Basic Informations


Personal Information:


Wesam Hassan Mustafa Hussein Elwakiel



Date of Birth


Place of Birth

Beni- suef Governorate ,El –Wasta , Al-Maymon Village

Home Address

Abdel Salam Aref St, Mohammed Azzam Khalaf St, Nadi Alshabab, Beni- suef City

Marital Status



01001451523- 01204427962

E-mail Address  

Academic Qualifications:

• Excellence Bachelor of Arts Degree, Librarianship and Documents Department

Institution: Cairo University, Beni Suef Branch

GPA :     Very Good         /       Graduation Year: 2005

• Pre-Master, Librarianship and Documents Department (specializing in libraries)

Institution:  Beni- suef University

Grade:  Fair                 /           Date Received:  2006    

• Master of  Arts ,

The title of Master's Thesis: ((Marketing Information Services in the Egyptian National Agricultural Library: Case Study))

Institution: Beni Suef University

Grade:  Excellence            /          Date Received: 2013          

 • PhD : Date Received 2017

The title of Doctoral thesis:

((Universities E-Portals: An Evaluative Comparative Study of a Sample of Arab and Foreign Universities to Set standard specifications that would facilitate Benefitting from Beni- Suef University Portal))

Grade: First honors with recommendation of course and exchange between universities

 Academic Positions:







Librarianship, Archives and Information Science


Beni- suef University


Assistant Lecturer




General Activities:

• Participating in the control work including the handover of answer papers of students, monitoring grades and examination of petitions... etc, (2007- 2009).

• Participating in the electronic control work by filling computer cards in Faculty of Arts in 2008.

• Participating in the Digital Library Project, as following (Training- Quality Control of Bibliographic Records- Entry of Bibliographic Records) from (January 2008-October 2008).

• Participating in the preparation of a special training workshop on the use of databases with the Supreme Council of Universities in Faculty of Education,            Beni Suef University from (March 26 - 27, 2008).

• Participating as one of the executive secretaries in preparing the Issue No. 12 in April 2008 of magazine of Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University.

• Member in the committee of registration and documentation of the data of Faculty of Arts, its programs and activities, and data about the faculty staff members and their assistants during (2007-2008).

• Member in the committee to document information on the website of faculty of Arts (2007- 2008).

• Member in the organizing committee for Scholarship correspondences in Faculty of Arts (2008 -2009).

• Participating in the preparation and organization of the Conference                     ((Egypt and Mediterranean: Historical Roots and Future Vision))                                     from (2-4 April 2009).

• Participating in the preparation and organization of the Seventh Scientific Conference of Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University entitled:                                ((Reviews In Humanities)) from (14-15 April 2009).

• Member in the annual reports committee for quality and accreditation project from (2008 – 2010).                                                                                                              Participating in the preparation and organization of the Second International Conference of the Euro-Mediterranean International Studies Program entitled ((Activation of Cultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean Society)) from (March 23 - 24, 2010).

• Member in the committee of Education and Student Affairs in the department from (2010 - 2011).

• Member in the laboratories committee in the department from (2012 to 2013).

• Member in the library committee in the department from (2012 till now).

• Participating in the preparation and organization of the Second International Conference about Distance Learning entitled: (Distance Learning: Applications and Future Prospects), which was held from (December 16 - 17, 2014) at the Great Hall of Celebrations at Beni Suef University.

• Participating in the preparation and organization of the First Arab Conference on Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts entitled (Architectural Information), which was held from( April 5 - 6, 2015 )    at the Great Hall of Celebrations at Beni Suef University.

• Participating in the preparation of magazine about distance education and open education  at Beni Suef University in cooperation with the Association of Arab Universities including the Secretariat of Liberation magazine from 2014 till now .

• Participating in the preparation and organization of conference                          “Plagiarism in Academic Researches: The Phenomenon and its Treatment”                      from (17 - 18 November 2015) at the Great Hall of Celebrations at                                   Beni Suef University.

