Faculty of Nursing, Beni Suef University, organizes a training course for laboratory technicians at the Faculty of Pharmacy in the field of first aid

25 Jun 2024

Media Center
Under the patronage of Dr. Mansour Hassan, President of the University, the Faculty of Nursing at Beni Suef University organized a training course for laboratory technicians on first aid This took place at the headquarters of the College of Pharmacy, under the supervision of Dr. Sameh Al-Maraghi, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Naji Muhaisen, Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Bassem Anwar, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Hanan Al-Zabalawy Hassan, Vice President of the College of Nursing for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Dr. Ejal Abdel Hamid, Vice Dean of the College of Pharmacy for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs
Dr. Mansour pointed out that the first aid training course dealt with training laboratory personnel and technicians at the College of Pharmacy on a set of important skills and procedures to deal with various emergency situations that they may encounter while carrying out their laboratory work The training included an explanation of the principles of first aid for various injuries that may occur in laboratories, such as burns and wounds. It also included an explanation of methods for dealing with cases of poisoning or injuries resulting from chemical reactions or drug interactions. This training aims to provide laboratory personnel with the necessary skills and information to deal quickly and effectively with any emergency situations that may arise while performing their work in laboratories