Basic Informations


Name: Ayman Yahya Mohamed Bassiouni
Date of birth: 26/8/1960
Position: Teacher of documents and archives, Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University
Address: 30 from El Nafoura Square, Mokattam - Cairo

Master Title

The archive of the Ministry of Manpower and Training in the Arab Republic of Egypt and its importance as a repository of information on Egyptian labor

Master Abstract

Master thesis summary By presenting the subject of his thesis, the researcher aims to clarify the role and mission of an archive The Ministry of Manpower and Training in the Arab Republic of Egypt for what it contains of files and papers on the types of Egyptian employment and their various specializations, the percentages of the educated among them and holders of high and medium degrees, and their importance and the development and transformational training programs they need according to the local and foreign labor market.

PHD Title

The records of the Royal Court in Egypt (1340 / AH-1370 / AH-1922 / AD-1953 / AD) Archival study

PHD Abstract

Abstract of the PhD thesis In his thesis, the researcher aims to address the records of the Royal Court in Egypt during a sensitive period from History of Egypt, which is the period from 1922 to 1953, which includes the period of the proclamation of the monarchy In Egypt, following the announcement of the lifting of the British protection, Annali announced the abolition of the monarchy in Egypt and its transformation into To the republican system, including the political changes that accompanied that period and conflicts between the ruling triangle in Egypt at the time (the Royal Palace - British Embassy - Egyptian Cabinet).

All rights reserved ©Ayman Yahya Bassiouni