Basic Informations


Curriculum Vita

Personal info:

Full name: Mohammed Hassan Mohammed Ewis Elkomy

First name: Mohammed

Last name: Elkomy (may be written as El-Komy or El Komy)

Phone no.: (+2)01005040703



The University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA, USA

School: College of pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and

Experimental Therapeutics (PSET)

Degree: Ph.D.      Field: Pharmaceutics     Advisor: Dr. Peter Veng-Pedersen

Study years: 2007-2012                   GPA: 3.9

Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

School: Faculty of pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics

Degree: M.Sc.      Field: Pharmaceutics     Study years: 2001-2005             Grade: Very Good

Cairo University, Beni-Suef Branch, Beni-Suef, Egypt

School: Faculty of pharmacy

Degree: B.Sc.       Field: Pharmaceutical Sciences                   Study years: 1995-2000                   Grade: Excellent

Work experience:


Assistant professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Jouf University, Sakaka, KSA

Duties involved:

  1. Supervising student graduation projects.
  2. Teaching the following courses at the undergraduate level:
  • Basic Pharmacokinetics
  • Industrial Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutics II (Liquid Dosage Forms)
  1. Supervisor of the college academic advising unit.
  2. Member of the University Bioethics Committee.
  3. Member of the college annual report committee.
  4. Member of the college postgraduate studies and scientific research committee.
  5. Member of the college academic plan committee.
  6. Member of the college strategic plan follow-up committee.


Assistant professor, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni -Suef University, Beni -Suef, Egypt

Duties involved:

  1. Teaching the following courses at the undergraduate level:
  • Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
  • Physical pharmacy
  • Dosage form I & II
  • Orientation to Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical technology
  1. Teaching the following courses at the graduate level:
  • Advanced Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
  • Advanced Physical Pharmacy
  1. Supervising two M.Sc. theses and two PhD theses.
  2. Member of the college postgraduate studies committee.
  3. Member of the college quality assurance and academic accreditation committee (scientific research axiom).

Research projects involved in:

  1. Co-investigator on the following projects:
  • Development, optimization and pharmacokinetic evaluation of Carvedilol nanoparticles for intra-nasal delivery.
  • Development, optimization and pharmacodynamic evaluation of Ketoprofen and Tenoxicam nanoparticles for topical delivery.
  • Development, optimization and pharmacokinetic evaluation of loratadine transferosomes for buccal delivery.
  • Development and pharmacokinetic evaluation of mucoadhesive dosage forms for delivery of Betahistine dihydrochloride.

  1. Co-investigator on the following projects in collaboration with Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA:
  • Pharmacokinetics of Magnesium in pregnancy.
  • Optimization of maternal magnesium sulfate administration for fetal neuroprotection.
  • Pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine in infants and children following isolated orthotopic liver transplantation.
  • Pharmacokinetics of Morphine and its metabolites in pediatric cardiac patients.
  • Time-to-event modeling of morphine rescue dose administration in pediatric cardiac patients.
  • Ex-vivo Pharmacokinetics of antimicrobial agents in Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy.


Postdoctoral fellow, Stanford University, Stanford, USA

Projects involved in:

  1. Pharmacokinetics of Ketamine in pediatric cardiac patients.
  2. Pharmacokinetics of Cefazolin in cesarean surgery and newborns.
  3. Pharmacokinetics of Ondansetron in pregnant women and newborns.
  4. Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in newborns.
  5. Pharmacokinetics of Etomidate in newborns with heart disease.

2011 (May-July)

Intern, Research & Development department , Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL, USA

Projects involved in: Model based meta-analysis of the efficacy of anti-psychotic drugs in treatment of positive symptoms of schizophrenia.


Research assistant, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics, College of Pharmacy, Iowa University, Iowa city, Iowa, USA

Projects involved in:

  1. Optimization of Erythropoietin therapy in neonates.
  2. Pharmacokinetics of Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator (C.E.R.A.).
  3. Toxicokinetics of Pentachlorobiphenyl compounds.


