - Beni Suef Governorate

Telephone number: 01275108278

Position: Teaching Assistant, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University

Title of work: Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef

Second: Qualifications :

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Beni Suef University. Year: 2013 m. General rating: Very good .

Third: Practical experience .

Teaching for both of the following courses :

1 - descriptive indexing

2- Bibliography .

Information science .

4. Classification .

5. Scientific communication .

* Participation in a paper entitled "Scientific Plagiarism: Terminology and Concepts with a comparative study of a sample of the programs of detection of scientific thefts ".

* Participating in a paper entitled "Types of cybercrime crimes (in) peace and armed conflict" joint work with Professor Sumaya Shakri .

* Publication of research paper in the Journal of the Faculty of Arts entitled "Copyright and Scientific Secretariat "

* Participation in many scientific activities such as conferences, seminars and workshops .

Fourth Scientific Courses :

1 - the automatic cataloging course Mark 21 in September 2011 AD .

2 - the cycle of mental maps in September 2014.

3 - Field training for the development of library services at the Library of the Faculty of Commerce. In 2013.

4- Human Development Course "Discover Yourself" in 2013.

5 - the first level of the English language .

6. Capacity development courses for faculty members .

7-International and Local MOU in Beni-Suef University and Ways to Activate on October, 2014.

V. Language capabilities :

Proficiency in using Arabic with knowledge of English .

VI. Computer and Internet Skills :

Internet search services .

Use office software

Favorite Hobbies : -

•        Writing .

•        Travel .

VIII. Seminars, scientific conferences and workshops attended :

8/1 Seminars : -

- Symposium of the Department of Scientific Support and Projects of the Library of Alexandria ", which was held at the Faculty of Arts in March 2014.

- Six Sigma Application Techniques Symposium on August 2 , 2015.

- Symposium of the arrangement of the University of Beni Suef according to the systems of international classifications of universities. On 11 October 2015.

- Seminar of the Sector of Graduate Studies and Research entitled Competitive Projects: Effective sources of funding for scientific research from outside the University. Held on 16 September 2014.

- Symposium of the fifth sector of studies and research entitled: "International and local agreements at Beni Suef University and ways of activating them" held on 26 October 2014.

- Personal Creativity Development (PCD) Within the Researchers Cognitive Development Program on Nov 2014.

- Fulbright Information Session "which held on 24March, 2015.

/ 2 Conferences :

- "Centers of Excellence Research: Standards, Functions and Community Revenue" on 17 June 2014.

- Second International Conference on Distance Education. In December 2014.

- Conference of academic thefts in the academic community: phenomenon and its aftermath. In November 2015.

- Third International Conference on Distance Learning in December 2015.

- The second conference of the challenge of disability entitled "Our youth is energy, not disability ".

- "Information Architecture" Conference, Beni Suef University, from 5-6 April 2015.

- Our youth conference is an energy, not a handicap. In December 2015.

8/3 Workshops :

- Academic thefts in the academic community: phenomenon and treatment. Which was held from 17-18 November 2015 at the Faculty of Arts .

- Workshop on "Using Global Databases" at the Faculty of Arts, March 20 , 2014.

- Maximize the use of faculty members at Beni Suef University from the global databases. Which was held from 14 : 15 December 2014 at the Faculty of Arts .

Master Title

The Effectiveness of the methods Detecting Plagiarism in the Digital Environment An Evaluative Experimental Study

Master Abstract

The World Wide Web has helped spread of information and an easy access to it. Information is not only available through traditional methods as before, but it has also become more reachable through the WWW. This has, in turn, lead to easiness in the process of copying and pasting, and plagiarizing the information published on the Net. The WWW has afforded both an easy access to information and potentiality to exchange it, however, it brought implicitly along with that a pattern of crimes. A pattern that is completely different from those traditional ones which take place in the real, material world. This pattern is embodied in crimes pertinent to information ( information crimes) which occur in the electronic horizon and include plagiarism. Therefore, this study focuses on defining the phenomenon of plagiarism, clarifying its reasons and attempting to set solutions for it through accomplishing the following set of sub-objects: 1- Defining the term plagiarism and its patterns 2- monitoring the software that can detect intellectual theft 3- recognizing the criteria of estimating the quality of software programmes 4- evaluating and examining a number of plagiarism detecting software programmes to know how effective they are 5- designing a descriptive model through which a plagiarism monitoring system based on checking intellectual theft can be developed The study depends on two approaches: the first is the descriptive analytical approach. This is to study the phenomenon under study quantitatively and analytically to identify the underlying reasons. The second one is the experimental approach. This is to test detecting plagiarism software programmes which are the sample of the study. Plagiarism detecting software programmes have been chosen. The sample comprises commercial software and some other free software. The study adopts two methods of collecting data embodied in review checklist and examination. The study shows several results of which the most important ones are as follows: - plagiarism detecting software programmes differ from one another on bases of qualifications, characteristics, the time duration used for checking, the number of results the programme could reach, and the degree of accuracy of the results which differs as well according to the applied programme. It is through examining these software programmes that the study came out with a descriptive model that could be utilized of when designing other software programmes to check plagiarism. The study came out with some recommendations of which the most important ones are the necessity of selecting the best software according to the user's point of view to check plagiarism. This could be through viewing these software programmes and deciding what best meets their needs. Moreover, the subject matter of the study can help when there is a desire to make up a new model to detect plagiarism

PHD Title

Practices of Applying Digital Hygiene in the light of the Digital Transformation in the Universities of Beni-Suef Governorate " A comparative Analytical study "

PHD Abstract

Abstract This study deals with digital hygiene applications in light of digital transformation in the universities of Beni-Suef Governorate. It aims at introducing a unified model which can be applied to the Egyptian universities, taking the state of digital transformation in the universities of Beni Suef Governorate as an example. It also aims at showing the extent to which faculty members are aware of the term digital hygiene and its applications. The study adopts a descriptive analytical and comparative method to achieve its aims. It was restricted to three universities in Beni Suef Governorate, namely, Beni-Suef, Al Nahda and Modern Technology Universities. It also depends on questionnaires, personal interviews and checklists. The questionnaires were conducted by 265 participants. The study results in various outcomes. The most important are that Beni-Suef University is better than Al Nahda University in terms of rates of penetration; that the Modern Technology needs a lot of development and correction and that males are less likely to be penetrated than females. There are some distinct recommendations for the study, most importantly, raising researchers or faculty members' awareness of concepts such as cyber security and digital hygiene and procedures of both of them, in addition to achieving the utmost benefits for universities under study in terms of applications of digital hygiene.

All rights reserved ©fatma ali ebrahim Ahmd