• Participating in the preparation and organization of the Third International Conference on Distance Learning entitled :                                                                        (Distance Learning : Environments / Developments / Experiences), which was held from( 20 - 21 December 2015 ) first day was in  the Great Hall of Celebrations at Beni Suef University but the second day was in Discussions Hall at Faculty of Arts.

• Participating in the preparation and organization of the second scientific conference of Information Sciences Department,   Faculty of Arts entitled:                                                                                       (Transition to The Knowledge Society:Informatic Visions) from                                                      (12 to 13  April  2016 ) which was held in Conferences center at  Corniche El Nil.

Courses and workshops:

Name of course or workshop




University Teacher Preparation

Developing Skills

Faculty and Leadership Development Center

5/11/2006            to                   23/11/2006

Effective Communication Skills

Developing Skills  and  promoting to

Assistant Lecturer

Faculty and Leadership Development               Center

12/5/2007                   to                    14/5/2007

Effective Presentation  Skills

15/5/2007                    to                        17/5/2007

Teaching  for Great and Small Numbers of Students

05/22/2007                     to                   05/24/2007

Development of Thinking Skills

12/6/2007                         to                      14/6/2007

Research Team Management

    17/6/2013           to            19/6/2013

Automation of university libraries by applying on future library information system

Fourth  specializing Course

Minya University

27/1/2008                 to                     31/1/2008

The Use of Global Databases

Organized by the Digital Library Automation  in Faculty of Education ,Beni Suef University in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Universities

27,28 March 2008

The Use of Global Databases

Organized by the Digital Library Automation  at the Great Hall of Celebrations,  Beni Suef University in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Universities

8,9  April  2009

The Use of Global Databases

Organized by the Digital Library Automation  at the Great Hall of Celebrations,  Beni Suef University in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Universities

4,5, November 2009

The Use of Global Databases

Organized by the Digital Library Automation  at the Great Hall of Celebrations,  Beni Suef University in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Universities

29,30, March 2010

TOEFL Course

English Course

Foreign Languages Learning and Developing Center, Faculty of Education



Microsoft Office Word

Microsoft Office Excel

Microsoft Office Access

Computer courses with accredited certificates

Beni- suef Youth Center




Oracle                          (Eagle Program)

Network Information at            Beni Suef University

Conferences center at  Corniche El Nil

November  2008


Faculty of Nursing Beni Suef University

November                      to                          December 2008


   Faculty of Science, Beni Suef University

31/10/2009                    to                                    6/1/ 2010


Knowledge Development Program for Scholars

Faculty of Arts               Beni Suef University

25, November 2014


8,   December  2014

CREATIVE TEACHING SKILLS                                 (CTS)

Knowledge Development Program for Scholars

Faculty of Arts               Beni Suef University

10,11 December 2014

Maximizing the Benefit of  Staff from                 Global Databases


Discussions Hall                at                                   Faculty of Arts

14 , 15 December 2014

E-Learning                           and                                    Media Library

Workshop Organized by                 E-Services Unit

Faculty of Arts               Beni Suef University



Courses Description

Workshop Organized by   Quality Assurance and Accreditation  Unit

Discussions Hall                at                                   Faculty of Arts

Wednesday 06/05/2015

Digital                    Library                                  and                     Databases

Workshop Organized by                 E-Services Unit

Workshop Organized by DAAD

Faculty of Arts               Beni Suef University

Faculty and  Leadership Development Center                               Faculty of  Commerce,                    Beni- suef University

Tuesday 05/12/2015

October 3, 2015

How to Present Scientific Data

How to Present Scientific Papers

October 4, 2015

Teambuilding for           Team members

Workshop Organized by DAAD

Faculty of  Science,                    Beni- suef University

November 10, 2015

University Administration

Developing Skills and                      promoting to


Faculty and Leadership Development Center                       Beni- suef University


