Nehal Fayek Farid Faragalla


Basic Informations





Name: Nehal Fayek Farid Faragalla

Nationality: Egyptian      Date of Birth: May 27, 1973.

Current Position: Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt.

Home Address: 31 Lebanon street, Mohandeseen, Agouza, Giza, Egypt.

Office Address: Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Egypt.

Cellular Phone: +2 01277950994

E-mail Address: gmail:


University Website:

Educational History

  • Philosophy of Doctor (Ph.D) of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Analytical Chemistry) Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, May 2012.
  • Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Analytical Chemistry) Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University- Beni-Suef  Branch, December 2002.
  • Bachelor of Pharmaceutical sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, May 1996.

Occupational Background:

  • Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Egypt.                   (2012-2017).
  • Assistant Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry Department, - Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Egypt. (2003-2012).
  • Demonstrator in Analytical Chemistry Department, Faculty of of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Egypt. (1997-2002).

Research Interest:

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry:

  • Chromatographic methods (including HPLC, HPTLC, UPLC and LC-MS).
  • Spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods.
  • Multivariate analysis.
  • Studying drug stability in raw material and in their pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Analysis of drugs in raw materials, pharmaceutical formulations and biological fluids, whether in mixtures or in presence of metabolites, impurities or degradation products.



A- Pre-doctor publications (5)

1- Determination of zolpidem hemitartrate by quantitative HPTLC and LC

BA El Zeany, AA Moustafa, NF Farid

Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 33 (3)(2003), 393-401

 2- Determination of imipramine in presence of iminodibenzyl and in pharmaceutical dosage form

BA El Zeany, AA Moustafa, NF Farid

Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 33 (4)(2003), 775-782

3. Spectrophotometric Determination of Mianserin and Risperidone

BA El-Zeany, AA Moustafa, NF Farid


4. Simultaneous determination of ambroxol hydrochloride and guaifenesin by HPLC, TLC-spectrodensitometric and multivariate calibration methods in pure form and in cough cold formulations

M Abdelkawy, F Metwaly, N El Raghy, M Hegazy, N F Farid

J. Chromatogr. Sep. Tech. 2(2011), 112

5. Simultaneous determination of a quaternary mixture of oxomemazine, sodium benzoate, guaifenesin and paracetamol by chromatographic methods

NF Farid, NA El Ragehy, MA Hegazy, M Abdelkawy, FH Metwally

Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3 (4)(2014), 260-268

B- Post-doctor publications

1- Publications from master thesis (3)

1- Development and validation of spectrofluorimetric method for determination of diflunisal and its impurity

Nehal F. Farid, Ibrahim A. Naguib, Radwa S. Moatamed, Mohamed R. El-Ghobashy

European Journal of Chemistry 7 (2) (2016), 201-205

2. TLC-Densitometric and RP-HPLC Methods for Simultaneous Determination of Dexamethasone and Chlorpheniramine Maleate in the Presence of Methylparaben and Propylparaben

Nehal F. Farid, Ibrahim A. Naguib, Radwa S. Moatamed, Mohamed R. El-Ghobashy

Journal of AOAC International 100 (1)(2017), 51-58

3. Different Spectrophotometric and Chromatographic Methods for Determination of Mepivacaine and Its Toxic Impurity

Nada S Abdelwahab, Nehal F Farid, Mohammed Elagawany, Esraa H Abdelmomen

Journal of AOAC International 100 (5) (2017)

2- Publications not from thesis (7)

1- Validated HPLC-DAD method for stability study of sulbutiamine HCl.

Nada S. Abdelwahab, Nehal F. Farid.

RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 30523.

2-Two Different Spectrophotometric Determinations of Potential Anticancer Drug and its Toxic metabolite.

Nehal F. Farid , Nada S. Abdelwahab.

Journal of Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015 (145) 360-367.

3- Stability-Indicating HPTLC Method for Studying Stress Degradation Behavior of Sulbutiamine HCl.

Nehal F. Farid , Nada S. Abdelwahab.

Journal of Chromatographic Sciences, 4 (2016): 609–617

4- Innovative Spectrophotometric Methods for Determination of Newly Discovered Combination for Hepatitis C Treatment

Nada S. Abdelwahab, Nehal F. Farid

Analytical Chemistry Letters 6 (6)(2016), 783-794

5. HPTLC Method for the Determination of Paracetamol, Pseudoephedrine and Loratidine in Tablets and Human Plasma

Nehal F. Farid, Eglal A. Abdelaleem

Journal of chromatographic science 54 (4)(2016), 647-652

6. Chromatographic analysis of ledipasvir and sofosbuvir: New treatment for chronic hepatitis C infection with application to human plasma

Nehal F. Farid, Nada S. Abdelwahab

Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 40 (7)(2017), 327-332

7. Eco-friendly UPLC method for determination of Levetiracetam and its toxic related substance

Nehal F. Farid, Nada S. Abdelwahab

European Journal of Chemistry 7 (3)(2017), 329-333

Conferences Participation

1- Poster presented in The 5th International Scientific Conference of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University entitled" Pharmacy in the Cutting-Edge: Facing Future Challenges". April 2014.

