Präsident der Beni-Suef-Universität: Schulungsprogramme für Mitarbeiter in Bezug auf neue Software und Systeme
Media Center
Within the framework of the plan of Beni Suef University for digital transformation, Dr. / Mansour Hassan, President of the University announced a package of training programs for human resources on new software and systems, this came during the meeting of the President of the University at the Board of Directors of the Software Design and Development Unit, in the presence of Dr. Mumtaz Hijab, Digital Transformation Coordinator at the University, Dr. Hani Al-Nashar, Director of the Unit and members of the Board of Directors
During the meeting, Dr. Mansour reviewed the pillars of the digital transformation plan, which included services, applications, software design, infrastructure and qualification of human cadres, stressing that the processing of student laboratories in the faculties will end so soon to start the attendance and absenteeism electronica system and monitor all administrative procedures, tasks, activities and services that can be automated in the coming period