البيانات الاساسيه

السيره الذاتيه

B.Sc., MPharm., Ph.D

Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice

Faculty of Pharmacy

Beni Suef University

                                    E-mail: amira.ahmed@pharm.bsu.edu.eg



Name: Amira S Ahmed

Nationality: Egyptian









Dissertation Title


B.Sc. in Pharmacy


Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University

Beni-Suef Branch



Excellent with honor degree

Pre-thesis master examination in Pharmaceutics


Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University





MSc. in Pharmaceutics


Faculty of Pharmacy

Beni-Suef  University


Pharmaceutical study on prolonged release solid dosage forms of certain statins


Mphil in Clinical Pharmacy


Huddersfield University

United Kingdom

Urinary pharmacokinetic methodology to determine the relative lung bioavailability of inhaled corticosteroids


PhD Clinical Pharmacy


Huddersfield University

United Kingdom






(a) Academic Positions Held

1. Working as a demonstrator in department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni- suef University, Egypt from 2003-2006.

2. Working as an assistant lecturer in department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-suef University, Egypt from 2007 –2008.

3. Working in several Pharmacies as a Community Pharmacist in Egypt 2002-2007.

4Working as a demonstrator in department of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Applied Sciences, Huddersfield University, Huddersfield, United Kingdom from 29/9/ 2008 to 1/12/2011

4. Supervising Final year project of Pharmaceutical management BSc student, school of Pharmacy, Huddersfield University, Huddersfield, United Kingdom UK 2009/2010.

5. Working as an assistant professor of Clinical Pharmacy in Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni- Suef University, Egypt, from Feb 2012 to Aug 2014.


6. Preparing and teaching Community Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and drug information, gastroenterology, and treatment of paediatric diseases courses for Undergraduates and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Care courses for postgraduates in Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef.

7. Preparing the community Pharmacy course as an e-course to be soon uploaded and used on the Egyptian National e-learning courses website http://cms.nelc.edu.eg/

8. Oral examiner for undergraduate students at faculty of pharmacy Beni-Suef University

9. Working as visiting lecturer to prepare and teach Clinical Pharmacy 1 and Clinical Pharmacy 2, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Community Pharmacy course syllabuses in Faculty of Pharmacy, Nahda University, Beni Suef, Egypt 2011-2012, and 2012-2013.

10. Creating and supervising training for clinical pharmacy undergraduate, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, in the teaching hospital of Faculty of Medicine, Beni Suef University for two months in Surgery, Gynaecology, pulmonary, cardiology, ICU, nephrology, infectious diseases, oncology, Gastroenterology and paediatric words, summer of academic years 2011-2012, 2012-2013.



  • Pharmacy practice (the course discusses the major concepts of pharmaceutical care for common illnesses, and therapeutic skills in its management).

  • Clinical pharmacy (the course discusses the pathophysiology and therapeutics of major disease states and concentrates on designing a complete therapeutic plan for provided case

  • Drug information (the course reviews different drug information resources and define legal and ethical issues relevant to drug information.

  • Clinical pharmacokinetics (the course discusses the principles of pharmacokinetics of individual drugs with emphasis on clinical application based on patient clinical presentations

  • Hospital pharmacy (the course discusses major concepts of hospital pharmacy and the role of hospital pharmacist.

  • Gastroenterology (the course provides fundamental understanding of gastrointestinal tract & pathophysiology of different diseases, and the therapeutic skills in their management

  • Paediatrics (the course discusses major concepts of pharmaceutical care of the major Pediatrics disease states, their pathophysiology, and the therapeutic skills in their management

  • Endocrinology (the course discusses major concepts of pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapy of Endocrine/Reproduction

  • Neurological diseases (the course discusses major concepts of pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapy of neurological diseases)


5. Research Experience:


MSc. Pharmaceutics: The research topic is (Pharmaceutical study on prolonged release solid dosage forms of certain statins)

Summary of the research topic: preparation of a controlled release solid dosage forms of simvastatin (tablets and capsules) that fulfil the requirements for extended release medications using different hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers, evaluation of the release rate profiles, physical and chemical stability and bioavailability determination. It could be concluded from this research study that; simvastatin could be formulated into different solid dosage forms that show physical and chemical stability and offer optimum drug release required for controlled release formulations




PhD Clinical Pharmacy: The research topic is (Urinary Pharmacokinetic Methodology to Determine the Relative Lung Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone)

Summary of the research topic: Development and application of a urinary pharmacokinetic methodology to assay urine beclometasone concentrations and determine the relative lung and systemic bioavailability together with in-vitro studies to determine the aerodynamic characteristics when using different inhalation methods. The research study highlights the extension of the urinary pharmacokinetic method to inhaled beclometasonedipropionate and demonstrates its usefulness to compare different inhalation methods and different formulations. It also provides further evidence of in-vitro in-vivo correlations between the urinary methodology and the aerodynamic characteristics of the emitted dose



  • Ahmed A, Harding L, and Chrystyn H. Urinary Pharmacokinetic Method to Identify the Relative Bioavailability of Beclometasone Dipropionate (BDP) to the Lung and Body following Inhalation, Presented as a Poster to the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Ahmed A, Harding L, and Chrystyn H. Urinary Pharmacokinetic Method to Identify the Relative Lung And Systemic Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone Dipropionate (BDP) Using BDP, Beclometasone-17-Monopropionate (BMP) and Beclometasone (BOH) Excretion. Presented at the 18th Congress of the International Society of Aerosols in Medicine, 2011, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Ahmed A, Harding L, and Chrystyn H. Urinary pharmacokinetic methodology to determine the Relative lung bioavailability of inhaled beclometasone, Br J Clin Pharmacol. Sep 2012; 74(3): 456–464. Published online Feb 2, 2012.

