Smoke emission at Beni Suef University Hospital was brought under control, resulting in no human or material injuries.

24 May 2024

Media Center 
Beni Suef University announced the control of the emission of smoke that had leaked into one of the rooms at the university hospital. The matter was immediately dealt with by members of the safety and occupational health team and security personnel at the hospital, and the incident did not result in any losses, whether material or human.

  A report received from university hospitals on the incident stated that at 12:30 noon on Friday, May 24, 2024, it was noticed that smoke had leaked into one of the rooms, as an electrical malfunction occurred in the external air conditioning unit of one of the rooms outside specialized operations due to high temperatures.

The university denies what was circulated through some social media sites that a fire occurred in Beni Suef University hospitals. Therefore, the university was keen in appreciation of the importance of making correct information available to the public, considering that Beni Suef University hospitals are a very important vital facility that receives the attention of various sectors. The university confirms that things have returned to normal, and operations at the site resumed within ten minutes.