Basic Informations
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Hossam Ahmed Bakr Ibrahim
Gender: Male.
Date of birth: 12/6/1968
Site of birth: Egypt.
Social status: Married.
Nationality: Egyptian.
Telephone (s): -Home: +202 / 082 / 2362426
-Work: +202 / 082 / 2322066.
+202 / 082 / 2327982.
Cell phone: 01019522447
Fax: +202 / 082 / 2327982.
Address: 5 st. Alamamm Abo-Henifa – Al-hai Al-Gharbi - Beni-Suef Governorate – Arab Republic of Egypt.
Occupation: Assistant professor of Internal Medicine – Animal Medicine department – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Beni-Suef University.
* Educational Background:
- Obtained the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medical Sciences (B.V.Sc) from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef, Cairo University with final grade very good in January, 1992.
- Obtained the degree of Master of Veterinary Science (Internal Veterinary Medicine) from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef Branch, Cairo University in 31/8/1998.
- Obtained the degree of Philosophy Doctor of Veterinary Science (Internal Veterinary Medicine)from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef Branch, Cairo University in 25/6/ 2003.
* Professional positions:
- 5/1995-9/1998: Demonstrator of Veterinary Internal Medicine in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni-Suef Branch, Cairo University.
- 10/1998-9/2003: Assistant lecturer of Veterinary Internal Medicine in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni-Suef Branch, Cairo University.
- 10/2003 till 2006: Lecturer of Veterinary Internal Medicine in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni-Suef Branch, Cairo University and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University.
- 2006 till 10/2009: Lecturer of Veterinary Internal Medicine in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University.
- 27/10/2009 till now: Assistant professor of Veterinary Internal Medicine in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University.
- 1995 – 2003: teaching the practical courses of Veterinary Internal Medicine for the fourth and fifth year-students in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni-Suef Branch, Cairo University.
- From 27/10/2003 till now: teaching the theoretical and practical courses of Veterinary Internal Medicine for the fourth and fifth year-students and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni-Suef Branch, Cairo University and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University.
- Participation in the summer training courses for fourth and fifth year-students and therapeutic convoys of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni-Suef University.
- Participation in examination and treatment diseased cases in the farm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University and that admitted to department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
* Societies and Associations:
- A member in Egyptian Society of cattle diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University.
* Conferences participation:
- Participation in 9th scientific congress of Egyptian Society of cattle diseases in association with Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Assiut University at 2 – 4 December 2007.
- Participation in 13th scientific congress of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Assiut University at 23 – 25 November 2008.
* Conferences participation:
- Presentation of a paper titled “Effect of probiotic (Biovet) on some rumen parameters and fecal total colony counts in buffaloe-calves" in 13th scientific congress of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Assiut University at 23 – 25 November 2008.
- Training cycle in skills of effective communication from Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP) at 12 – 15 /11/ 2005.
- Training cycle in development of thinking skills from Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP) at 7 – 9 /3/ 2006.
- Training cycle in syllabus design from Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP) at 26-27 /7/ 2006.
- Training cycle in using technology in teaching from Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP) at 22 – 27 /4/ 2006.
- Training cycle in international scientific publishing from Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP) at 21-23/6/ 2008.
- Satisfactory completion of the Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop (Faculty Developer- Class C) from faculty, staff and leadership development project.
- Training course on (Fundamental Application of Ultrasonography Veterinary Medicine) in 6-10 September, 2003 in Department of Medicine and infectious diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University.
- Training cycle in Student evaluation work shop in National Center for Faculty and Leadership Development, International Board of Certified Trainers (IBCT) Middle East and North Africa at 2-4/1/2010.
* Computer courses and skills:
- A scientific mission to the clinic of farm animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, from 3/12/2014 till 31/5/2015.
* Scientific practice: List of publications:
1) Said, E. M. and Bakr, H. A. (2004):
Ocular Ultrasonography of cataract in dogs
Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J. Vol. XIV (1): 81-90.
