Mona Ahmed Abd el Rahman Emam


Basic Informations




Title: Dr.

Surname/Family name: DR.
Another name: Mona Ahmed Abd-el Rahman.

Date of birth: 1/10/1988 

Permanent address: Faculty of Pharmacy Beni Suef University, Beni Suef

Telephone:  +201007871387





-Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Pharmacy Beni Suef University, 27 July 2010 with excellent grade with honor.
-Master degree in Pharmaceutical Science (clinical pharm
acy), 1 March 2016.
-Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Science (clinical pharmacy), 24 February 2019. 


- Working as a demonstrator in clinical pharmacy department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt 2011-2016

- Teaching practical course of Community Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Treatment of respiratory disease and oncology for Undergraduates in Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef.

- Supervising training for clinical pharmacy undergraduate, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, in the teaching hospital of Faculty of Medicine, Beni Suef University for two months in Surgery, Gynaecology, pulmonary, cardiology, ICU, nephrology, infectious diseases, oncology, Gastroenterology and paediatric wards, summer of academic years, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014.

- Preparing clinical pharmacy diploma at ain shams university 2010-2011

- Working in several private Pharmacies as a Community Pharmacist in Beni Suef Egypt 2009-2012.



- Attend & complete the student Skills Development Program April 2007 in the following work skills, interview skills and selling skills in faculty of pharmacy, Beni Suef University in partnership with ACAPI MISR

- Complete the training program "Development of Thinking and Managerial Skills"

"Knowledge Approach" conducted in cooperation with faculty of Science, Beni Suef University with net training hours of 75. Trainee's GPA for the whole program is 4.49 points (out of 5) by "pathways to Higher Education", Egypt (center of advancement of postgraduate studies and research, faculty of engineering, Cairo University) CAPSCU including:

-        Development of thinking and managerial skills" knowledge approach"

-        Statistical data analysis

-        Risk assessment and risk management

-        Wellness guidelines (healthful life )

-        Basic Arabic language skills for scientific writing

-        Accounting for management and decision making

-        Small projects

-        Integration of pathway training

- Attend "Step on the Way Program" from 16-18 March 2010 at faculty of pharmacy, Beni Suef University, which include 4 sessions about (C.V Writing – Interviewing Skills - Patient Counselling – Pharmaceutical career path)

- Complete the didactic & Practical requirement of the training program Health Care Management "Emergency – 1 Aid" during the period from 4-15 July 2010 with cooperation of: medical training department of international culture centre "ICC"

- Passed all modules required for the granting of the "Internal Computer Driving License" ICDL 11 November 2010 syllabus Version: 4.0

- Attend the training program "Advanced Database" prepared by Central Unit of It Training (CUIT) by ministry of higher education supreme council of universities Information & Communication technology project.

- Attend the training program "Advanced Spreadsheets" prepared by Central Unit of It Training (CUIT) by ministry of higher education supreme council of universities Information & Communication technology project

- Attend the training program "Advanced Word Processing" prepared by Central Unit Of It Training (CUIT) by ministry of higher education supreme council of universities Information & Communication technology project

- Attend the training program "Advanced PowerPoint" prepared by Central Unit of It Training (CUIT) by ministry of higher education supreme council of universities Information & Communication technology project

- Attend and meet the standards required for completion of training courses in FLDC (the Faculty and Leadership Development Centre), Beni Suef, Egypt in the following topics:

-        Presentation skills (15 Hours) held from 29-31 January 2013

-        The Credit Hour System (15 Hours) held from 19-20 October 2014

-        International Publishing of Research (15 Hours) held from 12-13 October 2014

-        Research Team Management (15 Hours) held from 14-15 October 2014

-        Ethical Conduct and Code of Ethics (15 Hours) held from 19-20 October 2014

-        University Management (15 Hours) held from 21-22 October 2014

- TOT (training of trainers) Course (30 Hours) for (5 Days) in FLDC on 9,10,11,17 and 18 Mach 2013

- Participate in the module entitled ''Self-Marketing'' of further domain ''Programme Preparation'' within the DAAD kairo Akademie on 16 May 2013 at the premises of Beni Suef University by Dr. Heba Salama

-Participate in the module entitled "Teambuilding for Team Members'' of further domain "Soft Skills" within the DAAD kairo Akademie on 23 June 2013 at the premises of Beni Suef University by  Mrs. Sonja Drewes

- Participate in "professional pharmacist course" held by "Pharmacists Syndicate" in beni suef 2013


Participate in the activity of 6th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiology Department Dar Al Fouad Hospital on 28 April 2011, for 6.5 hours of category I credit of the AACME Designation.

