Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelhaleem Ali

Assistant Professor

Basic Informations


Arab Republic of Egypt

Ministry of Higher Education

Beni-Suef University -Faculty of Pharmacy


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Curriculum Vitae for associate professor:

Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelhaleem Ali


Assistant professor of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy

Depart. Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Egypt

E..mail: ahmed.abdelhalem@pharm.bsu.edu.eg


Associate professor of Pharmaceutics, Beni-suef University, Egypt since Jan. 2015

Shehata Hegazi Street, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef P.O Box 62152, Egypt

DOB: 23/Oct. 1976    Fax: 002 082 2317950-                   Cell: 00201146676902     

E-mail: Ahmed.abdelhalem@pharm.bsu.edu.eg, ahmed.mahmoud3@yahoo.com

Research webpages and IDs:

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4370-007X

Scopus Author ID: 56530899700


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YZfKKjsAAAAJ&hl=en

Beni-suef University webpage:


Taif University webpage:






Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics (Computer-Aided Design and Processing of Encapsulated Pellets)

University of Bradford, UK


MSc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences (formulation and availability of anti-inflammatory drug from thermo-reversible gels)

Cairo University, Egypt


BSc. in Pharmaceutical sciences

Cairo University, Egypt



Professional Experience:




Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics

Taif University, KSA


Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics,

Beni-Suef University, Egypt


Demonstrator in the school of pharmacy

Bradford University, UK

2006 – 2009


Bradford University, UK

2006 – 2009

Assistant Lecturer

Beni-Suef University, Egypt

2004 – 2006

Demonstrator in dep. Of pharmaceutics

Beni-Suef University, Egypt

2000 – 2004

Pharmacist in Public pharmacies

Cairo, Egypt

2001 – 2004

Pharmacist in Military Hospitals

Cairo, Egypt

2000 –  2001



Teaching Experience:





1-    Quality control, Pharm. Calculation

4th year

Taif university, KSA

2-    Pharmaceutical dosage form-I


3-    Physical pharmacy

1st  year clinical pharmacy

Beni suef University


4-    Radiopharmaceuticals

2nd year clinical pharmacy

Taif university, KSA

5-    Pharmaceutical dosage form-III

3rd year pharmacy

Beni suef University

6-    Pharmaceutical dosage form-II

2nd  year pharmacy

Taif university, KSA

7-    Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics

4th year clinical pharmacy

Beni suef university

8-    Advanced drug delivery

9-    Industrial Pharmacy

4th year pharmacy

Taif university, KSA






Training courses and workshops:






The Academic Assessment Workshop

The college of medicine – Taif university in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

28-29 Nov. 2017


Design and development of Academic programs

British Higher Education Academy & Taif University, KSA

April, 2017


Quality assurance and Accreditation of programs workshop

NCAAA, workshop at Taif University, KSA

March, 2016


NCAAA, Program LOs-workshop at Taif University, KSA

NCAAA, Visit at Taif University, KSA

May, 2014


Exam systems and student Evaluation

Faculty leadership development centre, BSU, EG

Sept. 2013


External Audit of Higher Education Institutions

National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE, Eg)

Jan. 2013


Planning of curricula and Courses learning outcomes

National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE, Eg)

Sept. 2012


Self-evaluation for higher education institutions

National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE, Eg)

Feb. 2012


Administration of research team

Faculty leadership development centre, BSU, EG

May, 2009


Memberships, Projects and Awards:

  • Director of the Development and Academic Accreditation Committee, College of Pharmacy, Taif University from 2017 until now.
  • Taif University Research Deanship Funded Project No. 1-437-4998: Title: Long acting glucosamine-paracetamol spray-dried coamorphous dispersions with maximized dissolution rate and decreased biotransformation, September 2016
  • Beni-suef University Award for encouraging young researchers, 2012
  • Member of the American association of pharmaceutical scientists (AAPS), 06/ 2007-07/2008 and 03/2011-03/2012
  • Member of the Institute of pharmaceutical Innovation, at Bradford University in UK, 2006-2009
  • Member of the Egyptian Universities association since 2009
  • Member of the Egyptian syndicate of pharmacists since 1999



Pharmaceutical research experience and interests:

  1. Research Interest:  

-        Modelling and optimization of solid and liquid Dosage forms using recent modelling and optimization software programs

-        modelling and optimization of critical formulations such as nano-suspensions, niosomes, liposomes as well as nanoparticles for oral, pulmonary and parenteral delivery

-        Design, characterization and evaluation of coamorphous dispersions using freeze and spray drying

  1. Having experience on many pharmaceutical formulation and characterization equipment: such as: Mixer Torque Rheometer, Alexanderwerk and Caleva Extruders, Caleva Spheronizer, Helium Pycnometer, InCap benchtop capsule filling machine, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Malvern® Zeta Sizer

3.    Experience in modelling and particle characterization  Software programs:

  • Scion Image analysis (Scion Corp. Ltd. US) for measuring the dimensions of pharmaceutical pellets.
  • MacroPac (particle packing simulation software) (Intelligensys Ltd. UK).
  • ShapeBuilder (particle design software) (Intelligensys Ltd. UK).
  • FormRules (Data mining software program used for generating rules controlling experimental formulation).
  • INForm (Data mining software program used for predicting and optimising intelligent pharmaceutical formulations). A single user license is available.
  • Statistical package, SPSS.


