Basma Mohamed Edrees Mohamed

Assistant Lecturer

Basic Informations




Title:                                                       Assistant lecturer  at Clinical pharmacy Department

Surname/Family name:                      Mohamed                        

Other name:                                         Basma Mohamed Edrees

Date of birth:                                         16/5/1990                      

Permanent address:                            Haidar st,El Ramd ,Benisuef, Egypt

Telephone:                                           +2 01097095752


Nationality:                                            Egyptian

Research gate:    



1. Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical science,and Clinical pharmacy  Faculty of Pharmacy, Benisuef  University, year 2012  with Excellent grade.

2. Master degree in Pharmaceutical science,and Clinical pharmacy Faculty of Pharmacy, Benisuef  University, year 2021.




  •  Has successfully completed ( clinical pharmacy students training program
  • Has supervised " clinical pharmacy student . training program
  • Has passed clinical course from A to z  which was in faculty of pharmacy  9/7/2011 to 28/7/2011
  • Started work in banisuef  university hospital from 2013 till 2019
  • Started work as ademonesterator at the Faculty of pharmacy Benisuef University at ‘Clinical pharmacy department “from 2019 till 2021
  • Started work as Assistant lecturer  at the Faculty of pharmacy Benisuef University at ‘Clinical pharmacy department “from 2021 till now.
  • Trainer in clinical pharmacy student training for 5 years
  • NMR course hold in nahda university.




Lung deposition and systemic bioavailability of dose delivered to smoker compared with non-smoker COPD

-MOHAMED, B., ALGHAMDI, S., ABDELRAHMAN, M., LAZ, N., RABEA, H., SAEED, H. & ABDELRAHIM, M. 2024. An Update on Various Counseling Approaches for Improving Asthma Management. Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assiut University.

-MOHAMED, B. M., LAZ, N., SAEED, H., ALGHAMDI, S., ABDELRAHMAN, M., ABDELRAHIM, M. E. & RABEA, H. 2023. Application of Different Counseling Strategies for Better Adult Asthma Control. Journal of Asthma, 1-11.

-MOHAMED, B. M. E., LAZ, N., SAEED, H., ABDELRAHIM, M. E. A. & RABEA, H. Efficacy-Based Comparison between Adults and Children Regarding Using Advanced Counseling of Asthma. Journal of Asthma, 1-21.





  • ICDL
  • plagiarism




  • ICDL
  • plagiarism





Lung deposition and systemic bioavailability of dose delivered to smoker compared to non-smoker COPD subjects.

2-Application of Different Counseling Strategies for Better Adult Asthma Control.

3-Efficacy-Based Comparison between Adults and Children Regarding Using Advanced Counseling of Asthma.


Master Title

Emitted dose and lung deposition of inhaled Salbutamol for COPD patients"

