Hazem Hussein Abbas Ali

Assistant Professor

1. International protection of the archive during the armed conflict

Research Abstract

1. International protection of the archive during the armed conflict Civilized nations want to maintain the historical evidence; because it fosters a sense of integration and identity confirmation, and may be the destruction of the cultural heritage preserved in archives deliberately for political or social reasons. This documentary heritage reflects the diversity of languages, peoples and cultures, it is a mirror of the world and memory, this memory is fragile; Every day parts or sections of this heritage is lost forever. To prevent loss of collective memory, we must remain our goal that we keep documents and materials in archives regardless of the forms which they exist. For this purpose UNESCO has started implementation of the "Memory of the World" program; to ensure the preservation of endangered documentary heritage. As well as ensure heritage delivery for future generations. UNESCO's 1997 declaration stressed the need to utilization of present generation common heritage of mankind, UNESCO's 1997 declaration stressed the need to utilization of the present generation common heritage of mankind, provided that not to damage to heritage in a manner cannot be redressed, and the responsibility of present generations for the identification, protection and preservation of intangible cultural heritage, and transfer this heritage to future generations. International Council on Archives ICA held a series of international conferences under the title "archives and society"; to determine the role of the Archive to clarify all aspects of life in the society.

Research Keywords

cultural heritage- destruction of the cultural heritage

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