Khaled Sayed Marzouk behind

? Profisor

Basic Informations


Name: Mr. Khaled Marzouk behind

Date of Birth: 02/16/1967 M. Place of birth: Beni Suef

Religion Muslim

Mobile phone: 01061233397 Phone home: 0822242554


Qualifications :

1. Bachelor of Arts - Department of Libraries and Alutaiq- Cairo University - Beni Suef Branch - Industry documents - May 1989 - Distinction .

2. Master of Arts from the Department of Libraries and Alutaiq- Cairo University - Beni Suef Branch - Industry documents - September 1990 m - Distinction .

3. Doctor of Arts from Library and Documentation Section, Cairo University - Beni Suef Branch - Industry documents - May 2000 m - with honors .

career :

1. lecturer, Department of Libraries and documents in Beni Suef on 11/07/1989 m costs .

2. appointed assistant teacher libraries and documentation Beni Suef on 01/01/1996 m Department .

3. appointed as an instructor, Department of Libraries and documents in Beni Suef on 26/07/2000 m .

Teaching Experience :

1. The teaching materials specialization department .

2. was seconded to teach Minya University Faculty of Arts - Libraries and documents for the years university department: 2000/2001 CE 2001/2002 CE 2002/2003 CE 2003/2004 m .

3. has been seconded to teach at the University of Assiut - Faculty of Arts Library and Documentation Section university for the years: 2002/2003 CE, 2003/2004 m .

4- been seconded to teach at Al Azhar University in Assiut - Faculty of Arabic language university for the years: 2002/2003 CE, 2003/2004 m .

5. been seconded to teach Menoufia University - Faculty of Arts - University Libraries and information for the years: 2002/2003 CE 2003/2004 CE 2004/2005 m section .

6. been seconded to teach Menoufia Al-Azhar University - the Faculty of Arabic language university for the years: 2002 2003/2004 CE, 2004/2005 m .

7. He was seconded to teach at the University of Misratah - Faculty of Arts - State of Libya since 2007, and even 2013 .

Training Experience :

1. coach relying preparation of the Central Agency for Organization and Administration of the Council of Ministers in Cairo leaders Center .

2. The work of the coach education program to improve the integrity of the planning and follow-up the Directorate of Education, Beni Suef, held in the period from 11/30/1999 to 06/03/2000 AD .

3. trainer based information technology of the Office of Center in the province of Beni Suef .

Obtained courses :

1. passed Cycle Computer Information Technology Institute of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the period from 4/11 to 6/12/1995 m .

2. passed the university teacher preparation course in the period from 23/10 to 11/11/1999 AD .

3. TOEFL course passed the qualifying university teacher of the period 4/1/2000 AD to 04/26/2000 AD .

4. passed the skills development cycle Effective Presentation in the period from 05/16/2006 to 18/52006 m .

5. passed the scheduled design in the period from 26/04/2006 to 27/04/2006 AD cycle .

6. passed the ICDL Course in the period from 01/01/2007 to 20/01/2007 AD .

Conferences :

1. The format and organization of the First Scientific Conference, II, III and IV of the documents and archives, held at the Faculty of Arts of Beni Suef years 2000.2001 and 2003 0.2004 m .

2. He was nominated to attend the Fourth National Conference on Libraries and Information in Menoufia in the period from 28/06/2000 to m 06/30/2000 m .

3. attending conferences held by the Library and Information and Archive Department, Faculty of Arts - Cairo University until 2006 .

4. attend and participate in the annual conference of the Faculty of Arts in Beni Suef until the year 2006 .

5. The Secretary of the Finance Committee of the First Scientific Conference of Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts - Department of Information Science 23-24 April 2015

6. Secretary-General of the Conference Scientific II of Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts - Department of Information Science 12-13 April 2016

Activities within the college :

1. President for Financial and Administrative Committees of the Office of Quality Assurance and Accreditation college during the period from April to November 2011 .

2. The Chairman of the Committee phones Federation of college students during the years from 2001 until 2007 .

3. The supervisor of the Union of Students of the Faculty of Arts in Beni Suef during the period from September to November 2011 .

4. a member of the Committee on construction and factories during the college in 2011 .