  • Ahmed A, Harding L, and Chrystyn H. Beclometasone relative lung and systemic bioavailability from two different HFA-BDP formulations with different spacers (Submitted for publication in Br J Clin Pharmacol).

  • Ali, A. A., Abdelrahim, M. E., Elmoslamy, N. A., Said, A. S. & Meabed, M. H. (2014) Comparison Between Nitazoxanide and Metronidazole in the Treatment of Protozoal Diarrhea in Children. Med-Science, 3 (2), 1162-73. doi:10.5455/medscience.2013.02.8117

  • Hassanein, A. H. A., Abdelrahim, M. A., Said, A. S., Hussein, R. R. & Abuseif, M. (2014) The Incidence of Upper Gastrointestinal Complications of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Elderly Patients. Med-Science, 3 (1), 1032-45. doi:10.5455/medscience.2013.02.8105

  • Kamal, Y. M., Abdelrahim, M.E., Said, A.S., Botrous, O.E., Ahmed, A. & Meabed, M.H. The efficacy of elemental Zinc on acute diarrhea in Egyptian infants and children Med-Science, Online First: 18 Jul, 2014. doi:10.5455/medscience.2014.03.8176

  • Said, A.S., Abdelrahman, M.A and Abo seif, M. A. Sequential therapy versus standard triple Therapy for helicobacter pylori eradication, Presented as a Poster to the Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology conference (EGHC) Annual Congress, 2014, Dubai, Unites Arab of Emirates (UAE).

  • Menshawe, S. F. E., Ahmed, A. S., Aty, L. N. A. & Seif, M. A. A. (2014) Study of Hepatoprotective Effect of Silymarin and Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients. Med-Science, 3 (4), 1655-74. doi:10.5455/medscience.2014.03.8173

  • Ahmed, A. S., Wahsh, E. A. & Ahmed, E. E. G. Comparative Study of Oral Daily Amoxicillin, Long Acting Intramuscular Penicillin, and Tonsillectomy in Prevention of Recurrent Pharyngitis. Med-Science, Online First: 07 Jan, 2015. doi:10.5455/medscience.2015.04.8224

  • Hassan, A., Rabea, H., Roshdy, R., Salah Eldin, R., Abdel Rahman, M., Said, A., Salem, H., Abdelrahim, M. In-vitro characterization of the aerosolized dose during non-invasive ventilation" (accepted for publication in in Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology.


















عنوان رسالة الماجستير

دراسه فارماكينيتيكيه لمستحضرات السيمفاستستين الصلبه طويله المفعول

ملخص رسالة الماجستير

دراسة الدوائية الحركيه علي مستحضرات ا لسيمفاستاتين أقراص و كبسولات الطويله المفعول ملخص لموضوع البحث : إعداد أشكال الجرعات الصلبة من سيمفاستاتين (أقراص و كبسولات ) التي تلبي متطلبات الأدوية الطويله المفعول باستخدام مختلف البوليمرات المحبه للماء و الكارهة للماء ، وتقييم معدل الذوبان لهم و الاستقرار الكيميائي والفيزيائي و تحديد التوافر الحيوي . يمكن أن يستنتج من هذه الدراسة البحثية ان: يمكن أن يصاغ السيمفاستاتين في مختلف أشكال الجرعات الصلبة التي تظهر الاستقرار الفيزيائي والكيميائي وتقديم الذوبان الأمثل عن الدواء المطلوب

عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه

دراسه اكلينيكيه لتحديد التوافر الحيوي الرئوي للكورتيكوستيرويد

ملخص رسالة الدكتوراه

هجية الحركة الدوائية البولية لتحديد النسبي الرئة التوافر الحيوي من استنشاق الكورتيزون وقد تم إدخال أساليب الدوائية البولية لتحديد الرئة النسبية و توافر النظامية من الأدوية عن طريق الاستنشاق ولكن لم يتم توسيعها لتشمل الستيرويدات القشرية . وكانت الأهداف الرئيسية للتحقق من صحة المنهجية الدوائية البولية عند تطبيقها على استنشاق بيكلوميثازون ديبروبايونيت ( BDP) ، إثبات جدوى طريقة و مقارنة مؤشرات ل خصائص المختبر في ل جرعة المنبعثة . وجرى تحديد طريقة LC- MS بسيطة و حساسة لقياس BDP وعناصره في الميثانول ( الدراسات في المختبر ) وعينات البول والتحقق من صحتها وفقا للمبادئ التوجيهية ادارة الاغذية والعقاقير و التراث الثقافي غير المادي . كانت دقة ، والدقة ، والتعافي من أسلوب ضمن الحدود المقبولة ( ± 15 ٪ )

جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©اميره شعبان احمد