Shimaa Mohammed Mohammed Abdel Gawad

Assisting lecturer

Basic Informations


Personal data

Name: Shimaa Mohammed Mohammed Abd El Gawad

Title: Assisting lecturer in Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Egypt

Age:  29

Mobile phone:   +20-0113135 143               



Education and Qualifications

Pre-master courses                                         (2009)

Faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University

Courses include: (Chromatography, Spectroscopy, Medicinal Plant and Plant Tissue Culture)

Bachelor of Pharmacy                                     (2008)

Faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Grade: excellent

Master in Pharmacognosy                               (2015)

Faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University


Occupational Background

2008      Working in community pharmacy

2009      Working as student demonstrator /research assistant at pharmacognosy department, faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University.

2010    Trainer at pathways to higher education program Beni-Suef University

2015      Assisting lecturer at pharmacognosy department, faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University.

Teaching the following practical courses:

 1. Botany of leaf, flower, wood and bark for first year students

 2. Botany of seed, fruit, subterrenean organs &stem and chemistry of unorganised drugs for Second year students'

3. Phytochemistry of alkaloids and glycosides and screening of Medicinal plants for third year students

4. Quality control of marketed herbal products for fifth year students  

Research Experience

  • Good experience in NMR data interpretation as well as acquiring and processing the data using MestreNova and ACD lab software.
  • Good skills in planning and executing isolation and structure elucidation of isolated metabolites from natural sources.
  • Good experience in chromatographic techniques such as VLC, normal silica gel column chromatography, reversed silica gel column chromatography,
  • Sephadex column chromatography, HP-20 Resin column chromatography, SPE column chromatography and other chromatographic Techniques for the isolation of pure bioactive secondary metabolites belonging to different chemical classes especially steroids and triterpenoids.
  • Good experience in macroscopical and microscopical examination of medicinal plants
  • Softwares: Excellent computer knowledge, MS office. ChemBioOffice,ACDlab, MestReNova,SciFinder and internet.

Training, workshops and conferences attended

2015       NMR Spectroscopy Theory and Applications workshop.

2013       Attendance at the 12th annual ICSB conference, Mississippi,USA.

2011       Attendance at the 2nd Euro-Med conference, Alexandria, Egypt.     

2011       Symposium (recent advances in pharmaceutical research).

2010       Symposium on medicinal plants, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University.           

2009       TOT training at Cairo university “pathways program”.

2009       Symposium on ethics of scientific research, Faculty of science, Beni-Suef University.

2007        Training in National research centre.

2007        Training in Lily Company.

         2006        Training in VACSERA "The Holding Company for biological products &vaccines.

2006        Ttraining in community pharmacy.

Attend Courses in :

2014       Presentation skills.

2014       Scientific research ethics.

2014       Conferences organization.

2014       Writing proposal for grants.

2014       Credit hour system in universities.

2005       Advanced first aid. 

2005       Patient counseling skills.

2005       Clinical diagnosis for emergency cases.

2007       Clinical pharmacology.

2007       Windows and Microsoft office programs.                                              

2007       Interview & selling skills.

2007       Marketing &communication skills.

2007       Pathways to higher education "PHE ".

Managerial Approach

Negotiation Skills, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Teams and Work Groups, Economic Feasibility Studies, Basics of Managerial Economics and Planning and Controlling

Behavioral Approach

Communication Skills, Argumentation, Stress Management, Analytical Thinking, Systems and Creative Thinking and Research Methods and Writing Research Proposals

Knowledge Approach

Statistical Data Analysis, Risk Assessment and Risk Management, Wellness Guide Lines (Healthful Life), Basic Arabic Language Skills for Scientific Writing, Accounting for Management and Decision Making and Small Projects


Shimaa M. Abdel gawad, G. M., Mona H. Hetta, Guoyi Ma, Samir A. Ross, Farid A. Badria. (2015). Chemical and biological study of Withania somnifera (L.) dunal leaves growing in Upper Egypt: Beni-Suef region, Journal of Natural Products, 8.


Shimaa M. Abdel gawad, G. M., Mona H. Hetta, Samir A. Ross, Farid A. Badria. (2015). Antiprotozoal and antimicrobial activity of selected medicinal plants growing in Upper Egypt, Beni-Suef region, WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 4 (5)


Scholarship from the Egyptian Government (parown office) to finish the practical part of the master thesis under the supervision of Prof. Samir A.Ross at the school of pharmacy, University of Mississippi,USA (January-July 2013

Member in staff member club of Beni-Suef University.

Member in Egyptian pharmacist syndicate

Web pages

Research gate




Google scholar

Master Title

Natural Products as Enzyme Inhibitors for Production of Biological Active Agents

Master Abstract

PHD Title

PHD Abstract

All rights reserved ©Shimaa Mohammed Mohammed Abdel Gawad