Mahmoud Badawy Ahmed kamal

Assistant Lecturer

Basic Informations


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First: Personal Information

* Name: Mahmoud Badawy Ahmed Kamal Mohammed

 Egyptian nationality *

* Telephone number: 01226675080

* Date of birth: 24/1/1983

* Current Position: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Business     Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef University                            

* Email: Mahmoud.Badawy83 @

* Marital status: Married

* Military service: exemption

* Address: Ehnsaia elkhadra Beni Suef Governorate

Second : Scientific Qualifications

* Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration under the        title "The Ethical Climate as A mediator Variable  in the             Relationship between Leadership Style and Organizational         Performance: A Comparative Study between Public and              Private Banking Sector", 20017

* Pre- PhD degree in Business Administration in Business             Administration with a good grade in 2012

* Master's Degree in Business Administration under the title         "The relationship between administrative Creativity and                Quality of service Applied on the banking sector" in 2010

* Pre-master's degree in Business Administration with a very         good general grade. May 2006 Faculty of Commerce, Beni         Suef University

* Bachelor of Commerce - Department of Business                        Administration with a very good general grade. May 2003          Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef University

Third: Scientific Experiences

* Teaching courses to the Department of Business                          Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef University      as Assistant member of the teaching staff

* Conducting many lectures and training programs within the        Arab Republic of Egypt in the areas of business                           administration, including "Management Communication,            Change Management, Effective Negotiation Skills,                      Management Skills Development, Decision Making, Problem     Solving, Leadership" and other programs in training centers       and government agencies such as " Egyptian Tax Authority        Arab Experts and Consultants Center INTEC

* Participation in electronic coordination work, Faculty of             Commerce, Beni Suef University          

* Supervision of many student activities Faculty of Commerce,     Beni Suef University

Forth :Training Courses

* TOEFL with a total of 450 degrees of AMIDEAST

* Get the "ICDL" certificate in Computer Science from the            Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

* Attending and passing a training course entitled "Using               Technology in Teaching", Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef        University

* Attending and passing a training course entitled "Examination       Systems and Evaluation of Students" Faculty of Commerce,       Beni Suef University  

* Attending and passing a training course entitled "Ethics of           Scientific Research" Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef                 University

* Attending and passing a training course entitled "University        Management" Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef University

* Attending and passing a training course entitled "Time                Management and Meetings" Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef    University

* Attending and passing a training course entitled "Organizing      Scientific Conferences" Faculty of Commerce, Beni Suef            University

Fifth : Languages

 * Arabic language: it is Mother Language

 * English: Good

Master Title

the relationship between administrative creativity and service quality : applied on Banking Sector

Master Abstract

???? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????: ????? ???? ???? ???? Abstract The following study tries To know the ability of creativity in work of the directors about the banking services in the private sector and the public sector banks And its effect on the quality of service according to the customers’ point of views. the study show that The mean of the ability of creativity in work of the directors about the banking services in the private banks is more than the mean of the ability of creativity in work of the directors about the banking services in the public banks, the mean of the perceived quality level of the customers of the private banks is more than the mean of the perceived quality level of the customers of the public banks, And there is a positive relationship with statistical significance between the ability of creativity in work and the quality of banking service perceived by customers.

PHD Title

Ethical Climate as A mediator Variable in the Relationship between Leadership Style and Organizational Performance: A Comparative Study between Public and Private Banking Sector

PHD Abstract

???? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ???????? : ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ??????: ????? ???? ???? ???? • Abstract Researchers have increased their interest concerning business ethics as a result to the emergence of many unethical practices of organizations and to the extent which can affect the reputation of organization and its relationship with its clients The Study aims to Identify the Impact of Ethical Climate as a Mediator Variable in the Relationship between the Leadership Style and the Organizational Performance. The study has been applied on four hundreds and five of employees in the banking sector, the public and the private ones, The Study has resulted in the presence of a positive relationship between both patterns of leadership , transformational and transactional leadership and the ethical climate , also the presence of a direct and indirect positive relationship between transactional leadership and organizational performance ,in addition , the presence of an only indirect positive relationship between transactional leadership and the organizational performance .The study also resulted in the mediation of the ethical climate concerning the relationship between both patterns of leadership ," Transformational and transactional leadership " and organizational performance .

All rights reserved ©Mahmoud Badawy Ahmed kamal