Eid Abd El Hamid Mabrouk


Basic Informations


Eid Abd El Hamid Mabrouk

Professor (Physiology)  

Phone: +2 082 2322066 / 130

FAX: +2 082 2327982

E-mail: d_Eid99@yahoo.com



1977 -  B.Sc., Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University

- 1985 B.Sc., Veterinary Medicine, (Physiology) Asuit University

- 1990 ph.D., Veterinary Medicine, (Physiology) Cairo University


Dr.Mabrouk current research is on physiology of blood and reproduction as well as in vitro fertilization in different animal species




Publications :

Aboul-Ela, A. M.; Mabrouk, E. A., Nermeen, A. H. and Safia R.Mohamed ( 2018 ):Effects of some dietary supplementation on the reproductive performances in male rats             J.Vet.Med.Res.Beni-suef.

Aboul-Ela, A. M.; El-Anwar, A. H.; Mabrouk, E. A. and A.Aboul- Khair ( 2018 ):Some reproductive hormones in relation to ovarian activity in rats. J.Vet.Med.Res.Beni-suef.

Hassan Ahmed; Fatma,Ali; Mabrouk, E. A. and Ahmed E.A. ( 201 8 ): Influence of exogenous neurotransmitters on reproduction in female rats. journal of experimental and Applied animal science 2(3):286-298.

Dalia Mostafa; Mabrouk, E. A. and Hassan Ahmed (2017): Ameliorative effect of Ginger     ( zingiber officienale Roscoe on thyroid gland activity in rats. Assuit Vet. J. 63 (154): 41-42.

Ibrahim, S. S.; Aboul-Ela, A. M.; Mabrouk, E. A.;  Ali, K. M. and Nermeen, A. H. (2010): Viability of immature bovine oocytes after vitrification: effect of sugars and macromolecules addition to the vitrification solution.   Egypt J. Basic and Appl. Physiol. 9(1): 31-43.

Ali, K. M.; Aboul-Ela, E. A.; Mabrouk, E. A. and El-Saied, Y. M. ( 2003): Influence of castration and/or adrenalectomy on gonadotropins and clearance of inhibin in rats. Egypt J. Basic and Appl. Physiol., 2(3) 53-62.

Ibrahim, S. S.; Mabrouk, E.A.; Ali, K. M.  and  Sabet, A. M. (2002): Effect of some central nervous system depressants on pituitary-testicular axis in rats. 10 th Sci. Cong. ( 17-19 Dec. 2002), Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit Univ., Egypt, 209-219.

Mabrouk, E. A. and Abdel-Gawad, A. M. (1999): Inhibin serum and fetal fluid of She-Camel throughout pregnancy. Vet. Med. Giza, 47(2): 225-229.

Mabrouk, E. A.; Ibrahim, S. S. and Ali, K. M. (1999): Levels of inhibin in serum and follicular fluid throughout follicular development of She-Camel.  Beni – Suef Vet. Med. J. 9(1) 67-82.

Abdel-Gawad, A. M.; Mabrouk, E. A. and Khandile, M. A. (1999): Effect of lead and cadmium on reproductive performance of male rabbits. Assuit Vet. Med. J. 41(81) 230-241.

Mabrouk, E. A. and Abdel-Gawad, E. M. ( 1998) Fluctuation of serum and seminal inhibin in relation to bull fertility. Vet. Med. J. Giza, 46(4) 569-574.

Mabrouk, E. A. and Hussein, M. M. (1998): Levels of some trace elements in the serum and saliva of buffaloes in relation to the ovarian status. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 10th Ann. Cong. Giza 3 – 5 February 213 – 218.

Mabrouk, E. A. ( 1997): hyroid hormone in follicular fluid of She-Camel and Cow. Beni-Suef Vet. Med. Res., 7(1): 42-49.

Mabrouk, E. A.; Gehan J. Shehab; El-Anwar, A. H.; Hanaa I. Fahim and Aboul-Ela, A. (1996): Some alterations concomitant with prolonged administration of estrogen. Vet. Med. J. Giz, 44(4) 679-690.

Mabrouk, E. A.; Aboul-Ela, A.; Ibrahim, S. S. and Ali, K. M. (1996): Flactuation of some blood parameters throughout the estrous cycle in goats. Vet. Med. J. Giza, 44(1) 65-71.

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