                1 -2/10 /2015

Ethics and Behavior of the Profession in the University Work

25-26 / 10/2015

International publication for Scientific Research

1-2 / 11/2015

Quality Standards in Educational Process

8-9 / 11/2015

Use of Technology in Teaching

22-23 / 11/2015

Organization                         of Conferences

29-30 / 11/2015

How to Discover  Plagiarism                               by Using                        Online Programs

Workshop On the sidelines of Plagiarism in Academic Researches  Conference                                       “The Phenomenon and its Treatment”                at Beni- suef University                                             From 17 to 18 November 2015

15 to 16               November 2015

The Use of Global Databases

Organized by the Digital Library Automation  at Discussions Hall , Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Universities

Sunday                 December 6, 2015

Mind Maps


Discussions Hall at Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

Tuesday and  Thursday 22,24 December 2015

Introduction session about Egyptian Bank of Knowledge



Conferences Center ,  Corniche El Nil               Beni- suef University



Symposium and Conferences:

Name of Symposium or Conference




E-learning as one of Axes of Development of Higher Education in Egyptian Universities

first scientific symposium

Faculty of Arts


Towards Building a Research Strategy For University in the Next Decade


Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University

12 to 13                November 2013

Scientific Support and Projects Department of Library of Alexandria



Discussions Hall at Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

Wednesday 19/3/2014

Excellence Research Centers: Standards and Tasks and community Return


Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University


 17 / 6 / 2014 /

International and local Agreements at Beni Suef University and Ways to Activate

Fifth Symposium of Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs

Discussions Hall at Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

Sunday               10/26/2014

Development of Talented in Universities

Second National Conference for  training and development of institutions of Higher Education

Conferences center  at  Corniche El Nil, Beni Suef

Tuesday                November 18, 2014

Our Youth is Full of Energy..Not Disabled

Second Conference of Disability Challengers

Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University

Tuesday                December 2 ,2014

Distance Learning Applications and Future Prospects

Second International Conference on Distance Learning

Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University

16 to 17 December                       2014

Egypt invent


Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University

Sunday                      March 8, 2015

Identify Standards of QS Foundation and International Classification of Universities

Symposium of Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs

Discussions Hall at Faculty of Science ,                    Beni Suef University

Tuesday                       March 10,  2015

Fulbright Commission for Researchers and Holders of Master's Degrees



Discussions Hall at Faculty of Science ,                    Beni Suef University

Tuesday                       March 24, 2015

Architectural Information

first Arab Conference on Information Sciences

Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University

April 5 to 6, 2015

Scholarships and Programs From DAAD

Symposium of Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs

Discussions Hall at Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

Tuesday                           May 26, 2015

Techniques on Application of Six Sigma in Academic and Informatics Institutions


Discussions Hall at Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

Sunday                       August 2, 2015

Scientific Awards: “Types and How to get it”

Symposium                         of Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs

Discussions Hall at Faculty of Science ,                    Beni Suef University

Sunday                09/08/2015

Towards a strategy for Effective Management for Scholars at University

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ,                    Beni Suef University

Tuesday                      August 18, 2015

Researchers Towards International Grants

Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

Sunday                          August 23, 2015

European Programmers for Higher Education (Erasmus+)

Discussions Hall at Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

Tuesday                            September 1, 2015

Research and scientific aspects of cooperation between Korean Cultural Center and Beni Suef University

Symposium                         of Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs

Discussions Hall at Faculty of Science ,                    Beni Suef University

Tuesday                   September 8, 2015

Research Capacities of University and its role in solving Industrial ,production and service problems of Institutions in Society

Sunday                    September 13, 2015

Rank of Beni Suef University, according to the Global Systems In Classifications of Universities

Sunday                          October 11, 2015

Mechanisms for Transformation Into Electronic University

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ,                    Beni Suef University

Sunday                   November 8, 2015

“Plagiarism in Academic Researches: The Phenomenon and its Treatment”


Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University

                                    November 17 to 18 2015

Mechanisms for Transformation Into Electronic University

Symposium                         of Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs

