Hosny Hafez Ali Emeash

professor at animal and poultry management and development department

Studies on some Welfare Aspects of Broilers Reared Under Different Stocking Densities

Research Abstract

Limiting floor space from 1000cm2/bird to 666.66cm2/bird can lead to deterioration of litter quality in the term of increased litter temperature, PH & moisture content and also poor scores of the litter. This has a direct impact on leg health by increasing the incidence and severity of contact dermatitis and shorter LTL duration that reflect decreased leg strength. Additionally the decreased litter quality with regard to its moisture, compactness can lead to poor feather condition. All these consequences will have an adverse effect on the welfare of broilers housed under higher stocking density in an environmentally uncontrolled house.

Research Keywords

broiler welfare, stocking density, leg health, plumage cleanliness score

All rights reserved ©Hosny Hafez Ali Emeash