Prof. Rehab Yousef

Professor and Head of the Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts

Challenges and Issues of Web 2.0 in Libraries and Information Centers

Research Abstract

Web 2.0 allows users ease of use and content control, and this increases the risk of violating the current law of the protection of authors' rights, data protection and other laws relating to intellectual property. That leads to an increase in the use of licensing models of protection, with an increase in requirements standards, due to the growing increase in the number of users. So Web 2.0 face the same legal restrictions that Web 1.0 faced, but with the increase in social networking; the risk of breach regulations and laws increases. This study focuses on the challenges and issues faced Web 2.0, these challenges and issues have divided into four key areas: challenges and issues of web 2.0 tools, especially blogs, wikis and social networks; web 2.0's technological issues, and web 2.0 legal issues that relating to intellectual property rights, right of authorship, and content protection and other issues, and finally discussed the issues relating to web 2.0 in libraries, which have been divided into the processes that take place within the libraries, and related librarians then user. The Study try to set suggestions to what should libraries followed to avoid the problems of new technology and trying to keep up with recent developments.

Research Keywords

Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Social Networks, Blogs, Wiki, Ajas, Rich Internet Application (RIA), Intellectual Property Rights, Open APIs., Data Protection, Violation of the right authoring content, discrimination law with special needs, and libelous content.

All rights reserved ©Prof. Rehab Yousef