Reviewer at the following Journals

  • Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, Taylor and Francis
  • Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, Springer
  • Journal of Drug delivery science and technology, Science Direct
  • International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Elsevier
  • Beni-Suef University Journal of basic and Applied Sciences,  Elsevier



  1. Ali, Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelhaleem, Ahmed Khames, Majed Mansour Alrobaian, Mohammad Hamaidi, and Mohammed AS Abourehab. "Glucosamine-paracetamol spray-dried solid dispersions with maximized intrinsic dissolution rate, bioavailability and decreased levels of in vivo toxic metabolites." Drug design, development and therapy 12 (2018): 3071.
  2. Ahmed Ibrahim El-Batal, Shahira F Elmenshawi, Ahmed M Abdelhaleem Ali, Enas Goodha Eldbaiky. Preparation and Characterization of Silymarin Nanocrystals and Phytosomes with Investigation of their Stability using Gamma Irradiation. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. (2018) Vol. 52(4) suppl.2. S174-S183.
  3. Haitham Saeed, Ahmed M.A. Ali, Ahmed A. Elberrye, Abeer Salah Eldin, Hoda Rabeaa and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim. Modeling and optimization of nebulizers' performance in non-invasive ventilation using different fill volumes: Comparative study between vibrating mesh and jet nebulizers. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics: 50 (2018) 62-71.
  4. Al-Remawi, Mayyas, Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelhaleem Ali, Ahmed Khames, and Mohammad Hamaidi. "Meloxicam-Paracetamol Binary Solid Dispersion Systems with Enhanced Solubility and Dissolution Rate: Preparation, Characterization, and In Vivo Evaluation." Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation 12, no. 3 (2017): 206-215.
  5. Hoda Rabea, Ahmed M.A. Ali, Randa Salah Eldin, Maha M Abdelrahman, Amira S.A. Said, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim. Modelling of in-vitro and in-vivo performance of aerosol emitted from different vibrating mesh nebulisers in non-invasive ventilation circuit. Eur. J. Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017) vol. 97, p. 182–191.
  6. Mohammed H. Elkomy, Shahira F. El Menshawe, Hussein M. Eid, Ahmed M.A. Ali. Development of a Nanogel Formulation for Transdermal Delivery of Tenoxicam: A Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling Approach for Quantitative Prediction of Skin Absorption. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. (2017) 43(4), pp. 531-544.
  7. Ahmed M. Abdelhaleem Ali and Mayyas Mohamed Ahmed Al-Remawi. Freeze Dried Quetiapine-Nicotinamide Binary Solid Dispersions: A New Strategy for Improving Physicochemical Properties and Ex Vivo Diffusion," Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 2016, Article ID 2126056, 11 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/2126056.
  8. Mohammed H. Elkomy, Shahira F. El Menshawe, Hussein M. Eid, Ahmed M.A. Al. Topical Ketoprofen Nanogel: Artificial Neural Network Optimization, Clustered Bootstrap Validation, and In-vivo Activity Evaluation Based on Longitudinal Dose Response Modeling. Drug Delivery. 03 May 2016. Doi: 10.1080/10717544.2016.1176086
  9. Ahmed Abdelbary , Heba F Salem, Rasha A. Khallaf & Ahmed M. A. Ali. Mucoadhesive niosomal in-situ gel for ocular tissue targeting: In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of lomefloxacin hydrochloride. Pharm. Develop. Technol. Aug. 2016: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10837450.2016.1219916
  10. Eman M Maher, Ahmed M Abdelhaleem, Heba F Salem, Ahmed A Abdelrahman . In vitro/in vivo evaluation of an optimized fast dissolving oral film containing olanzapine co-amorphous dispersion with selected carboxylic acids. Drug delivery. 2016
  11. Ahmed M. Abdelhaleem Ali, Adel A. Ali, Ibrahim Abdullah Maghrabi. Clozapine-carboxylic acid plasticized co-amorphous dispersions: Preparation, characterization and solution stability evaluation. Acta Pharmaceutica. 65 (2015): 133–146.
  12. Raghda R. S. Hussein, Ahmed M. A. Ali -Heba F. Salem, Maha M. Abdelrahman, Amira S. A. Said, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim. In vitro/in vivo correlation and modeling of emitted dose and lung deposition of inhaled salbutamol from metered dose inhalers with different types of spacers in noninvasively ventilated patients. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 2015
