Beni Suef University continues its achievements and achieves 96th place globally in one of the most important sustainable development goals “clean energy”

14 Jun 2024

Media Center
Dr. Mansour Hassan, President of Beni Suef University, announced that the university has achieved an advanced position globally in the goal of “clean energy,” one of the most important goals of sustainable development, as it achieved 96th place out of 987 universities and research institutes worldwide according to THE Impact Rankings 2024, and the university succeeded in participating in most of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGS), the university ranked 1000-801 globally and ranked 5th among Egyptian universities in achieving sustainable development goals.

 Dr. Mansour Hassan added that the university achieved the first goal (No to poverty) and ranked 1000-801 globally, the second goal (zero hunger) ranked 600-401 globally, the sixth goal (water and sanitation) achieved the rank 300-201 globally, and the twelfth goal (consumption Responsible production) ranked 600-401 globally, and the thirteenth goal (climate impact) ranked 400-301 globally, the fourteenth goal (life under water) the university achieved a rank of 400-301 globally, and in the seventeenth goal, Partnership for the Goals, it achieved a rank of 1500-1001 globally. .
Dr. Samaa Al-Daq, Director of the Office of International Classification and Sustainable Development, indicated that the office is following up on achieving the sustainable development goals within the university’s sectors to know the outcomes of these goals with the aim of measuring the degree of the university’s contribution to the local and international community, and is working to achieve these goals by holding many workshops and training courses at the international level of all sectors, noting the interest of universities in Arab countries to participate in this global classification, as 292 Arab universities applied, including 46 Egyptian universities, and achieving the sustainable development goals is considered a global goal that all universities seek in line with the United Nations resolution.
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