Instructor and lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Beni-Suef Branch, Beni-Suef, Egypt

Training Courses Attended:


Date (day/month/year)

Thinking Skills Development

2 -4/5/2006

Presentation Skills


Novel Trends in Teaching


Effective Teaching


Research Team Management


University Management


University Legal and Financial Aspects


Egyptian Knowledge Bank


Presentation Skills


Quality Standards in Teaching


International Publishing of Research


University Management


Integrity, Transparency and Anti-corruption


Use of Technology in Teaching


Google Scholar Account:

Scopus Accounts:


Peer Review Publications:

A-Drug Delivery Field

[1]     N.A. El-Gendy, G.A. Abdelbary, M.H. El-Komy, A.E. Saafan, Design and evaluation of a bioadhesive patch for topical delivery of gentamicin sulphate. Current drug delivery 6(1) (2009) 50-57.

[2]     M.H. Elkomy, S.F. Elmenshawe, H.M. Eid, A.M.A. Ali, Topical ketoprofen nanogel: artificial neural network optimization, clustered bootstrap validation, and in vivo activity evaluation based on longitudinal dose response modeling. Drug delivery 23(9) (2016) 3294-3306.

[3]     H.M. Aboud, M.H. El komy, A.A. Ali, S.F. El Menshawe, A. Abd Elbary, Development, Optimization, and Evaluation of Carvedilol-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Intranasal Drug Delivery. AAPS PharmSciTech 17(6) (2016) 1353-1365.

[4]     Elkomy, M. H., El Menshawe, S. F., Eid, H. M., & Ali, A. M. Development of a nanogel formulation for transdermal delivery of tenoxicam: a pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic modeling approach for quantitative prediction of skin absorption. Drug development and industrial pharmacy, 43(4) (2017) 531-544.

[5]     Elkomy, M. H., El Menshawe, S. F., Abou-Taleb, H. A., & Elkarmalawy, M. H. Loratadine bioavailability via buccal transferosomal gel: formulation, statistical optimization, in vitro/in vivo characterization, and pharmacokinetics in human volunteers. Drug delivery, 24(1) (2017) 781-791.

[6]     Elkomy, M. H., El-Menshawe, S. F., Ali, A. A., Halawa, A. A., & El-Din, A. S. S. Betahistine dihydrochloride transdermal delivery via optimized thermosensitive gels: percutaneous absorption evaluation using rat growth as a biomarker. Drug delivery and translational research, 8(1) (2018) 165-177.

[7] Eid, H.M., Elkomy, M.H., El Menshawe, S.F., Salem, H.F. Development, optimization, and in vitro/in vivo characterization of enhanced lipid nanoparticles for ocular delivery of ofloxacin: the influence of pegylation and chitosan coating. AAPS PharmSciTech (2019) (published ahead of print). 

B-Drug Pharmacokinetics Field

[1]     I. Kania-Korwel, M.H.M.E. El-Komy, P. Veng-Pedersen, H.-J. Lehmler, Clearance of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Atropisomers is Enantioselective in Female C57Bl/6 Mice. Environmental science & technology 44(8) (2009) 2828-2835.

[2]     M.H. El-Komy, J.A. Widness, P. Veng-Pedersen, Pharmacokinetic analysis of C.E.R.A. disposition using a target-mediated, physiologic recirculation model and a tracer interaction methodology. Drug Metab Dispos 39(4) (2011) 603-609.

[3]     M.H. El-Komy, R.L. Schmidt, J.A. Widness, P. Veng-Pedersen, Differential pharmacokinetic analysis of in vivo erythropoietin receptor interaction with erythropoietin and continuous erythropoietin receptor activator in sheep. Biopharm Drug Dispos 32(5) (2011) 276-288.

[4]     I. Kania-Korwel, C.D. Barnhart, M. Stamou, K.M. Truong, M.H.M.E. El-Komy, P.J. Lein, P. Veng-Pedersen, H.-J. Lehmler, 2, 2', 3, 5', 6-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 95) and its hydroxylated metabolites are enantiomerically enriched in female mice. Environmental science & technology 46(20) (2012) 11393-11401.

[5]     A. Frymoyer, A.L. Hersh, M.H. El-Komy, S. Gaskari, F. Su, D.R. Drover, K. Van Meurs, Association between Vancomycin Trough Concentration and Area under the Concentration-Time Curve in Neonates. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 58(11) (2014) 6454-6461.

[6]     M.H. Elkomy, P. Sultan, D.R. Drover, E. Epshtein, J.L. Galinkin, B. Carvalho, Pharmacokinetics of prophylactic cefazolin in parturients undergoing cesarean delivery. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 58(6) (2014) 3504-3513.