  13. Ahmed Abdelbary, Heba F. Salem, Rasha A. Khallaf, Ahmed M. Abdelhaleem Ali. Modeling, Optimization, and In-vitro Corneal Permeation Of Chitosan-Lomefloxacin HCl Nanosuspension Intended For Ophthalmic Delivery. J. Pharm. Innov. 10(2): 2015.
  14. Aly A. Abdelbary Abdulaziz M Al-mahallawi, Mohamed E Abdelrahim, Ahmed MA Ali. Preparation, optimization, and in vitro simulated inhalation delivery of carvedilol nanoparticles loaded on a coarse carrier intended for pulmonary administration. Int. J. Nanomed. 2015:10 6339–6353.
  15. ALI, Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelhaleem; Abdelrahim, Mohamed Emam A. Modeling and Optimization of Terbutaline Emitted from a Dry Powder Inhaler and Influence on Systemic Bioavailability Using Data Mining Technology. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 2014, 9.1: 38-47.‏
  16. Ali, Ahmed M. Abdelhalem; Sarhan, Hatem A. And Magdy, Tarek. Preparation and characterization of phenytoin sodium niosomes for enhanced closure of skin injuries. International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014: 6(2) 542-546.
  17. Hassan, Amira Hosny, Ahmed Mahmoud Abdel Haleem Ali, Mohamed Ahmed El-Nabarawy, and Ahmed Abd-Elbary. "Formulation and evaluation of taste-masked orally disintegrating tablets of nicergoline based on β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexation." International Journal of Drug Delivery 5, no. 1 (2013): 110-120.
  18. Kharshoum, Rasha Mohamed, Rania Ahmed Sanad, and Ahmed M. Abdelhaleem Ali. "Comparative pharmacokinetic study of two lyophilized orally disintegrating tablets formulations of vinpocetine in human volunteers." International Journal of Drug Delivery 5.2 (2013).
  19. Sayed, Raghda. R., R. H. Soliman, A. M. Abdelhaliem, M. H. Tawfiek, and M. E. Abdelmobede. "Effect of Antiepileptic Drugs on Liver Enzymes." Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences 2, no. 1 (2013): 18-28.
  20. Ali, Adel Ahmed. Ali, Ahmed Mahmoud A. (2013). Optimization of Propranolol HCl Release Kinetics from Press Coated Sustained Release Tablets. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology; 18 (5) 1238-1246.
  21. Marwa O. Elgendy, Sadya A. Tayel, Mohamed Emam Abdelrehim, Ahmed M. A. Ali, Mohamed Adel El Maraghy and Mohamed H. Meabed. (2012). Role of Piracetam in treatment of cerebral palsy disease. Journal of Behavioural Health.1(1): 53-58
  22. Ali, Hany S. M., York Peter, Ali Ahmed M. A. and Blagden Nicholas (2011).  Hydrocortisone nanosuspensions for ophthalmic delivery: A comparative study between microfluidic nanoprecipitation and wet milling. J. Cont. Rel. 149(2): p.175-181.
  23. H.F. Salem, Aly Fahmy and Ahmed M. A. Ali. (2011). Extended Immunization of Rats using Microencapsulated Cobra VenomBritish Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2(1): 43-50.
  24. Ahmed M. A. Ali, Marcel de Matas, Peter York, Ray C. Rowe. (2010). Role of pellet size, shape and filling method in achieving fill weight uniformity for encapsulated pelletised systems: a comparison of experiment and computer simulation. J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 99 No. 3, P. 1299-1308.
  25. Ahmed M. A. Ali, Marcel de Matas, Peter York, Ray C. Rowe. (2009) “Influence of pellet aggregate populations on the variability of pellet filling into hard shell  capsules: A comparison of experiment and computer simulation
    Eur. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages 197-205.
  26. Ahmed M. A. Ali, Marcel de Matas, Peter York and Raymond C. Rowe (2007). Simulation and experimental studies of packing characteristics of pellets and effects on the consistency of capsule filling. Presented as a poster in the BPC 2007 Manchester, UK and published as an abstract in the science proceedings 2007, Supplement 1, J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
  27. Ahmed M. A. Ali, Marcel de Matas, Peter York and Raymond C. Rowe (2007). Comparing computer simulation with experimental packing of pharmaceutical pellets into hard gelatin capsules. Presented as a poster at the AAPS 2007 annual meeting and exposition in San Diego and published as an abstract in the supplement of AAPS Journal, Volume 9, Issue 52.