Faculty of Pharmacy ,                    Beni Suef University

Sunday                        November 22, 2015

Discovery and Development of Creative Thinking

Organized by Development Center of Talented and Innovators at Beni Suef University

Discussions Hall at Faculty of Science ,                    Beni Suef University

Tuesday                      December 1, 2015

Distance Learning : “Environments / Developments / Experiences”

Third International Conference on Distance Learning

First Day at Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University Second Day at Discussions ,Hall Faculty of Arts and

December 20 to 21, 2015

Homeless Children        Its slogan “learn  ,produce and  Return to your home)

First Conference

Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University

Tuesday                    December 22, 2015

Towards Building a Strategy for Sustainable Development in Upper Egypt under the Humanities

Tenth Conference

Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

13, 14 March 2016

Student Activities and their Role in Development of Creativity and Pioneering Thinking

First Student Conference of Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Arts,                    Beni Suef University

Sunday                March 27, 2016

Transition to The Knowledge Society: Informatic Visions

Second Scientific Conference of Information Sciences Department

Conferences center  at  Corniche El Nil, Beni Suef

April 12 to 13 , 2016

Development of Student Services for Universities in the light of the Labor Market Challenges (Experiences and Future Visions )  Learn, Train and Compete

First Scientific Conference of Education and Student Affairs

Great Hall of Celebrations,                 Beni Suef University

April 18 to 19, 2016

Lectures of El –Yaseer room for Distance Learning and Courses which are held through the Internet:

• (Bibliographic Framework in Library Catalogs  Initiative) Presented by Dr. Momen Elnasharty, Lecturer in  Information and Libraries  Department ,Faculty of Arts, Cairo University at 8 pm on February 21 2015.

• (Enriching and Enhancing the content with Libraries Catalogs Available on the Internet:  The possibilities and Techniques Used and Available Opportunities to Arab Libraries) Presented by  Dr. Ahmed Al-Masry , Lecturer in  Information and Libraries  Department ,Faculty of Arts, Helwan University  at 8 pm on March 7, 2015.

• (Strategic Planning of Information In Libraries and Information Centers) Presented by  Prof. Dr. Soham Paddy, lecturer at Arab Tbessi University, Algeria at  8 pm on March 28, 2015.

• (Information Division in  Egyptian Parliament and Challenges of the Twentieth Century) Presented by  Prof. Dr. Sherif Kamel Shahin, professor of in  Information and Libraries  Department ,Faculty of Arts , Cairo University at 8 pm on April 11, 2015.

• (Arab Center for Research and Studies in Library and Information Sciences from dream of idea to reality of work) Presented by  Ms. Zainab Bin Tayyib Ph.D. Researcher, professor of library sciences at Msila University ,Algiers at 8pm on May 9, 2015.

• (Visualization; Some Ideas for Researchers in libraries & information services) Presented by Prof. Dr.  Omnia Mustafa Sadiq, professor of information and Libraries at 8pm on October 10, 2015.

• (The Importance of OSS Institutional Repository to Arabic Universities:            Arabic DSpace 5 as a Model- from Perspective of Arab Scientific Content Industry  and Facilitating Access to Knowledge) Presented by  Engineer               Massoud AlShareef, Master Software Engineering Arizona  University  United States General Manager for Technology Foundation Knowledge Riyadh / Saudi Arabia   at 8pm on October 24, 2015.

• (The State of Career Development and Human Resources Development as a key Rule of Libraries and Information Center Advancement) Presented by  Dr. Hisham Makki Researcher in Libraries and Information, Founder of Community experts Initiative in information, libraries and publishing, vice president of Department of Computer Congress Library in Cairo office, Dr. Yasser Darwish, Director of Human Resources Centre in Cabinet Information Center at 8 pm on November 21, 2015.

• (Cloud Computing in Libraries :New Trends ) Presented by  Amr Hassan Fattouh  lecturer of Libraries Affairs  Northern of Saudi University at 8 pm on December 5, 2015.

