Beni Suef University launches a comprehensive convoy to the village of “Kom Al-Saida”, which is included in the Decent Life Initiative

26 May 2024

Media Center
Beni Suef University, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mansour Hassan, President of University, and under the supervision of Dr. Sameh Al-Maraghi, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, launched a comprehensive awareness-raising convoy to the village of “Kom Al-Saida” in the Biba Center, which is included within the “Decent Life” initiative launched by the President of the Republic, to improve the level of Life for the most needy societal groups, providing and supporting health services, improving the standard of living, and providing medical services needed by citizens, especially unable ones, this was in cooperation with the Decent Life Foundation, Directorate of Veterinary Medicine, Directorate of Health, and Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Preaching District, in coordination with the Center and City of Biba.   

Prof. Dr. Mansour Hassan explained that the convoy took place with the participation of 7 faculties: Medicine, Dentistry, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, and Agriculture, as medical examinations were conducted for more than two thousand cases. Free treatment was also provided to 781 cases, and cases that required follow-up were transferred to the university hospital. With regard to veterinary medicine, more than 120 veterinary cases were examined and treated to serve village families.

The university president explained that a group of awareness, cultural, agricultural, and religious seminars were held on many topics, including (early detection of breast diseases, spinal diseases, prevention methods, first aid, and personal hygiene), and a religious symposium was given on the importance of family cohesion to confront illegal immigration and other problems related to population growth and praising the presidential initiative “Two is Enough” and the Mawaddah Initiative, in addition to health awareness of the harm of the mobile phone and its effect on the nervous system.

The College of Agriculture symposium addressed the agricultural guidance aspect in the field of growing summer grain crops and gave the necessary recommendations to increase the productivity of acres and work to provide products for animal feed, in addition to raising awareness of diseases that affect agricultural crops and how to eliminate them, as well as recycling agricultural waste to produce organic fertilizers and reduce the use of chemical pesticides to preserve the environment.