Eman Abd El aziz El gebaly


Basic Informations


Education: ? B. Sc. Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (excellent with honor degree), Cairo University, (Beni -Suef Branch, 2002) ? M. Sc. Pharmaceutical Sciences (Microbiology and Immunology), Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, January, 2009, entitled: “A study on biodegradation of low concentrations of halogenated aromatic compounds in the aquatic environment" ? Phd Pharmaceutical Sciences (Microbiology and Immunology), Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, December, 2012, entitled: Effect of the antibacterial levofloxacin alone and in combination with a non antimicrobial agent on biofilm formation on ureteral catheters. Faculty of Pharmacy, BeniSuef University. Professional occupations: ? Working as a Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Egypt from January 2003 to till date. ? Quality coordinator for microbiology and immunology department, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018, Faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef university. Name: Eman Abd El-Aziz Ahmed El-Gebaly Position: lecturer of Microbiology and Immunology. Nationality: Egyptian. Date of Birth: July,2,1980. Mobile: 002 010 06247857. E-mail: eelgebaly80@hotmail.com, eman.elgabali@pharm.bsu.edu.eg 2 ? Acting chef of the department of microbiology and immunology department, Faculty of pharmacy, 6 October university, 2018-2019. ? Quality coordinator for microbiology and immunology department, 2019-2020, Faculty of pharmacy, 6 October university. Fields of research and interest: 1. Performing of antimicrobial susceptibility techniques including disk diffusion method and MIC determination for bacterial clinical isolates. 2. Bacteriology: Isolation and identification of clinical microbial microorganisms (which include E. coli, Klebsiella spp. Enterobacter spp. Staphylococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp.) using variety of media. 3. Biofilm formation and screening techniques using ELISA and its management using natural products extracted from different natural sources. 4. Studying the efficiency of different antimicrobial agents isolated from thermophilic actinomycets. 5. Environmental Microbiology: screening of xenobiotics biodegradation and enhancement of the degrading activity. 6. Molecular techniques for identification of bacteria and using different bioinformatics tools. Publication: 1. Mohamed A. Ramadan, Alaa M. Shawky, Aml E. Saafan and Eman A. ElGebaly (2009): Factors affecting biodegradation of low concentration 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in Nile water by the Pseudomonas sp. MA-100. Egypt. J.Biotechnol. 2. Eman El-Gebaly, Tamer Essam, Shabaan Hashem and Rehab A. El-Baky (2012): Effect of Levofloxacin and Vitamin C on Bacterial Adherence and Preformed Biofilm on Urethral Catheter Surfaces. J .Microb. Biochem .Technol. 4:6 3 3. Fatma Molham, Walid Bakeer, Eman El-Gebaly and Magdy Amin.(2016).A study on an aniline degrading Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolate recovered from agricultural wastewater in Egypt. N. Egypt. J. Microbiol. Vol. 43. 4. El -Helw, N. O., El -Gendy, A. O., El -Gebaly, E., Hassan , H. M., Rateb, M. E. and El -Nesr, K.A. (2018). Characterization of natural bioactive compounds produced by isolated bacteria from compost of aromatic plants. J. App. Microbiol. 126(2), 443-451 doi: 10.1111/jam.14085 5. Mohlam, F., Bakeer,W., El-Gebaly, E and Amin, M. (2018). Molecular Characterization of Aniline Biodegradation by Some Bacterial Isolates having Unexpressed Catechol 2,3- Dioxygenase Gene. J. Pure. App. Microbiol. 12(4), 2027-2039. doi.org/10.22207/JPAM.12.4.39. 6. Taha, M. N., Saafan, A. E., Ahmedy, A., El Gebaly, E., and Khairalla,A.S.(2019).Two novel synthetic peptides inhibit quorum sensing-dependent biofilm formation and some virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. J. Microbiol. Vol. 57(7). 618–625. DOI 10.1007/s12275-019-8548-2. 7. El-Gebaly, E. (2020). Screening of biosurfactant production by bacterial strains isolated from oil contaminated sites near gas stations in Egypt. Az. J. Pharm Sci. Vol. 61. 134- 146. 8. Elmahdy, M. H., , Azmy, A. F., El-Gebaly, E.,. Saafan, A. and Gaber, Y. A.(2020). Comparative Proteomic Study of Thermobifida Cellulosilytica TB100T Secretome Grown on Carboxymethylcellulose and Rice Straw. The open Biotechnol. J. 14, 42-51. DOI: 10.2174/1874070702014010042. 9. Molham, F., Khairalla, A. S., Azmy, A. F., El-Gebaly, E., El-Gendy, A.O. and AbdelGhani, S. (2020). Anti-Proliferative and Anti-Biofilm Potentials of Bacteriocins Produced by Non-Pathogenic Enterococcus sp. Probiotics and Antimicrobial proteins. 11(2),759-772. doi.org/10.1007/s12602-020-09711-1 4 10. El Far,A., Samir, S., El-Gebaly, E., Taha, N.Y., Fahmy, E. M., Diab, T. M. and ElShenawy, A. (2021). Assessment of eugenol inhibitory effect on biofilm formation and biofilm gene expression in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates in Egypt. Infect. Genet. evol. DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2021.104722 Training and attendance of conferences : 1. Attendance a training course in Bioinformatics, Center of biotechnology, Faculty of pharmacy, Cairo University, 201 0. 2. Attendance a training course in identification and detection microbial genes by PCR technique, Center of Biotechnology, Faculty of pharmacy, Cairo University, 2008. 