Master Abstract

ABSTRACT Background: Cigarette smoking is related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The study aimed to :assess the influence of smoking on the dose delivered to exacerbated COPD subjects using automatic continuous positive airway pressure (Auto-CPAP). Patients and methods:Invitro: Two spacers (CombiHaler and AeroChamber MV (AC), and one (VMN) (Aerogen Solo (SOLO) performance was evaluated: Using Auto CPAP in a standard NIV circuit, Salbutamol was nebulized in 3 runs (200µg delivered by MDI connected to AeroChamber and Combihaler connected, 5000µg delivered by the combihaler and Aerogen solo, and 5,200µg delivered by Aerogen solo and combihaler plus 2 puffs MDI, Aerodynamic characterization of the emitted dose was determined using Andersen Cascade Impactor. In-vivo: Two patient groups (smokers and non mokers ), each consist of 12(6 females ), were involved in the in-vivo study. Each group received inhaled salbutamol using either Solo Aerogen (Viberating mesh nebulizer )or spacer(Aerochamber or CombiHaler) 1ml, of salbutamol respiratory solution alone , 1ml of salbutamol respiratory solution plus two puffs MDI and 12 puffs salbutamol MDI were delivered to each patient 30minute urine and pooled upto24hours urine were collected and analyzed for salbutamol using HPLC. On day 2, ex-vivo study was carried out on the patients using the same volumes. Result: Invitro:Nebulization of 1ml salbutamol respirable solution with and without 2 puffs MDI using Aerogen solo connected to combihaler has a significantly (p<0.05) higher total emitted dose, percentage amount remained in connections and fine particle dose (FPD ) than 12 puffs MDI using AeroChamber and CombiHaler p<0.05. while there was no significant difference between spacer and combihaler when the same conditions were applied to both connections. In vivo: Significantly higher lung deposition (30 minutes urinary salbutamol) delivered to non-smoker compared to smokers (p<0.05). This significance relation was observed with all aerosol generators studied. Significantly higher systemic bioavailability (pooled 24-hour urinary salbutamol) for smokers compared to non-smokers was found with Aerogen Solo connected to its T-piece delivering 1 ml respirable solution and CombiHaler spacer with 12 puffs salbutamol pMDI (p<0.05). Significantly higher amount desorbed from the ex-vivo filter from 12 puffs salbutamol pMDI delivered using both spacers to non-smokers (p<0.05) compared to the smokers Conclusion: Both connections used with VMN could produce comparable emitted dose hence these connections could be exchangeable. Addition of 2 ml saline to the respirable solution of salbutamol was found to improve the lung deposition. The study demonstrated that smoking reduced the lung deposition of inhaled salbutamol delivered by nebulizer or pMDI. However, smoking was observed to increase systemic absorption of inhaled dose which is predominantly formed of an ingested portion of inhaled dose. The lower lungs deposition and higher systemic absorption should be taken into consideration while prescribing inhaled medication to COPD smoker especially exacerbated patient that need ventilation.

PHD Title

The Effect Of Application Of Different Patient Counseling Strategies On Asthma Control

PHD Abstract

Background: Asthma patient counseling play a vital role in asthma symptom control and consequently the overall patient asthmatic status for both children and adults . The study aimed to assess the influence of three distinct asthma counseling strategies on the asthma clinical outcomes for adults and children with asthma. Patients and methods: Adults: a group of nonsmoking individuals with asthma, aged 19-60, Children: a group of non-smoking patients aged 11-18, years underwent diagnosis and subsequent stratification according-to the forced expiratory volume in first second to forced vital capacity ratio (FEV1/FVC) and the guidelines outlined by the Global Initiative for Asthma GINA).These patients, utilizing pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDI), exhibited a history of asthma ranging from several months to several years. The patients were categorized into three groups, with each group receiving a distinct counseling strategy. Traditional verbal counseling, advanced counseling utilizing the Asthma Smartphone applications and a combination of advanced verbal counseling. We conducted a two-month monitoring period for all three groups, employing the Asthma Control Test (ACT), Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ), and the GINA symptoms control assessment Questionnaire. Results: Adults Significant differences were observed among the three counseling groups in terms of ACT, FEV1/FVC ratio, and GINA symptoms control assessment scores from the first-month visit to the second-month visit (p < 0.001). Regarding ACQ, the verbal counseling group exhibited a significant difference from the first week (p = 0.012) to the third week (p = 0.008). The advanced counseling group showed a significant difference from the third week (p = 0.03) to the seventh week (p = 0.013), while the advanced verbal counseling group displayed a significant difference from the first week (p = 0.019) to the eighth week (p = 0.010). The study unveiled a noteworthy disparity in ACQ scores during the second week, with a significant difference observed between the verbal counseling group and the advanced verbal counseling group (p = 0.025). Similarly, a significant difference was noted between the advanced counseling group and the advanced verbal counseling group (p = 0.016). Children: The present study demonstrated that, the advanced verbal counseling group was superior in FEV1/FVC ratio 2nd month to the advanced alone counseling group p=0.016, also, the advanced verbal counseling group was superior in ACT 2nd month to the verbal only counseling group p=0.023, ACQ 8th week showed that the advanced alone counseling group was superior to the verbal alone counseling group p=0.018, from FEV1/FVC ratio, ACT, ACQ, and GINA questionnaires through the 2-month follow-up, the three counseling techniques significantly improved asthma management for all counseling groups p<0.001. Conclusion The study findings indicate that the integration of advanced verbal counseling, incorporating the Asthma smartphone application, along with traditional verbal counseling, proves to be a more effective approach for enhancing asthma control in adults and children.

All rights reserved ©Basma Mohamed Edrees Mohamed