 [7]    M.H. Elkomy, P. Sultan, B. Carvalho, G. Peltz, M. Wu, C. Clavijo, J.L. Galinkin, D.R. Drover, Ondansetron Pharmacokinetics in Pregnant Women and Neonates: Towards a New Treatment for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 97(2) (2015) 167-176.

[8]     M.H. Elkomy, D.R. Drover, K.L. Glotzbach, J.L. Galinkin, A. Frymoyer, F. Su, G.B. Hammer, Pharmacokinetics of Morphine and Its Metabolites in Infants and Young Children After Congenital Heart Surgery. The AAPS journal. 18(1) (2016) 124-33.

[9]     M.H. Elkomy, D.R. Drover, G.B. Hammer, J.L. Galinkin, C. Ramamoorthy, Population pharmacokinetics of ketamine in children with heart disease. International journal of pharmaceutics 478(1) (2015) 223-231.

[10]   F. Su, M.H. El-Komy, G.B. Hammer, A. Frymoyer, C.A. Cohane, D.R. Drover, Population pharmacokinetics of etomidate in neonates and infants with congenital heart disease. Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition 36(2) (2015) 104-114.

[11]   M.H. Elkomy, D.R. Drover, J.L. Galinkin, G.B. Hammer, K.L. Glotzbach, Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Morphine Time-to-Remedication Events in Infants and Young Children after Congenital Heart Surgery. Clinical pharmacokinetics 55(10) (2016) 1217-1226.

[12]   K.F. Brookfield, F. Su, M.H. Elkomy, D.R. Drover, D.J. Lyell, B. Carvalho, Pharmacokinetics and Placental Transfer of Magnesium Sulfate in Pregnant Women. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 214(6) (2016) 737-e1.

[13]   Brookfield, K. F., Elkomy, M., Su, F., Drover, D. R., & Carvalho, B. Optimization of Maternal Magnesium Sulfate Administration for Fetal Neuroprotection: Application of a Prospectively Constructed Pharmacokinetic Model to the BEAM Cohort. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 57(11) (2017) 1419-1424.

[14]   Damian, M. A., Hammer, G. B., Elkomy, M. H., Frymoyer, A., Drover, D. R., & Su, F. Pharmacokinetics of Dexmedetomidine in Infants and Children After Orthotopic Liver Transplantation. Anesthesia and analgesia (2018) (published ahead of print).

 [15]  Elkomy, M. H., Alruwaili, N., Elmowafy, M., Shalaby, K., Drover, D. R., & Ramamoorthy, C. (2019). Assessment of Ketamine Adult Anesthetic Doses in Pediatrics using Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Simulations.  Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy (2019) (published ahead of print).

Conferences & Meetings:

[1]     M. El-Komy, O. El-Gazayerly, A. Abdulbary, POTENTIALS OF SURFACE TREATMENT FOR MODIFYING THE PROPERTIES OF METRONIDAZOLE. The IXXX Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences and The VIII Conference of the Colleges of Pharmacy in the Arab World, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt 2004.

[2]     M. El-Komy, J. Widness, P. Veng-Pedersen, PHARMACOKINETIC ANALYSIS OF CERA NONLINEAR DISPOSITION USING A TRACER INTERACTION METHODOLOGY AND A TARGET-MEDIATED RECIRCULATION MODEL., American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences annual meeting, New Orleans, LO 2010.

[3]     B. Carvalho, P. Sultan, M.H. Elkomy, G. Peltz, M. Wu, C. Clavijo, J.L. Galinkin, D.R. Drover, PHARMACOKINETICS OF ONDANSETRON IN NONPREGNANT AND PREGNANT WOMEN. Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada 2014.


[5] R.H. Bahmdana, O.A. Ahmed, K.H. Hosny, M.H. Elkomy, DEVELOPMENT OF NANO-LIPID FORMULA CONTAINING RALOXIFENE AND VITAMIN D TO OVERCOME BARRIERS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF OSTEOPROSIS. The Faculty of Pharmacy, Egyptian Russian University International Conference, Cairo, Egypt 2018.


