
Faculty of Navigation Sciences, Beni Suef University, organizes the “Eratosthenes” event to measure the Earth’s circumference, with the participation of a number of school students.

23 Jun 2024

Media Center
Dr. Mansour Hassan, President of Beni Suef University, announced today that the Faculty of Navigation Sciences and Space Technology is organizing the “Eratosthenes” event to measure the Earth’s circumference, in cooperation with the Exploratory Science Center of the Directorate of Education 

With the participation of 36 school students and under the supervision of Dr. Osama Shalabiya, Dean of the College, and Dr. Manal Jamal El-Din Muhammad, Vice Dean of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs

Dr. Mansour Hassan stressed the university’s keenness to host school students in the various stages to inform them of what is new in scientific research and to answer all their questions and inquiries, with the aim of expanding the students’ scientific horizons in the pre-university education stage in a way that serves the various areas of awareness, as well as spreading the culture of scientific research in society, and Strengthening the role of the university and its effective social participation

For his part, Dr. Osama Shalabia expressed that the event is a simulation of the experience of the Greek scientist Eratosthenes, who was the first scientist to measure the circumference of the Earth. Eratosthenes was able to carry out a simple experiment that can be implemented for school students to explain the concept of measurement and astronomy. He was able, by calculating the geometry of a triangle, to prove the sphericity of the Earth. Therefore, he was able to calculate the circumference of the Earth after studying the difference between the angle of the shadow in Alexandria and Aswan