2) Seif, M. M. and Bakr, H. A. (2007):
Ultrasonography of normal, cystic and dysplastic kidney in cattle.
Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J. Vol. 17 (2): 42-49.
3) Seif, M. M.; Sedeek, A. M.; Abdel-Fattah, M. and Bakr, H. A. (2007):
Obstructive urethrolithiasis.
9th Sci. Cong., Egyptian Society for Cattle Diseases, 2-4 Dec. 2007, Assiut, Egypt., pp: 306-323.
4) Said, E. M.; Hassan, M. S.; Bakr, H. A. and Abd El-Tawab, M. M. (2008):
Effect of probiotic (Biovet) on some rumen parameters and fecal colony counts in buffaloe-calves.
13th Sci. Cong. 2008, Fac. Vet. Med., Assiut University, Egypt, pp: 823-836.
5) Sedeek, A. M.; Bakr, H. A. and Hassan, M. S. (2009):
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. (55), no. 121, April.
6) Sedeek, A. M.; Abdel-Fattah and Bakr, H. A. (2008):
Anaesthetic effects of intra-venous versus epidural injection of diazepam, xylazine, and ketamine combination in dogs.
13th Sci. Cong. 2008, Fac. Vet. Med., Assiut University, Egypt.
7) Bakr, H. A.; Said, E. M.; Abd El-Tawab, M. M. and Hassan, M. S. (2009):
The impact of probiotic (Biovet) on some clinical, hematological and biochemical parameters in buffalo-calves.
Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J. Vol. 19 (1): 1-10.
8) Sedeek, A. M.; Bakr, H. A. (2009):
Comparison between urethrostomy and penile resection for treatment of congenital penile ureteral dilatation in calves.
Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J. Vol. 19 (1): 1-6.
9) Abdelfattah M., Seddek A.M., Bakr H.A. and El-Nesr Kh A. (2012):
Less-invasive hysterocystoplasty technique: experimental study in goats.
Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, , 33 (2): 112 – 116.
10) Abdelrhman M.A.1, Seddek A.M.2, Bakr H.A. (2012):
Perineal versus prescrotal urethrostomy for treatment of obstructive urethrolithiasis in calves.
Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, 33 (2): 120 – 123.
11) Mohamed Abdelfattah ABDELRHMAN, Aiman Mahmoud SEDDEK, Hossam Ahmed BAKR, Khaled Ali ELNESR (2013):
Full-thickness hysterocystoplasty for management of a large bladder defect: Experimental study in goats.
The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, June, 75(6):767 – 771.
12) Mohamad Abdelfattah Abdelrhman, Aiman Mahmoud Seddek and Hossam Ahmad Bakr (2013):
Comparison between two cecostomy techniques for treatment of atresia coli in cattle and buffalo calves.
Pakistan Veterinary Journal, Aug- Sept, 33(3): 309-312.
13) Aiman Mahmoud Seddek and Hossam Ahmad Bakr (2013):
New surgical technique for treatment of obstructive penile urethrolithiasis without interference with breeding capability: Clinical study on 25 calves.
Pakistan Veterinary Journal, Aug- Sept, 33(3): 385-387.
14) Seddek A.M., Abedellaah B.A., Awaad A.S., Bakr H.A. (2013):
Treatment of irreparable full-thickness teat laceration in goats by connecting gland cisterns.
Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, June, 34 (1): 1-4.
15) S.M. Abd-Allah1 and H.A. Bakr (2015):
Serum Parathyroid Hormone Levels and Mineral Profiles in High Producing Dairy Cattle around Calving Period.
British Journal of Dairy Sciences 4(1): 1-4.
16) H.A. Bakr, M.S. Hassan , N.D. Giadinis , N. Panousis, D. Ostojic Andric, M.M. Abd El-Tawab, J. Bojkovski (2015):
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 31 (3), p 349-364.