3. Attendance the International Conference “Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Spectroscopy” ICNBS, By Nakaa, 2013. 4. Attendance Egyptian Biotechnologists Seminars CEB, NRC 2014 5. Attendance the Conference "Biotechnology for the emerging economics" BSU-BE 2015 6. Attendance the practical training "Molecular Markers and Genome Markers", CEB, 2016 7. Attendance workshop "Erasmus and the 2nd international workshop "New trends in nanotechnology",2017, Faculty of post graduate studies, Beni-Suef University. 8. Attendance the training course in the framework of the specialized research skills development program "Structural Bioinformatics", 2017 9. Attendance of the seminar entitled “ Role of ethical committee in using experimental animals in the international publications”, Biotechnology department, Faculty of Post graduate studies for advanced sciences, 2017. 10.Attendance of the seminar entitled “Academy on Impressive Academic Presentations., EKB, 2019. 5 Workshops: 1. Attendance workshop "Design of electronic questionnaires using google form", 2016 2. Attendance the work shop "Course specifications and reports" Quality Assurance unit, Faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, 2017. 3. Attendance the workshop "Post graduate program and and Course specifications " , Quality Assurance unit, Faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University,2017. 4. Attendance of The Second Egyptian Bioinformatics Workshop Held at Nile University, 2017. 5. Attendance of the workshop “Improving Grant Success: What Funders Look For ?” Research Academy on Campus, EKB, 2020 6. Attendance of the workshop “Using research metrics and indicators effectively in grant proposals” Research Academy on Campus, EKB, 2020. 7. Attendance of the workshop “Managing and Sharing Research Papers 8. Using the Mendeley Program" Academics & Researchers Platforms (IFAD), 2021. 9. Attendance of the workshop “How to Write a Scientific Research Proposal? Academics & Researchers Platforms (IFAD), 2021. 10. Attendance of the workshop “Research Hypotheses and Statistical 11.Process"" Academics & Researchers Platforms (IFAD), 2021. 12. Attendance of the workshop ““The Basic Rules for Building Scientific concepts” Academics & Researchers Platforms (IFAD), 2021. 13. Attendance of the webinar entitled “Look beyond the journal impact factor with journal citation reports”, NRC, EKB, 2021. 14. Attendance of the webinar entitled “InCites B&A hands on training” Clarivate analytics, EKB. 15. Attendance of the webinar entitled “How to improve your research skills? IET inspec, EKB,2021. 6 16. Attendance of the nature research academic workshop” Successful Pre-submission Strategies”, NRC, EKB, 2021. 17. Attendance of the workshop “Search Academic EBSCOE”, Complete database”. EBSCO, EKB, 2021. 18. Attendance of the nature research academic workshop” Effective post-submission Strategies”, EKB, 2021. 19.Attendance of the nature research academic workshop” Effective Academic Writing”, EKB, 2021. 20. Attendance of the nature research academic workshop” Logical Manuscript Structure”, EKB, 2021. 21.Attendance of the nature research academic workshop” Journal Editor 1”, NRC, EKB, 2021. Teaching activities: 1. Participating in teaching and practical supervising the Medical Microbiology, General Microbiology and Immunology, Pathology and parasitology and public health for general and clinical programs in faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef university. 2. Participating in teaching of advanced microbiology and biotechnology courses for post graduate students, Beni-Suef university. 3. Participating in teaching of Pharm-D courses (treatment of infectious diseases and treatment of immunological diseases), faculty of pharmacy, Beni-suef university. 4. Participating in teaching and practical supervising the publichealth , Environmental Microbiology and virology, Applied and industrial microbiology, Pharmaceutical quality control and biotechnology in faculty of pharmacy, 6 October university. 7 5. Participation in oral examination committees for different years in faculty of pharmacy of 6th October university, Nahda university, Cairo university and Ain Shams university.

Master Title

biodegradation of low concentration 2,4-D

Master Abstract

Synthetic chemicals are beneficial and necessary part of life in anymodern society. Over four billions of Kg of pesticide products enter ourenvironment annually. These chemicals induced considerable environmental pollution and human health problems as a result of their persistence, tòxicity and transformation into hazardous metabolites. While environmental pollution has been attracting increasing concern in recent years on a world level, the quantity of agrochemicals used in Egypt had been increasing dramatically. To understand the potential environmental concern, we have to know and predict the fate of these chemicals in the environment.

PHD Title

biofilm formation by gram negative bacteria

PHD Abstract

Indwelling urinary catheters are commonly used for bladder drainage in patients with urinary obstruction. The most frequent complication of urinary catheter use is a urinary tract infection (UTI). About 80% of UTIs are associated with urinary catheters. Bacteria are irreversibly attached to the surface of urethral catheters and encapsulated in a self-produced polymeric matrix forming microbial communities known as biofilms which can be the source of persistent infections

All rights reserved ©Eman Abd El aziz El gebaly