Master Title

Potentials of Surface Solvent Treatment for Modifying the Properties of Certain Pharmaceutical Solids

Master Abstract

Abstract The solid-state properties of powdered drugs and additives have great implications on the formulation, processing and performance of solid dosage forms. Therefore, the introductory part of the thesis included a discussion on the different methods used to manipulate physico-mechanical characteristics of pharmaceutical solids to solve problems related to inadequate material properties. These include: methods based on the use of additives, methods based on powder processing, and methods involving particulate engineering. The latter class of methods is gaining a growing interest as the use of materials with the desired properties would reduce the number of formulation components and individual unit operations to a minimum, thus rendering processing simpler and more economic. Methods based on modifying solid-state properties involve mainly controlled crystallization as well as alternative crystallization techniques. Also, the different techniques used to characterize the molecular, particulate and bulk properties of solids were discussed. Molecular properties (those defined as material characteristics that could be measured for individual molecules) include the chemical structure of the compound. Particulate properties (those pertaining to individual solid particles) include crystal habit, crystal size, and degree of crystallinity, polymorphism, pseudopolymorphism and thermal properties. Bulk properties (those associated with an assembly of associated species) include wettability, solubility, dissolution rate, porosity, surface area, density, flowability and compressibility. A ”Surface Solvent Treatment” technique based on interactions at solid-liquid interface to modify inadequate properties of solid pharmaceuticals is the subject of this thesis. The technique involves suspending the powdered material in a preselected solvent with stirring for a predetermined time at a suitable solid / solvent ratio under controlled conditions. At the end of the treatment period, the treated powder is filtered under vacuum, dried and sieved into different particle size fractions. Promising results have been obtained earlier when the technique was applied to the modification of some physicomechanical properties of paracetamol and sulphadiazine. Therefore, the work in this thesis was divided into two parts: Part ?: Investigation and optimization of surface solvent treatment technique using metronidazole. Part ??: Modification of the physicomechanical properties of Ofloxacin using surface solvent treatment technique.

PHD Title

A Pharmacokinetic receptor based recirculation model for target-mediated disposition drugs

PHD Abstract

Abstract Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models, also known as recirculation models, consist of a series of tissue and organ blocks linked together by blood circulation, mimicking the anatomical structure of mammalian body. Each tissue is divided into vascular, interstitial, and intracellular sub-compartments. Linear system analysis (LSA)-recirculation models differ from the classical PBPK model in that they characterize each organ or tissue with a unit impulse response in the framework of input output convolution relationship rather than systems of differential equations. Target mediated disposition (TMD) is a phenomenon where drug disposition is influenced by capacity-limited binding to a target, resulting in dose-dependent events, such as a decrease in drug clearance with increasing dose level. Erythropoiesis stimulating agents such as recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) and Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator (C.E.R.A.) exhibit TMD where their disposition and anti-anemic activity are mediated by their interaction with EPO receptor (EPOR). The objectives of this work were: 1) to develop a minimal, receptor-based LSA recirculation model, 2) to apply the developed model in analyzing the effect of bone marrow (BM) ablation on C.E.R.A. elimination kinetics, and comparing EPO and C.E.R.A. interaction with EPOR in vivo, 3) to investigate the efficiency of the experimental design used to achieve the previous objective for estimation of the developed model parameters, and 4) To identify the physiological conditions at which TMD-compartmental models approximate TMD-recirculation models. A literature review of LSA- recirculation models is provided in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, receptor-based, LSA-recirculation model was mathematically formulated, and applied to analyze C.E.R.A. pharmacokinetics studied in adult sheep with normal and ablated BM using a tracer interaction method (TIM). In Chapter 4, the model developed in Chapter 3 was further applied to analyze EPO and C.E.R.A. TIM data collected in adult sheep. A comprehensive, sensitivity analysis was performed in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, statistical moments of linearized receptor-based compartmental and recirculation models were computed; and simulation of plasma drug concentrations, and receptor profiles in both structures were presented. The developed model, together with the TIM, was able to quantitatively assess the interaction of C.E.R.A. with hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic EPOR population and provide a mechanism based explanation for C.E.R.A.’s slower elimination and greater erythropoietic activity in vivo compared to EPO, despite its lower affinity to EPOR. The TIM detected a saturable interaction between C.E.R.A. and non-hematopoietic EPOR which contradicts the behavior of EPO. The TIM experimental setting is adequate for estimation of the developed model parameters. TMD-recirculation models reduce to TMD-compartmental models under conditions of well-perfused target tissue, comparable drug initial distribution volume and target tissue extracellular volume, negligible non-receptor mediated clearance, and rapid equilibrium between venous and arterial blood drug concentrations, small extracellular volume, reduced cardiac output, low receptor pool concentration, and high drug-receptor equilibrium dissociation constant.

All rights reserved ©Mohammed Hassan Elkomy