التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي لمفصل رسغ القدم الخلفية (العرقوب) الطبيعى في الأبل
ملخص البحث
Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most versatile and informative imaging modality for the
diagnosis of locomotor injuries in many animal species; however, veterinary literature describing the MRI of the
dromedary camel tarsus is lacking. Our purpose was to describe and compare the MRI images of twelve cadaveric
tarsi, examined in a 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner, with their corresponding anatomical gross sections. Turbo spin-echo
(TSE) T1-weighted (T1), T2-weighted (T2), proton density-weighted (PD), and short tau inversion recovery (STIR)
sequences were obtained in 3 planes. Tarsi were sectioned in sagittal, dorsal, and transverse planes. MRI images
from different sequences and planes were described and compared with the anatomical sections.
Results: The soft and osseous tissues of the dromedary camel tarsus could be clearly defined on MRI images and
corresponded extensively with the gross anatomic sections. The obtained MRI images enabled comprehensive
assessment of the anatomic relationships among the osseous and soft tissues of the camel tarsus. Several structure
were evaluated that cannot be imaged using radiography or ultrasonography, including the transverse inter-tarsal
ligaments, the talocalcaneal ligament, the short dorsal ligament, branches of the short medial and lateral collateral
ligaments and the tarsometatarsal ligaments. Specific anatomical features regarding the dromedary camel tarsus
were identified, including the fused second and third tarsal bone, an additional bundle of the short medial
collateral ligament connecting the talus and metatarsus and the medial and lateral limbs of the long plantar
Conclusions: MRI images provided a thorough evaluation of the normal dromedary camel tarsus. Information
provided in the current study is expected to serve as a basis for interpretation in clinical situations.
الكلمات المفتاحيه
Magnetic resonance imaging, Tarsus, Camel