• (New Media Administration  :Experiences and Applications) Presented by  provide Dr. Essam Ebeid Professor of Libraries and Information Technology , Assistant at Asyut University and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Saudi Arabia at 8pm on December 12, 2015.

• Succeed in Udemy course entitled (Social Networking Management) Presented by  Dr. Essam Ebeid Professor of Libraries and Information Technology , Assistant at Asyut University and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Saudi Arabia on November 8, 2015.

• (E-readers “E-book”: Art and Skill) Presented by  Researcher  Dr. Khaleda Hanaa Sayedhom, Ph.D. in library science and documentation, lecturer at Hadj Lakhdar Batna University, Algeria at 8 pm  on January 9, 2016.

Scientific Production:

Title  of University Dissertation


Faculty\ Department

Date Received



Marketing Information Services in the Egyptian National Agricultural Library: Case Study

Beni- suef University

Faculty of Arts, Libraries and Documents  Department







Name of Publication

Publication Data



Report on First Conference of Distance Learning entitled             (Distance  Learning and its Role in Development of Education System at University in Arab world)

Journal of Distance Learning          and Open Education

Arab Universities  Union in collaboration with Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University

First Volume

Issue No.2

January-May 2014

Review on “Marketing Information Services in the Egyptian National Agricultural Library:  A Case Study”

Egyptian Journal of Information Sciences

Information Sciences Department, Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University

Second Volume

Issue No.1

April 2015

Curriculum that have been taught:



Undergraduate Education Stage




Descriptive Cataloging




Beni- suef


Objective Analysis












Public Sources and References






Automated Systems Analysis












Information Science






Indexing and  Abstracting












Information Sources  Cataloging



Euro-Mediterranean Studies  Department 2008



Courses and Workshops that have been taught:




Descriptive and Objective Cataloging, Classification in Libraries

Beni Suef Cultural Palace

3/4/2010 to  13/5/2010

Awards and Honors:

Name of Award



Ideal  Demonstrator

Teaching Staff Members Club Cairo University


Master Title

Marketing of information services in the Egyptian National Agricultural Library (ENAL): A Case Study

Master Abstract

Marketing helps libraries achieve their goals, and increase the quality of the provided services, especially if marketing was among the policies adopted and implemented by the library to ensure satisfaction among its users. Marketing also helps make the best use of material and human resources in identifying and fulfilling the needs of the user. Besides, marketing is an important function that a library devoted to make its societal mission a success should perform; it is a main entrance that libraries aim to keep opened for users to allow them to access all the provided services and goods. This study has an introduction, four chapters, and a conclusion: Chapter One deals with marketing information services from a theoretical perspective. It defines marketing and provides an overview of its origin, historical development, importance, objectives, and the reasons that made libraries use it. The chapter also attempts to identify marketing strategies and the different components of an expanded marketing. Chapter Two is devoted to ENAL. It overviews the origin, evolution, objectives, functions, location, size area, furniture, equipments, regulations, administrative framework, staff, budget, possessions, technical preparation, and services of the Egyptian National Agricultural Services. The chapter, then, discusses the marketing environment of the library. Chapter Three examines the sample users and staff who took the questionnaire of the study in order to identify the mechanism of marketing services in the library under study. Chapter Four Planning to set up a marketing plan information services of the Egyptian National Agricultural Library. The Conclusion sums up a number of findings the most significant of which is the inability of ENAl to market its information services whether traditionally or electronically.

