Prof. Rehab Yousef

Professor and Head of the Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts

The UAE's experience in dealing with E-Commerce cybercrime

Research Abstract

E-commerce is one of the most important modern aspects of the knowledge economy and its main engine. In view of the great changes that have taken place in different sectors, the UAE has sought to maximize the role of electronic commerce. This has led to accelerating economic development and enhancing the national competitiveness of the UAE. A leader in building the foundations of knowledge economy. In view of the rapid development of the Internet and the almost complete reliance on cyberspace, the prevalence of cybercrime has increased, which calls for the development of effective strategies to insure the risks of cybercrime resulting from the use of cyberspace in commercial transactions. In this research we will try to answer the following problem: What are the characteristics of the UAE experience in dealing with cybercrime offenses? The study aims at shedding light on the nature of cybercrime and describes the efforts of the United Arab Emirates in reducing the risks of cybercrime resulting from the use of cyberspace in commercial transactions. Highlighting the importance of Arab countries benefiting from the UAE's experience in dealing with cybercrime offenses. Law No. 2/2006 on combating IT crimes was established as an Arab guiding law.

Research Keywords

E-commerce, cybercrime, piracy, cybercrime, the UAE experience.

All rights reserved ©Prof. Rehab Yousef