noha yehia zakaria ali

demonstrator of faculty of commerce

The effects of quality of work life on Employee

Research Abstract

Abstract Quality of work life (QWL) define as employee satisfaction with a variety of needs by means of resources, activities, and outcomes stemming from participation in the workplace. Quality of work life involves eight dimensions adequate and fair compensation, safe and health environment, use and development of human capacities, opportunities for continued growth and security, social integration and cohesiveness, constitutionalism in the work organization, work and total space of life, and social relevance in work. The aim of the research is analyze the impact of quality of work life on employee job related outcomes of faculty staff members and workers at beni suef university. The sample size of faculty staff members is 186, and 283 of workers at beni suef university. Statistical analysis tools used in this research are reliability and validity, frequencies, descriptive statistics, correlations, and regression. Results of field study and statistical analyses There is a positive significant effect with statistical significance with respect to the impact of dimensions of quality of work life(Qwl) on job related outcomes from job satisfaction; organizational commitment; job performance, and job involvement of faculty staff members at beni-suef university, There is a negative not significant effect.with statistical significance with respect to the impact of dimensions of quality of work life(Qwl) on job related outcomes of turnover intention of faculty staff members at beni-suef university, There is a positive significant effect with statistical significance with respect to the impact of dimensions of quality of work life(Qwl) on job related outcomes from job satisfaction; organizational commitment; job performance, and job involvement of workers at beni-suef university, There is a negative significant effect with statistical significance with respect to the impact of dimensions of quality of work life(Qwl) on job related outcomes of turnover intention of workers at beni-suef university. Keywords: Quality of work life (QWL), job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance, job involvement, intention to leave.

Research Keywords

Keywords: Quality of work life (QWL), job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance, job involvement, intention to leave.

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