khaled abdel kader mohamed

assistant teacher

Basic Informations


Name / Khaled Abdelkader Mohamed Abdelkader

Age / 33 years

Date of birth / 10-2-1986

Address / Riyadh - Nasser - Beni Suef

Qualification\ Master of Business Administration - Faculty of Commerce - Beni Suef University

Job\ Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef University

Master Title

Proposed Model of the impact of internal marketing and organizational citizenship behavior on customer satisfaction and its reflections on the company image- An application on service credit cards (visa)

Master Abstract

External customer satisfaction about product Supports company image , which can be achieved through applying the concept of internal marketing, which aims to satisfy the needs and desires of employees and thus achieve satisfaction of employees, and this satisfaction lead to organizational citizenship behaviors and thus achieve external customer satisfaction about the product offered by the company. Therefore this research aims to understand the relationship between the internal marketing and organizational citizenship behaviors and their impact on customer satisfaction and its impact on company image , In order that the researcher used questionnaires to get information to complete the field study has been confirmed by the field study on the existence of a relationship effect positive correlation between internal marketing and organizational citizenship behavior, and the existence of a relationship effect positive correlation between the of organizational citizenship behavior and customer satisfaction, and the existence of a relationship effect positive correlation between customer satisfaction and company image , and this for direct relations As for indirect relations lost study confirmed that the organizational citizenship behavior mediates the relationship between internal marketing and the company image , as well as mediating behavior organizational citizenship the relationship between internal marketing and customer satisfaction.

PHD Title

Proposed Model of The Relationship Between Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM ( And the Financial Soundness of Banks, According to CAMELS Model Indicators "An Empirical Study on the Egyptian banking sector"

PHD Abstract

The objective of research is determine whether the CAMELS model can be used to assess the financial safety of Egyptian commercial banks and the extent to which financial safety is affected by banks' application of credit risk mitigations recommended by Basel II Committee and recommended by Central Bank, Which are exposed to banks. Thus, the problem of research is crystallized around two main questions: What is the mitigations applied by Egyptian commercial banks to reduce credit risk? What is the impact of these mitigations on financial safety indicators? In light of CAMELS model indicators. In order to achieve the objectives of research, the researcher selected a sample of the Egyptian banking sector in the number of 17 commercial banks. The researcher relied on the published financial reports of these banks in the preparation of the financial and statistical analysis of these data. The results of the financial and statistical analysis proved that the credit risk mitigations represented by: Diversification of the loan portfolio, good credit study and credit assessment, credit control, banks 'compliance with regulatory directives, all have a positive impact on banks' financial safety indicators; Capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, profit quality, liquidity, sensitivity to market risk.

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