Master Title
Clinico-laboratory studies on some vitamins deficiency in ruminants and effect of some diseases on them
Master Abstract
A total number of 277 cattle (120 apparently healthy cattle and 157 under disease conditions), all animals were belonged to Beni-Suef governorate. The apparently healthy cattle were belonged to two farms (faculty of veterinary medicine-farm and El-Zeiton farm), these animals were subdivided according to age, sex, and reproduction cycle into groups to study the effect of age, sex, and reproduction cycle to the levels of vitamin A, ß-carotene, vitamin E, and some blood biochemical parameters (AST, ALT, SAP, total protein, albumin, globulin, total lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, and creatinine).
The diseased cattle were divided into three groups:
I. The first group consists of 40 bulls with sings of vitamin A deficiency.
II. The second group consists of 48 bulls, were subdivided into the following groups:
• Group 1: control animals consist of 12 bulls.
• Group 2: consists of 19 bulls suffering from urinary bladder rupture.
• Group 3: consists of 9 bulls suffering from respiratory affections.
• Group 4: consists of 8 bulls infesting with liver flock.
III. The third group consists of 69 cows, was subdivided into:
• Group 1: consists of 9 apparently healthy cows.
• Group 2: consists of 25 brucellosis infected cows.
• Group 3: consists of 10 tuberculosis infected cows.
• Group 4: consists of 13 mastitic cows.
• Group 5: consists of 12 gastrointestinal infested cows.
The three main groups were used to study the levels of vitamin A, ß-carotene, vitamin E, and some blood biochemical parameters under different disease conditions.
The obtained results showed that:
1-The effect of age on the levels of vitamin A and vitamin E:
? The lowest levels of vitamin A were recorded in calves less than 3 months of age, while the highest levels were observed in animals less than 6 months of age, then the levels were dropped again in animals between 6 – 2 years old, after that the vitamin A levels increased with age progression. ß-carotene followed the same trend of vitamin A.
? Calves under 2 months of age had high levels of vitamin E, and vitamin E tends to be insignificantly increased with age progression in cattle.
? The activities of AST, ALT, serum blood levels of total protein, albumin, globulins, total lipids, and cholesterols were tend to be increased with advancing of the age.
? The AST activities and serum triglycerides levels were higher in young animals comparing with those in adults.
2-The effect of Sex:
? Bulls had insignificant lower vitamin A levels than that in cows, while the sex had variable effect on the levels of serum vitamin E, total lipids, cholesterols, triglycerides and creatinine.
3-The effect of reproduction cycle:
? The levels of serum vitamin A, ß-carotene, vitamin E were differed according to the stages of reproduction cycle.
? The serum levels of total protein, globulins, total lipids, and triglycerides were increased with advancing of the pregnancy and decreased during lactation.
4-Animals under diseased conditions:
? Serum vitamin A levels were significantly decreased in bulls with corneal opacity, while ß-carotene levels were insignificantly decreased comparing with those in control bulls. Also serum levels of vitamin E were increased but other serum biochemical parameters were insignificantly changed.
? In bulls with blindness due to vitamin A deficiency, the levels of vitamin A were highly significant decreased, ß-carotene levels were decreased, and serum albumin and total lipids levels were significantly decreased comparing with those in control ones.
? Bulls with nervous manifestations due to vitamin A deficiency were had the lowest levels of serum vitamin A and ß-carotene.
? Serum vitamin A levels in bulls with urinary bladder rupture were insignificantly changed while the ß-carotene, creatinine, and SAP activities were highly significantly increased, but the serum total lipids, triglycerides, and cholesterols were decreased comparing with those in control ones.
? Bulls suffering from respiratory affections showed that serum ß-carotene were significantly increased, serum AST activities, triglycerides were increased, while serum albumin, total lipids, and cholesterols were decreased comparing with those in control bulls.
? In bulls infested with fascioliasis, the serum vitamin A and ß-carotene, albumin, total lipids, cholesterols, and triglycerides were lower, while serum AST activities and globulins levels were higher comparing with those in control bulls.
? Cows infected with brucellosis had higher levels of serum vitamin A, ß-carotene, AST, ALT, SAP, total protein, albumin, globulins, total lipids, and cholesterols than those in control cows.