PHD Title

Universities E-Portals: An Evaluative Comparative Study of a Sample of Arab and Foreign Universities to Set standard specifications that would facilitate Benefitting from Beni- Suef University Portal

PHD Abstract

This study evaluates a number of E-portals for Arab and foreign universities, comparing them in the light of some criteria related to designing, developing and formatting E-portals and websites. The criteria are collected by the researcher from those found in the literature, the standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization and Measurement (ISO) for the specialization, and the standards issued by academic institutions. Ten Arab E-portals are evaluated, as well as ten foreign ones that are ranked top ten by by (Webometrics CSIC), which evaluates universities websites according to the following criteria: size, files, citation of research done by the given university's researchers and the general impact and contribution. The study consists of five chapters preceded by an introduction that deals with the research methodology, and followed by a conclusion and recommendations. It has two appendices. Following is an overview of the chapter: Chapter One, "E-Portals: A Theoretical Approach" , provides a general theoretical background on E-portals. It explains some important concepts related to the topic of the study, such as the concepts of 'website' and 'university website'. E-portals are also defined and distinguished from ordinary websites. Their origin, components, characteristics and qualities are also treated. Chapter Two, "Evaluation Criteria and Universal Classifications of Universities", which is divided into three sub-sections: 1- Criteria for evaluating E-portals: The topics treated in this sub-section are the importance of using certain criteria for evaluating E-portals, methods of evaluating them, standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization as well as standards issued by professional associations and organizations that specialize in evaluating E-portals, standards issued by academic libraries and institutions and evaluation criteria found in the literature. This is done with a view to create a list of evaluation criteria to be used in chapter three. 2-crietria for evaluating universities E-portals: represented by the Shanghai classification, QS Times classification, WeboMetrix Spanish classification, classification of the Times, professional classification of universities, classification of competence for research and international scientific articles for universities, the international classification of the website of universities and colleges on the network ICUs4) 3- A brief overview of the E-portals of the universities treated in the study. Chapter Three, "Universities E-portals: An Evaluative Study of the Structure and the Content", evaluates and compares the top ten Arab universities E-portals and their foreign counterparts, in terms of design, structure and content, according to Webometrics (January 2016). Chapter Four, "Universities E-portals: An Evaluation of the Use and Services", evaluates and compares the top ten Arab universities E-portals and their foreign counterparts, in terms of use and services , according to Webometrics (January 2016),with the aim of gaining insights into the status quo and performance of these portals, which would help E-portals rank first according to the aforementioned universal classifications. Chapter Five, "The extent of benefiting from the portal of the University of Beni Suef" How Beneficial Beni-Suef University E-Portal is, provides information about the history and ranking of Beni-Suef University according to Webmetrics. It evaluates the E-portal according to the list of criteria prepared by the researcher. The list consists of four entries: Design and Structure, Content, Use and Navigation and Services. It sheds light on the degree to which users benefit from the E-portal, and refers to the standards that must characterize the E-portal to maximize the benefit, in the light of the exploration of the E-portals treated in the study. Following are the results and recommendations of the study: 1- There is no agreement among the different organizations and institutions on the evaluation criteria. 2- The researcher has come up with a list of criteria for evaluating universities E-portals that fall into four categories: structure and design, content, use and navigation and services. The sum total of the criteria is 132. 3- The E-portals of the foreign universities are better than their Arab counterparts in structure and design, use and navigation and services, while Arab universities are better when it comes to content. Generally speaking, the discrepancy is (7%) for the foreign universities, which is not representative of the real gap between the Arab and foreign universities. 4- (92.7%) of the E-portal of Beni- Suef University users that it needs more development. 5- The researcher has defined a number of standards and criteria that can be benefited from in developing the E-portal of Beni- Suef University. They have to do with the content, the strcture, the design, the use, the navigation and the services. The study also recommends the following: 1- There must be an Arab evaluation for universities that takes into consideration the environment of the Arab universities and the nature of study in these universities. 2- There must be a list of evaluation criteria to be consulted when creating and evaluating E-portals. The list created by the researcher may be useful in this respect. 3- The recommendations of the study need to be put into effect to meet the needs of the users of the E-portal of Beni- Suef University, be they students, personnel, staff members or citizens from outside the university community.

All rights reserved ©wessam hassan mostafa