Aboubakr Fekry Moustafa

professor assistant

The relationship between transformational leadership behaviors and the pressures of the perceived role; and their impact on deviant behavior in the workplace.

Research Abstract

The current study seeks to test the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership behaviors and the pressures of perceived role and the extent of their impact on deviant behavior. The study was applied on employees of nursing authority in university hospitals of Cairo University. The sample of the study was (352) elements of these workers, which have been distributed proportionally between university hospitals, and the response rate was 73.2% of the number of distributed questionnaires. The study has found out that: there is a negative impact relationship; significant and direct between employees perception to exercise their leaders to transformational leadership behaviors with different dimensions (as independent variable) and the pressures of the perceived role as a whole (role ambiguity, conflict role) (as a mediator variable), their effects were (83%, 86%) respectively. there is a positive impact relationship ; significant and direct between the employees perception to role ambiguity (as a mediator variable) and deviant behavior in the workplace, their effects were (41%, 51%) respectively. there is a positive impact relationship ; significant and direct between the perception to role conflict (as a mediator variable) and deviant behavior in the workplace, their effects were (22%, 26%) respectively., and there is a negative impact relationship ; significant and direct between the employees perception to exercise their leaders to transformational leadership behaviors with different dimensions (as independent variable) and deviant behavior in the workplace, their effects were (35%, 21%) respectively.,and finally the pressures of the perceived role is mediated the negative relationship between leadership transformational behaviors and and deviant behavior in the workplace, where the relationship between the independent variable the and dependent variable become the strongest in the case of the existence of mediator variable because there is indirect mediation relationship between independent variable and mediator variable.

Research Keywords

The relationship between transformational leadership behaviors - the pressures of the perceived role- deviant behavior in the workplace.

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