Master Title

Efficacy and Safety of Combined vs. Single Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System Blockade in Chronic Kidney Disease

Master Abstract

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide public health disease, with adverse outcomes of kidney failure, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and premature death. Hypertension and proteinuria are well-known predictors of chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression. Therapeutic interventions have different magnitude of albuminuria and hypertension. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of combined vs. single rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) blockade in chronic kidney disease. Forty (28 female) patients with chronic kidney diseases were collected from nephrology outpatient clinic, internal medicine department, Beni Suef University hospital. They were divided randomly into 2 groups. Group A was 24 (20 females) patients treated with Enalapril, as an Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) alone. Group B was 16 (8 females) patients treated with combination of Enalapril and Irbesartan, as an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARBs). All patients were subjected to full history taking; thorough clinical examination; certain laboratory tests and renal function tests at the start of the study, 1.5 and 3 months later. Proteinuria, urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (UACR), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were significantly (p<0.001) decreased with dual therapy (ACEI and ARB) compared to monotherapy. In return serum potassium level (Ser.K), serum creatinine level (Ser.Cr) were significantly increased (p<0.001) with dual therapy (ACEI and ARB) compared to monotherapy. The hypotensive and antiproteinuric effect of RAAS inhibitors should be compared with hyperkalemia and rise in serum creatinine level when prescribed as monothrapy or combination in patients with CKD. Decision of usage of RAAS system blockade should be made based on the risk and benefit ratio.

PHD Title

Effect of Add-on Device on Aerosol Delivery of different nebulizers

PHD Abstract

The present thesis is generally divided into three parts: Part 1: in-vitro study for determine aerodynamic characterizations and compare the efficacy of five different nebulizers and two types of connections during ACI. Part 2: in-vivo study for determining the drug delivering efficacy of the tested devices to the lungs. Part 3: ex-vivo study to identify the total emitted dose that a subject would have received by the tested devices. Salbutamol is a potent short acting ß2-agonist, recommended for first line management of asthma and COPD acute exacerbations. Nowadays, measurement of pulmonary drug deposition has gained a great importance in the context of drug development. The available methods used for this purpose are simulated in-vitro studies and in-vivo pharmacokinetic methods which can together reflect the amount of inhaled drug. In-vitro studies include the determination of aerodynamic particle distribution are commonly used for quality control testing of inhaled products. While pharmacokinetic methods using either plasma or urine samples can predict the relative pulmonary drug delivery (the effective lung dose) and also the total systemic delivery. While in pharmacokinetic studies, urinary salbutamol concentration is measured 30 minutes after dose inhalation during the absorption lag time of swallowed drug portion so this measured concentration and the calculated amount would account for the drug fraction absorbed mainly from lungs and can be used as a meaningful measure of pulmonary deposition. (Hindle and Chrystyn 1992) Hence the objectives were: a) To determine the aerodynamic characterizations of emitted aerosol of salbutamol from inhalation devices (jet and vibrating mesh nebulizers) (Fine particle dose (FPD = 5µm and FPD = 3µm), Fine particle fraction (FPF = 5µm and FPF = 3µm), Mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and geometrical standard deviation (GSD)) using ACI (Anderson Cascade Impactor). b) Comparing the efficacy of five different nebulizers and two types of connections using ACI. c) To evaluate the effect of inhalation techniques on the lung and systemic bioavailability in healthy volunteer subjects following inhalation from different three jet devices. d) To compare the in-vivo (linked to ex-vivo) fate of nebulized salbutamol from different three inhalation jet devices in healthy volunteer subjects. In the in-vitro part of the study, the main focus was comparing aerodynamic particle size distribution of the emitted-dose of 2 ml salbutamol solution at a flow rate of 15 L/min-1 using Anderson Cascade Impactor (ACI) through five different nebulizers using two different connections (holding chamber (Circulaire) and standard T-piece).The five devices were three jet nebulizers (VixOne, NebuTech Breath-Enhanced and En full Kit) and two vibrating mesh nebulizers(Aerogen Solo (SOLO) and Aerogen pro (PRO)). The results of our in-vitro study demonstrated that T-piece with SOLO and PRO shows the highest significance in TDPS, CCD and FPD <5 Mic than other devices (p<0.001). T-piece with NebuTech has the highest significance in FPD <3 Mic and FPF <5 Mic% (p<0.001) and the lowest significance in MMAD (p<0.05) than the other devices. Circulaire with VixOne has significantly higher FPF <3 Mic% than and significantly lower MMAD than T-piece with VixOne (p<0.05) and (p<0.001), respectively. In the in-vivo part of the study, three devices were selected to be tested in this part based on their encouraging in-vitro results: VixOne, NebuTech and En-full-Kit. Twelve subject (range 25-40 years, mean age of 23 years) healthy volunteer subjects. Each subject inhales nebulized-aerosol of 1 ml of salbutamol respirable solution (Farcolin respiratory solution containing a nominal dose of 5000 µ salbutamol through the three JNs using normal tidal-breathing. Two urine samples are taken from each patient: the first one is the urine voided 30 minute from dose inhalation and the other one is the urine pooled to 24 hour after dose inhalation. The results of our in-vivo study demonstrated that Using T- piece with NebuTech and Kit result in USAL 0.5 significantly greater by about one fold or may be more than that delivered by VixOne and NebuTech using Circulaire (p<0.001).However, there is no any significance difference in USAL 24 between the three jet nebulizers by using T-piece or Circulaire. Filters interposed between the mouthpiece and connections (holding-chamber system or the T-piece) trapped any drug likely to be inhaled. The amount of salbutamol deposited on the filter was assayed by high performance liquid chromatography in ex-vivo study. The results of our ex-vivo study showed that T-piece with kit nebulizer results in higher SALF significance than T-piece with NebuTech or the Circulaire with Kit (p<0.05).

All rights reserved © Mona Ahmed Abd el Rahman Emam