
Beni Suef University Council honors a number of university leaders and the general coordinator of expatriates for their distinguished efforts in attracting new students

25 Jun 2024

Beni Suef University Council, headed by Dr. Mansour Hassan, University President, honored, during its 234th session,
Dr/Al-Husseini Dahshan, Dean of the College of Applied Health Sciences Technology, Dr. Osama Al-Jundi, Dean of the Institute of Laser Research and Applications, Dr. Muhammad Saedan, Vice Dean of the College of Applied Health Sciences Technology for Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Rajab Abdel Zaher, Vice Dean of the College of Law for Postgraduate Studies, and Dr. Ayman Ghoneim, General Coordinator of Expatriate Management, for their distinguished efforts. Which contributed greatly in  attracting new students of different nationalities and giving a distinct image to the university

For his part, Dr. Mansour Hassan praised the sincere efforts of the leaders who were honored in serving expatriate students, facilitating all procedures for them, developing the work of the expatriate unit and the services which  provided to students and overcoming all difficulties they face, pointing out that this honor comes in appreciation of their hard work and valuable contributions to the success of the administration. expatriate students, stressing that the university pays great attention to the expatriate student system, and works to provide them with all forms of support, to attract more students