Basic Informations
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????? ???????: 1/7/1987
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2/ 5 / 2010
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Master Title
ching staff at faculty of nursing -Beni Suif UniversityThe Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Clinical Teaching effectiveness among clinical tea
Master Abstract
EI is increasingly discussed as having a potential role in medicine, nursing and other health care disciplines. The potential role is related to how EI impacts the personal mental health of the practitioner as well as the professional practice of the health care provider.EI has been promoted as the “critical ingredient” in determining a person’s success in one’s personal, social and professional life (Cheshire et al, 2013).
In the academia, the quality of teaching is related to teaching effectiveness. However, the environment of local universities is very challenging due to the increasing demands, standards, and expectations of the public, stakeholders and the ministry of higher education. The teaching staff is overwhelmed with multiple roles and tasks such as conducting research for promotion purposes, attending seminars, project presentations and engaging in students’ and community service activities. Subsequently, they have the tendency to experience negative emotions such as tension, hostility, depression, anger, nervousness and frustration. Therefore, it is vital for them not only to possess the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure the optimum transfer of knowledge, but to equip themselves with another pertinent aspect of teaching called the emotional intelligence (Abbasnejad, Farahani &Nakhaei, 2013).
Aim of the study:
The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical teaching effectiveness among clinical teaching staff in faculty of nursing -Beni Suif University.
Research Question:
The present study intends to answer the following question:
1. Is there a relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical teaching effectiveness among clinical teaching staff in faculty of nursing - Beni Suif University?
Subjects and Methods
Research design:
The descriptive design was used to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical teaching effectiveness among clinical teaching staff in faculty of nursing -Beni Suif University.
at faculty of nursing beni-Suif University, which has six scientific nursing departments: They are (medical –Surgical nursing for the first and the second academic years, Obstetrics and Pediatric for the third academic year and Community, Psychiatric health nursing and nursing administration for the fourth academic year.
There were two groups of Subjects:
1) All the available clinical teaching staff at the faculty of nursing -Beni Suif University, the total number was 55 (assistant lecturers and demonstrators).
2) Nursing students from all the four academic years, there number was calculated utilizing the equotation: n =N \ (1 +Ne2).
There total number was= 569>
Tools of data collected
Two questionnaire sheets:
1. Bar-on emotional quotient inventory, which include two parts:
Part I: - Personal Characteristics data of clinical teaching staff.
Part II: - Emotional intelligence self-report assessment questionnaire: includes five domains, which are intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, stress management and general mood.
2. Nursing Clinical Teacher Effectiveness Inventory, which includes five categories, which are: teaching ability, nursing competence, evaluation, interpersonal relations and personality traits.
It can be noticed more than half (52.6%) of the studied sample of clinical teaching staff were in age group that in between 23 -27 years old and mean± Std. Deviation of their age (28.00± 4.073) , more than three quarters of them (78.6%) were females and more than half of them (63.6%) were demonstrators. While, more than half of them(61.8%) had baccalaureate degree , more than one third of them (40% )had experience from two to four years and near one quarter of them (23.64%)were in medical- surgical (2) department.
According to total emotional intelligence score of clinical teaching staff sample: the present study revealed that more than half of them(52.7%) had high emotional intelligence, while the lowest percentage of them (5.5%)had low emotional intelligence. And regarding the total clinical teaching effectiveness scores: the highest percentage, which is less than half (41.8%) were very good while the lowest percentage of them (3.6%) were poor.
According to the mean scores of the five domains of emotional intelligence: the present study revealed that the highest mean score (54.3%) was general mood domain and the lowest mean score (18.9%) was stress management domain. While regarding the mean scores of the clinical teaching effectiveness categories, the highest mean score (38.7%) was personality traits category and the lowest mean score (11.9%) was evaluation category.
Regarding mean scores for each category of clinical teaching effectiveness for each department, the highest mean scores (56.8%, 29.8%) of teaching ability and nursing competence categories respectively were at nursing administration department, the highest mean of evaluation category (24.3 %) was at medical -surgical nursing (2) and the highest mean score (19.8%, 23.3%) of interpersonal relations and personality traits categories respectively were at Obstetric department ,While the lowest mean scores (51.4%,26.45%,22.24% ,21.35%)of teaching ability, nursing competence, evaluation and personality traits categories respectively were at medical -surgical nursing (1) and the lowest mean score (17.2%)of interpersonal relations category was at community department.
Also regarding the correlation between total clinical teaching effectiveness and academic year, there was statistically significant correlation between total teaching effectiveness and academic year and the majority (83.6%, 83%) of the first and the second years students respectively were unsatisfactory about the clinical teaching effectiveness. Meanwhile the highest percentages of the satisfaction (28.6%, 24.6%) were third and fourth year students respectively and there was a negative relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical teaching effectiveness.
Based on the findings of the current study, it can be concluded that, more than half of the clinical teaching staff had high emotional intelligence. While; regarding the total teaching effectiveness scores, less than the half of clinical teaching staff were very good.
Also the majority of the students of the first year and the second years were unsatisfactory about clinical teaching effectiveness. Meanwhile the highest percentages of satisfaction were the third and fourth years and there was a negative relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical teaching effectiveness among clinical teaching staff.
Based on the finding, It is recommended that:
Faculty of Nursing:
1.Improving clinical nursing curriculums by adding emotional intelligence topic
2.Design tables to organize work in the laboratories so as to achieve the maximum benefit.
3.Appointment of a large number of demonstrators.
Clinical Teaching Staff:
1.Training programs to improve their emotional intelligence.
2.Training programs to improve their clinical teaching effectiveness.
Further researches:
1.Researchers should design a study that will include other nursing faculties, and a more diverse sample.
2.Future studies should compare between nursing faculties about clinical teaching effectiveness.
PHD Title
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PHD Abstract
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