randa mohamed zaki abdel rahman


Basic Informations


Name       : Randa Mohamed Zaki Abd El-rahman

E-mail     : randazaki439@yahoo.com

Job          : lecturer in Faculty of pharmacy – Beni Sueif university


Personal Data:

Date of Birth     :   25/12/1984

Marital Status : married.

Religion           : Muslim.

Nationality      : Egyptian.



  • Graduated from Faculty of pharmacy-Beni Sueif University in may 2006 with Excellent grade .
  • Master degree in pharmaceutical science - Faculty of pharmacy-

Beni Sueif University in june 2011.

  • phD degree in pharmaceutical science - Faculty of pharmacy-

Beni Sueif University in September 2014.

  • pharmaceutics department.



Training Courses & Certificates :

  • Courses in advanced first aid.
  • Courses in Credit hours system.
  • Courses in comminucation skills.
  • Courses in work team management.
  • Courses in strategical planning.
  • Courses in regulation of scientific Confernces .
  • Courses in international publication .
  • Certification from Memphes company.


Computer Skills:

  • ICDL (International Computer Driving license).



  • Toffel (score 507)
  • Arabic: Excellent.
  • English: Excellent.


Thanks for handling my C.V.

Master Title


Master Abstract

The anatomical structure and the protective physiological process of the eye exert a strong defense against ocular drug delivery. This is the reason why conventional ocular dosage forms exhibit extremely low bioavailability. Limited absorption of the drug through the lipophilic corneal barrier is mainly due to short precorneal residence time related to the tear turn-over, rapid nasolacrimal drainge of instilled drugs from the tear fluid and non-productive absorption through the conjunctiva. Only a small proportion (1-3%) of the applied drug penetrates the cornea and reaches intraocular tissues. For these reasons, new ocular delivery systems need to be developed. To optimize ocular drug delivery systems, the following characteristics are required: A good corneal penetration. ? A prolonged contact time with the corneal epithelium. ? A simplicity of instillation for the patient. ? A non-irritative and comfortable form (the system should not provoke lachrymation and reflex blinking). ? A ppropriate rheological properties.

PHD Title

Enhancement of Solubility and Dissolution Rate of A certain Poorly Water-Soluble Anti inflammatory Drug

PHD Abstract

Enhancement of solubility, dissolution rate and bioavailability is a challenging task in drug development, nearly 40% of the new chemical entities currently being discovered are poorly water soluble drugs. Aqueous solubility of any therapeutically active substance is a key property as it governs dissolution, absorption and thus the in vivo efficacy. Diacerein is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and chondroprotective agent used in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Diacerein lacks cyclooxygenase inhibitory activity and hence has no effect on prostaglandin synthesis. It is a selective inhibitor of interleukin-1 with a protective effect on granuloma-induced cartilage breakdown by its reduction of the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines. Diacerein has a history of low bioavailability (35% to 56%), which is attributed to poor dissolution. Over the last few years, various approaches aimed to enhance diacerein solubility include complexation with cyclodextrins and solid dispersion.

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