Stress Degradation Study of Sulbutiamine HCl by HPTLC-Spectrodensitometric Method

Nehal F. Farid, Nada S. Abdelwahab.

2- Poster presented at the "International Conference and Exhibition on Advances in HPLC & Chromatography Techniques, London, UK . March 2016.

 "Eco-Friendly RP-HPLC DAD Determination of the Anticancer Flutamide and Its Toxic Synthesized Metabolites".

Nehal F. Farid, Nada S. Abdelwahab, Mohamed A Abdelgawad.

3- Poster presented at the "2nd International Conference and Expo on Separation Techniques"

"HPTLC method for the determination of anti-cold mixture in tablets and in spiked human plasma"

Nehal F. Farid, Eglal A Abdelhameed

4- Poster presentation at the XIX Euroanalysis 2017.

“TLC-densitometric and RP-HPLC methods for the simultaneous determination of dexamethasone and chlorpheniramine maleate in the presence of methylparaben and propylparaben.”

Nehal F. Farid, Ibrahim A. Naguib, Radwa S. Moatamed, Mohamed R. El-Ghobashy

General certificates:

  • International Computer driving License (ICDL).
    • National TOEFL PBT (2011).


  • Member in the Egyptian General Syndicate of Pharmacists
  • Member in Cairo Syndicate of Pharmacists.
  • Member in El Gezira Club
  • Member in Shooting club

Main managerial responsibilities:

  • Member of the Quality Assurance Unit Team, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University who prepared for getting CIQAP (2014/2015).
  • Member of the Scientific Research and Research activity Unit Team, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University who prepared for getting CIQAP (2017).


Teaching Experience:

  • Teaching and supervising the practical courses of pharmaceutical analytical Chemistry for the undergraduate students (first, second, fourth & fifth year) in Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University general and clinical pharmacy programs.
  • Oral examiner for undergraduate students in Faculty of pharmacy Beni-Suef University and in other public and private universities.
  • Teaching and supervising in pharmaceutical analytical Chemistry for the postgraduate students in Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University.
  • Supervising master and Ph.D students (Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry).
  • Working as academic advisor for clinical pharmacy program students.
  • Supervising the summer training of undergraduate students at Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University (2013).

Scientific Courses:

Under graduate students

  • General and physical chemistry
  • Qualitative analysis (analysis of cations and anions)
  • Volumetric analysis (acid base, precipitmetry, complexometry, redox analysis)
  • Chromatography courses (HPLC principles& applications in pharmaceutical analysis).
  • Instrumental analysis (principles and applications of different instrumental techniques in pharmaceutical analysis e.g. Spectroscopic methods (spectrophotometry, Spectrofluorimetry, Atomic absorption…etc), chromatographic methods (HPLC, GC, TLC…etc), electrochemical methods (conductometry, potentiometry…etc)).
  • Quality control and quality assurance in pharmaceutical industry.
  • Electrochemical methods of analysis (conductometry, potentiometry…etc).

Premaster courses:

1-      Advanced methods of instrumental analysis (IR, MS and NMR spectrometry and spectrophotometry).

2-      Quality control in pharmaceutical industry.

3-      Separation analysis techniques (GC, TLC, HPLC, UPLC, LC-MS and Electrophoresis).

4-      Stability indicating methods of analysis.

