Abeer Sayed Sayed Moawad

Assistant Professor

Comparative Antioxidant Activity and Volatile Oil Composition of Thuja orientalis Leaves and Fruits

Research Abstract

Abstract Thuja orientalis L. (Cupressaceae) is an evergreen arbor that is distributed throughout Northeast Asia as a common ornamental plant. The volatile oil of T. orientalis leaves and fruits was prepared by hydro-distillation followed by GC-MS analysis in order to compare between their composition. Analysis of the volatile oil revealed that fruits are richer in monoterpenes (62.5%) while leaves are richer in sesquiterpenes (57 %). The major components in leaf oil are; cedrol (15.8%), β-caryophyllene (15%), α-humulene (10.7%), d-limonene (7.3%), α-pinene (6.9%), β-myrecene (5.9%) and α-terpinolene (5.2%). Fruit oil exhibited different composition with; α-pinene (11.3%), cedrol (11.2%), β-myrecene (9.6%), geranyl acetate (9%) and β-caryophyllene (8.9%). Comparison between the oil content in the Egyptian cultivar and other reported cultivars worldwide is also discussed. Quantification of the phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoids (TFC) and evaluation of the antioxidant potential of T. orientalis revealed that fruits are richer in phenolic, flavonoid content and have double the antioxidant activity of leaves.

Research Keywords

Thuja orientalis, sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes, total phenolic, total flavonoids, DPPH

All rights reserved ©Abeer Sayed Sayed Moawad