? Cows infected with tuberculosis had high levels of serum vitamin A, ß-carotene, and vitamin E as they were fed mainly on green feed, but the serum activities of AST and SAP were higher than those in control cows.
? In group of mastitic cows, serum levels of vitamin A, ß-carotene, and vitamin E were decrease while serum levels of total lipids and cholesterols were increased.
? In cattle infested with gastrointestinal parasites, serum levels of vitamin A and ß-carotene were not significantly changed, serum levels of AST activities and vitamin E levels were higher, while serum albumin and total lipids levels were lower than those in control cows.
PHD Title
Clinical and hematological studies on somatotropin treated cattle
PHD Abstract
The present work was carried out to study the effect of commercial recombinant bovine somatotropin administration to lactating dairy cattle under Egyptian condition on the animal health, some hematological parameters, some biochemical parameters, some rumen parameters, milk productivity and milk constituents.
Twenty hybrid cows (Balady X Friesian), aging from four to six years and weighing range from 350 to 530 Kg, were used in this study. At the start of the experiment, the cows were 60 ± 10 days post-calving. The animals were divided into two groups each of ten cows; the first group served as a control, and the second served as a recombinant bovine somatotropin-treated group (rbST). The cows in the second group were injected with (rbST) at a dose rate 500 mg/animal biweekly for 200th day post-calving. Daily clinical examination was carried out for all animals throughout the experimental period. Sampling (whole blood, blood serum, rumen liquor, and milk) were regularly executed on the ninth day post-injection for all animals.
The clinical examination of different body systems revealed no apparent clinical abnormalities throughout the experimental period. The udder of the rbST-treated cows were enlarged in size but still normal in texture and free from any abnormalities in teat and udder tissue. All then animals, which received rbST injections, developed mild local inflammatory swellings at sites of injections within 24 hours post-injection.
The results of hemogram showed that the most parameters associated with erythrocytes (PCV percentages, hemoglobin concentrations, and RBCs counts) were decreased in rbST-treated cows, however their levels remained within the accepted reference ranges and were not associated with hemolysis, hemodilution, or clinical anemia.
The results of total leukocytic counts showed that there were no significant differences between the rbST-treated cows and control ones.
The picture of the differential leukocytic counts of rbST-treated cows showed that there were increase in neutrophils and decrease in lymphocytes percentages comparing with those of control cows. The results of monocytes, eosinophils and basophils percentages were fluctuated insignificantly in rbST-treated cows comparing with those of the control cows.
The activities of the AST, ALT, and LDH of rbST-treated cows were lower than thse of control cows. The activity of the ALP of rbST-treated cows was significantly higher than that of control cows.
The level of serum total protein and albumin in rbST-treated cows were lower than those of control cows but still within the reference ranges and unassociated with pathologic lesions or any clinical abnormalities.
The results of serum globulin and A/G ratio of the rbST-treated cows and control cows were closely related.
The serum glucose levels were decreased in rbST-treated cows, while the levels of total lipids , cholesterols and triglycerides were increased. The serum HDL-cholesterol levels of the rbST-treated cows were decreased and the serum LDL-cholesterol levels of rbST-treated cows were unaffected.
The levels of T4 of the rbST-treated cows were increased but the levels of T3 were decreased.
The levels of serum calcium and inorganic phosphate of rbST-treated cows decreased throughout the experiment, but still within the reference ranges.
The levels of serum urea of the rbST-treated cows were increased but the serum creatinine decreased but still within normal reference ranges.
The rbST administration has no direct effect on the rumen digestion as the rumen pH, rumen ammonia nitrogen, and the total volatile fatty acids (TVFAs) in rbST-treated cows fluctuating insignificantly.
The rbST administration increased the milk yield as the milk yields increased significantly in the rbST-treated cows comparing with the milk yield in control ones, and the rbST administration did not affect the milk constituents of the treated cows.
The bodyweights of the rbST-treated cows were gradually decreased by the rbST administrations.