Attended Conferences


  1. AAPS 2011 (Washington DC.), poster presentation: Prediction of pellets characteristics and capsule filling performance using artificial intelligence technology.
  2. Process Analytical Technology (PAT) meeting (Belgium, 2008), Oral presentation: Predicting variability of drug content from weight variation experiments carried on a pelletized capsulated product.
  3. BPC 2007 (Manchester, UK), poster presentation: Simulation and experimental studies of packing characteristics of pellets and effects on the consistency of capsule filling.
  4. AAPS 2007 (San diego, USA), poster presentation: Comparing computer simulation with experimental packing of pharmaceutical pellets into hard gelatin capsules.



1)  Professor Peter York, Professor of Physical Pharmaceutics, Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, University of Bradford, UK.

Tel: 01274 23 4738 or 01274 23 3890, e-mail: p.york@bradford.ac.uk

2)  Professor Raymond C. Rowe, Professor of Pharmaceutics, Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, University of Bradford, UK.

Tel: 01274 23 3890, e-mail: Rowe@intelligensys.co.uk

3)  Dr Marcel De Matas, Senior Lecturer of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, University of Bradford, UK

Tel: 01274 23 5243, e-mail: Marcel.de-matas@astrazeneca.com

4)  Professor Ahmed Abd El Bary, Professor of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy and Ex-Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy Beni Sueif University, Egypt.Cell : 0123165489.

5)  Professor Nashwa El gendi, Professor of pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy. Beni Suef University. Visiting Researcher in Kansas City university, school of Pharmacy, e-mail: Nash_gend@yahoo.com

6)  Dr. Shital Shah, Head of Department of pharmaceutics, faculty of pharmacy, Nierobi University of Nairobi, Kenya, e-mail: shitalshah76@hotmail.com

7)   Dr. Jittimma Chatchawansaisin: lecturer of pharmaceutics at Faculty of Pharmacy, Taiwan University, e-mail: cjittima@gmail.com

Master Title

Formulation and Availability of Certain Anti-inflammatory Drugs from Liquid Suppository

Master Abstract

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used mainly for treatment of Inflammation. Diclofenac Sodium is one of the very effective anti-rheumatic drugs. However, it is reported to cause GIT irritation, has rapid absorption and elimination. Therefore, its administration as a liquid suppository new dosage form will reduce its GIT side effects, provide effective blood levels for reasonably long time. This also applies to the drug indomethacin, which causes serious inflammation of the gut wall and is exposed to rapid metabolism of the liver and has a short half-life. The objective of this thesis is to design a new delivery mode by means of liquid cones based on the thermal transformation of the solid image using a group of surface active substances (POLYXMAR 407 and POLYSMAR 188) by 15 to 15% by weight and 15 to 20% by weight with some polymers Talate helps in mucosal adhesion such as sodium, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, and ionic concentration control materials such as sodium chloride salt and sodium phosphate

PHD Title

Computer-Aided Design and Processing of Encapsulated Pellets

PHD Abstract

Introduction Filling of pellets into hard gelatin capsules requires different techniques from those used for powders and granules. Pellets are usually larger in size (800 – 1400 µm) and have different shape and surface properties. In this study MacropacTM software was used to simulate the packing of pellets into hard gelatin capsules. Weight variations observed using the simulation tool were correlated with experimental measurements. Experimental A batch of pellets was prepared using an Alexanderwerk extruder and a 15 inch cross-hatched plate spheronizer. Lactose monohydrate (Lactochem, UK) and AvicelTM PH101(FMC Biopolymer, Ireland), in 1:1 ratio were mixed in a Hobart planetary mixer with water as the binder. The pellets obtained were dried in a vacuum oven. Size and shape distributions were then evaluated using Scion image software® (see Fig.1&2). One size fraction of the pellets (1.0-1.2mm) was filled into hard gelatin capsules of sizes 0, 1, 2 and 3 using a manual capsule filling machine. MacropacTM was used to simulate the packing of pellets of similar size to those manufactured (see Fig. 3.). For computational packing studies, pellets were designed using ShapeBuilderTM. Results and Discussion Fill weight variations observed in simulation experiments and those of practical experiments indicated similar trends of increasing coefficient of variation (%CV) with decreasing capsule size. However, using uniform pellet size, the simulated %CVs were much smaller than experimental values (see Table 1). By including measures of pellet size and shape distribution in the simulations (i.e. aspect ratio, AR, where AR = Max. Length / Min. Breadth), the % CVs approached those of practical experiments. MacropacTM has proved to be a valuable tool in modelling capsule filling of pellets, especially when appropriate choices of pellet size and shape are made. Further research with this tool for simulating packing of irregular shapes is being carried out.

All rights reserved ©Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelhaleem Ali