Prof Dr/ Mohamed Gomaa Tawfiek Abdellatief

Professor and Head of Anatomy and Embryology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Egypt

Gross anatomy of the narial and labial musculatures of one humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) with special reference to their nerve supply

Research Abstract

The objective of this study was to clarify the gross anatomy of the musculatures and innervation of the nostrils and lips of the one-humped camel. Sixteen adult and healthy camel heads from both sexes were used. The labial and narial muscles and their nerves were carefully dissected and illustrated to demonstrate their origin, insertion and relations. The muscles were arranged into; superficial layer included M. dilator naris apicalis, M. dilator naris medialis and M. levator nasolabialis, middle layer formed of maxillolabial group of muscles (M. levator labii superioris, M. caninus and M. depressor labii superioris) and the deep layer was formed by M. lateralis nasi. Moreover, the lips had M. orbicularis oris, M. incisivus superioris, M. incisivus inferioris and M. mentalis. However, M. depressor labii inferioris was not observed in the dissected specimens. In conclusion, the arrangement of the narial and labial musculatures in camels is unique and this may relate to its living conditions of frequent sand-storms and direct sun rays, where the camel is the only domesticated animal known for its ability to close its nostril.

Research Keywords

camel, anatomy, nostril, lips, muscles, nerves.

All rights reserved ©Prof Dr/ Mohamed Gomaa Tawfiek Abdellatief