Master Title

On The Analysis of Some Antipsychiatric Drugs

Master Abstract

This thesis is concerned with the analysis of some antipsychiatric drugs namely, mianserin, risperidone, imipramine and zolpidem. Mianserin and risperidone were determined colorimetrically using charge transfer and acid dye techniques. As for imipramine and zolpidem, stability-indicating methods were developed for the determination of the drugs in presence of their degradation products. Abstract The thesis consists of four parts: Part I: General Introduction In this part, a brief idea about antipsychiatric drugs, their classifications, mechanisms of action and uses have been presented. Part II: Colorimetric determination of mianserin and risperidone using charge transfer and acid dye complexation methods. This part includes literature review for the analysis of mianserin and risperidone in addition to two sections: Section A:Includes colorimetric methods for the determination of mianserin and risperidoner (n-donors) using DDQ and p-CA as p-acceptors. The effect of several variables affecting color development was studied and the molar ratio of the reactants has been established in each case. The proposed methods were applied to the analysis of the drugs in pure form and in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Section B: Includes reaction of basic drugs, mianserin and resperidone with a chloroformic solution of an acidic dye (B.P.B., B.T.B. and B.C.G.). The absorbance of the formed complexes was measured at the corresponding ?max. The effect of several variables affecting color development was studied and the molar ratio of the reactants has been established in each case. The proposed methods were applied to the analysis of the drugs in pure form and in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Part III: Determination of imipramine in presence of iminiodibenzyl by first derivative of ratio spectra and charge transfer complexation methods. This part includes literature review for the analysis of imipramine, in addition to two sections: Section A: This section includes a stability indicating method for the determination of imipramine. Spectrophotometric first derivative ratio spectra was described for the determination of imipramine using 3 µg.mL-1 of iminodibenzyl as a divisor; the signals were measured at 240.5 nm. Section B: includes a charge transfer complexation method of imipramine with p-CA. The colored product was measured at 520.5 nm. In both sections A and B the suggestyed procedures were applied for the analysis of imipramine in pure form, dosage forms and laboratory prepared mixtures containing imipramine togethewr with different concentrations of iminodibenzyl. The results obtained were statistically compared with those obtained by the official method. Part IV:Determination of zolpidem hemitartarate in presence of its degradation product by quantitative thin layer chromatographic densitometry and HPLC. This part includes literature review for the analysis of zolpidem in addition to two sections: Section A: HPLC method has been described for the determination of zolpidem in presence of its degradation products. The chromatographic technique was performed on a Bondapak C18 column using a mobile phase composed of acetonitrile-0.01 M KH2PO4 (40:60, v/v) and detection was done at 245 nm. Section B: Includes a TLC- UV densitometric method for the determination of zolpidem. The mobile phase used for developing the TLC plates consisted of methanol:water (20:80; v/v). The Rf of zolpidem was found to be 0.29± 0.01 and its degradation product was 0.59 ± 0.01. In both sections A and B the suggested procedures were applied for the analysis of zolpidem in pure form, dosage forms and laboratory prepared mixtures containing zolpidem with different concentrations of its degradation product. The results obtained were statistically compared with those obtained by the company method.

PHD Title

Analysis of Some Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System

PHD Abstract

This thesis consists of five parts including literature review of the studied drugs in addition to the practical part. It ends with 415 references, Arabic and an English summary. Three simple, reliable methods were developed for the simultaneous determination of a mixture of Ambroxol HCl (AMB) and Guaifenesin (G) in presence of the oxidative degradate (AD) of AMB and guaicol (GD), the main impurity of G . The first method is an isocratic HPLC method, where separation was achieved on C18 column. The mobile phase consisted of water: methanol (80: 20, v/v, containing 1% triethylamine, pH 2.9 ±0.1 adjusted by phosphoric acid). The second method was a TLC-spectrodensitometric method, where separation on TLC plates was done using a mobile phase consisting of chloroform: methanol: ethyl acetate: acetic acid (70: 8: 12:10, by volume). The third method was a multivariate calibration method where principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS) methods were used for the determination of the four components AMB, AD, G, and GD. The three methods were applied to pharmaceutical dosage forms. Model update of multivariate calibration was used to determine AMB and G in syrup dosage form due to interfering additives. Simultaneous determination of a quaternary mixture of Oxomemazine, Sodium benzoate, Guaifenesin and Paracetamol by RP-HPLC, TLC-spectrodensitometry and multivariate calibration methods was also done. In RP-HPLC, the stationary phase was a C-18 column and the mobile phase consisted of methanol-acetonitrile-35 mM KH2PO4 (5:20:75, by volume, pH 2.9). Separation on TLC plates was done using a mobile phase consisting of methylene chloride – methanol – ammonia - acetic acid (89: 8.4: 0.6: 2, by volume). For multivariate calibration, PCR and PLS were used for the determination of the four drugs. The three methods were applied to pharmaceutical dosage forms. Spectrophotometric determination of Oxomemazine HCl, Guaifenesin and Carbocisteine in pure form and in tablets was also done. Oxomemazine HCl was determined directly by zero order absorption spectra, Guaifenesin was determined by second derivative absorption spectra and Carbocisteine was determined after reaction with p-benzoquinone. Simultaneous determination of a ternary mixture of Terbutaline sulfate, Guaifenesin and Bromhexine HCl by RP-HPLC, TLC-spectrodensitometry and multivariate calibration methods was done and the three methods were applied for the determination of the drugs in syrup dosage form. In RP-HPLC, separation was done on C18 column using a mobile phase consisting of methanol – acetonitrile - 35m M KH2PO4 (27.5: 12.5: 60, by volume, pH 3.5). Separation on TLC plates was done using a mobile phase consisting of chloroform – methanol – butanol - acetic acid (56: 4: 30: 10, by volume). For multivariate calibration, PCR and PLS were used for the determination of the four drugs.

All rights reserved ©Nehal Fayek Farid Faragalla