Morphohistological and surgical anatomy of the sinus interdigitalis in Egyptian native breeds of sheep
Research Abstract
The current study aimed to characterize the gross and microscopic structures of the
interdigital sinus in Egyptian native breeds of sheep and goats (Baladi sheep and goats) to
aid in conducting farther studies on such sinus and its surgical importance. The study was
carried out on the distal fore and hind limb specimens (below the fetlock joint) obtained
from healthy mature ten Baladi sheep and ten Baladi goats of both sexes. For sheep, thirty
specimens were subjected to gross anatomical investigation and the other ten specimens
were used for histological examination. While, the forty goats fore and hind feet specimens
were examined grossly. The results obtained revealed the presence of a well-developed
interdigital sinus in Baladi sheep, but there was no evidence for the existence of this
unique structure in all examined specimens of Baladi goats. Such sinus appeared grossly as
a pipe-like, composed of two parts; body (corpus) and neck (column) which opened in the
skin of the interdigital area with an external orifice. The body consisted of three distinct
parts in the forefeet and a single part in the hind feet. Histologically, the wall in body and
neck regions of the interdigital sinus composed of three distinct layers; epidermis, dermis
and a fibrous capsule. Many sebaceous glands, hair follicles and sweat glands in addition to
the glandular apocrine gland were distributed within the dermis. The secretory adenomers
of the interdigital sinus arranged in different lobules and lined with cuboidal cells with
bleb-like projections. It reacted positively with Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS), Sudan black and
Sudan III stains, on the other hand it negatively reacted with Alcian blue stain (AB
Research Keywords
Anatomy Morphology Histology Sheep Goats Interdigital sinus