President of Beni Suef University reviews the achievements of University Performance Development Center

17 Jul 2024

Media Center
Today, Dr. Mansour Hassan, President of Beni Suef University, reviewed the achievements of the University Performance Development Center, while chairing the meeting of the Board of Directors of the University Performance Development Center, in the presence of Dr. Gamal Abdel Rahman, Vice President of University for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Sameh Al-Maraghi, Vice President of University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Tariq Ali, Vice President of University for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Abeer Moawad, Director of the Center, and members of the Board of Directors.

The university president explained that a number of scientific citation courses were implemented for postgraduate students for 770 trainees, and the university was represented by many different international bodies, including the American Fulbright Commission, the British Embassy, ??the British Council, the German DAAD for Scientific Exchange, and the French Embassy and implementing many cooperation agreements with a number of international universities through the International Cooperation Office.

With regard to the Scholarships Affairs Sponsorship Office, researchers were followed up with faculty assistants who obtained scholarships and were abroad to obtain master’s and doctorates, foreign scholarships, and joint supervision from various foreign universities, and benefiting from returning scholarship students was achieved by organizing a number of seminars and workshops to introduce faculty members and graduate students and a number of students in the final grades in colleges with the scholarships offered and answering all their inquiries, and holding an introductory day about the Egyptian-Japanese Education Initiative for the year 2024/2025 and the programs of that initiative, and following up on the students of the second and third grades at the Faculty of Navigation Science who received scholarships in that initiative.

As for the International Publishing Office, researches for granting master’s and Ph.D degrees were reviewed, with a total of 156 research papers, and 2,010 research papers submitted by various colleges were reviewed to obtain the publication reward for the year 2023. Many events and workshops were also organized, and researches on green transformation and sustainable development were limited and shared on the Supreme Council of Universities platform.

The Office of Consulting and Linking Research with Industry also carried out a technical assessment of one of the factories to address the problem of water leakage in the industrial area, carried out water and soil analyzes through the Water Research Center at the College of Earth Science, announcing on a communication initiative to link research and innovation with industrial problems launched by the Academy of Scientific Research, and signing a protocol of cooperation with Beni Suef Industrial Zones Investors Association.

With regard to research projects, the Office for Supporting and Financing Research Projects implemented a number of workshops in addition to facilitating the procedures for a number of internal and external projects at the colleges, and reviewing the devices uploaded to the websites of the university and the Supreme Council of Universities.

As for the International Classification and Sustainable Development Office, the university has witnessed remarkable progress in many international classifications for the year 2023/2024, such as the Dutch Leiden classification, US news, and other classifications.
In addition to organizing of 125 activities and events and reviewing a number of patents by the Training and Conferences Office.