5. Unit technology services director of the college since April 2015 and to date .

Social activities outside the college :

1. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Community Development Association in Beni Suef new during the period from January 2000 to November 2003 .

2. Member of the Board of Trustees of the town of Beni Suef during the new 2006/2007 m .

3. The president of the Club of information technology city of Beni Suef Model Center during the period from 2003 to 2004 .

4. Vice-President of the Governing Council of the Community Development Association in Beni Suef new since 2015 words found, displaying its history .

Unpublished research :

1. Finding Means Islamic courts 1272-1375 AH / 1856-1955 AD, magazine calendar, GS 3, S. 2005 .

2. indexing administrative documents: A Case Study of the minutes of the meetings of the Council of the College of Arts in Beni Suef: 2000/2001 _ 2004/2005 AD, Arab Journal 3000, GS 3, S. 2006 .

It was published in full prosecution of a printing press Beni Suef University, No. 21783/2005 deposit Dar Al Kutub .

3. documents denominations crafts Beni Suef in the Ottoman era: the study and dissemination of the three documents. (Search acceptable magazine publishing calendar dated 23/08/2011 m )

4. Documentation of Beni Suef in the Ottoman era: read the record of the Topkapi Court 5 other Jamadi 1048 H - 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1051 AH / October 14, 1638 m - March 4, 1642 m, National Archives, a series of studies and documentaries, fifth edition, 2012, January 2012 .

Messages supervised by :

1. Prepare and rehabilitation specialist archive documents: calendar / Abdul Rahman Mohammed thickness; the supervision of a study. D / Mr. Mr. Sawyer, d / Khaled Sayed Marzouk, MA, Faculty of Arabic language Al-Azhar University, Assiut branch, 2003 .

2. Clays Aljfalc own limits on Muhammad and his family: Documentary Study archival / preparation behind Abdul Hamid Ahmed Suleiman records; a supervision. Mr. Mr. Sawyer d, d / Khaled Sayed Marzouk, MA, Faculty of Arabic language Al-Azhar University, Assiut branch, 2006 .

3. ongoing at the University of South Valley Document Management: a study of reality and planning for the future / Osama Fathi on Hassanein; a supervision. D / Mr. Mr. Sawyer, d / Khaled Sayed Marzouk, MA, Faculty of Arabic-language Al-Azhar University, Assiut branch, 2008 .

4. Suez records from 1260 to 1329 AH / 1844-1911m: archival study Dblomatih / Amr Mohamed Mahfouz Tunahy; a supervision. D / Mr. Mr. Sawyer, d / Khaled Sayed Marzouk, MA, Faculty of Arabic language Al-Azhar University, Assiut branch, 2008 .

                                                                                        Dean of the College

                                                                                Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mabrouk quality

Master Title

: Minutes of court records and Beni Suef legitimacy 1852- 1955 m: archival documentary study

Master Abstract

Master's thesis: (1994) Message Subject: Minutes of court records and Beni Suef legitimacy 1852- 1955 m: archival and documentary study Abstract: This message deals with court records and minutes of Beni Suef legitimacy 1852 - 1955 m They are divided into three chapters: The first chapter discusses the history of the Court of Beni Suef in terms of origins, evolution and jurisdiction, and the judges and her book. Chapter II: archival study of court records and minutes of Beni Suef legitimacy, where the definition Balamadabott records, places of preservation, with the work means finding (indexes - time lists) Chapter III deals with the importance of diaries and records in the study of social, economic, administrative and judicial history of Beni Suef during the study period.

PHD Title

Documents sermon Bmtranih Beni Suef: archival and documentary study

PHD Abstract

PhD: 2000 message Message Subject: Documents sermon Bmtranih Beni Suef: archival and documentary study This study deals with documents saved sermon Bmtranih Beni Suef from 1897 to 1900, and this study is divided into four chapters: The first chapter deals with the history of Eiberashih Beni Suef, in terms of origination and development, and management structure to it, and priests. Chapter II deals with the study of archival documents, definition, places to save, contents, and means of IGAD and headlamp indexes. Chapter III: The documentary deals with the study of the documents, which were published several documents. Chapter IV deals with important documents sermon in the study of social and economic life of the Copts in Beni Suef. The study came up with many of the findings and recommendations.

All rights reserved ©Khaled Sayed Marzouk behind