Ethical Climate as A mediator Variable in the Relationship between Leadership Style and Organizational Performance: A Comparative Study between Public and Private Banking Sector
Research Abstract
ملخص رسالة دكتوراة بعنوان المناخ الأخلاقي كمتغير وسيط في العلاقة بين نمط القيادة والأداء التنظيمي : دراسة مقارنة بين بنوك القطاع العام والخاص
إعداد الباحث: محمود بدوي أحمد كمال
• Abstract
Researchers have increased their interest concerning business ethics as a result to the emergence of many unethical practices of organizations and to the extent which can affect the reputation of organization and its relationship with its clients The Study aims to Identify the Impact of Ethical Climate as a Mediator Variable in the Relationship between the Leadership Style and the Organizational Performance. The study has been applied on four hundreds and five of employees in the banking sector, the public and the private ones, The Study has resulted in the presence of a positive relationship between both patterns of leadership , transformational and transactional leadership and the ethical climate , also the presence of a direct and indirect positive relationship between transactional leadership and organizational performance ,in addition , the presence of an only indirect positive relationship between transactional leadership and the organizational performance .The study also resulted in the mediation of the ethical climate concerning the relationship between both patterns of leadership ," Transformational and transactional leadership " and organizational performance .
Research Keywords
ethical climate -leadership style -organizational performance