Basic Informations


Name / Wahid Issa Moussa Saad.

Work / Lecturer - Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef.

Contact Information: Portable 01,147,683,573.

current work

Lecturer - Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef.

Administrative work

Executive Director for Quality Assurance and Accreditation - Faculty of Arts - University of Beni Suef.: Strategic expert in higher education institutions, accredited by the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education.

Former administrative work
Director of e-learning center at the university.

 Wahid Issa Moussa Saad..Services electronic information in some of the Egyptian National Public Libraries: An Empirical Study of Total Quality Management; supervision of Mohammed Jalal Sayed Ghandour; supervision participant Fayza Ahmed Desouki. - Beni Suef University, Faculty of Arts, Libraries and Documentation Section. - 2007. - 270 p. - (Doctoral thesis).
 ____________. Arab contribution in the field of common standards: an analytical study; supervision Yousria Zayed Abdul Halim, the birth of Salwa. - Beni Suef University, Faculty of Arts, Libraries and Documentation Section. - 2001. - 243 p. - (Master's thesis).

Scientific research:

Wahid Issa Moussa Saad..ISO 9001 version, 2008: An Empirical Study on a sample of Egyptian libraries.- Magazine index. - GS 32 (January 2011).
 ___________. Software piracy: the current reality, and the means of deterrence, in the light of the efforts of international institutions. - Arabic 3000.
 ___________ .maoqat creativity of the Egyptian workers and school libraries.? - 38 index G Magazine (April 2012).
 ___________ .alansan automated RFID technology, an alternative to the bar code system. Arabic magazine 3000. - GS 47 (October 2012).
 ___________ .other Revolution on happiness at work: an extended study timetable application to the Egyptian National Library. - Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Beni Suef. - GS 25 (October / December 2012).

 ___________ .Relation between leadership styles and trends toward subordinates work in the palaces of culture libraries: An Empirical Study on the Northern Upper libraries. - Vol 33, n 1 (January 2013).

 ___________. Implementation of environmental management systems requirements: the case of the Central Library at Cairo University study. Arab libraries and information magazine. - Vol 34, p 4 (October 2014).

___________. The reality of Business Process Reengineering in college libraries at the University of Beni Suef. - Index magazine. - P. 47, (July 2014).

 ___________ . Strategic planning: imagine a proposal to the Department of Libraries and documents at the Faculty of Arts of Beni Suef. - 49 index G Magazine (January 2015).
 ______________. Imagine a proposed strategic plan for the University of Beni Suef during the period from 2015 - 2025, in the Strategic Plan of the University of Beni Suef Conference over the next decade, Beni Suef, 12 to 13 November 2013.
 __________. Research plan proposed for the Department of Library and Documentation at Beni Suef for the period from 2013 to 2017.
Wahid Issa Moussa Saad. Massive Open on line courses: Towards an Arab platform for higher education. - Index magazine. – V. 53 (April 2016).

___________ The reluctance of Arab university libraries to provide boadcast: Causes and planning for the availability of service. - Libraries and Information 3000 Arab magazine. - Vol 36, n. 2 (April 2016).

Books published:
 Wahid Issa Moussa Saad..Total quality management in libraries. - Riyadh: King Fahd National Library 0.2009. - 327 p.

____________. Arab contribution in the field of common standards, Riyadh: Enterprise Saidia 0.2002.? - 243 p.
 ____________. Indexing and abstracting: Principles and Applications] decision letter [available on (

Awards obtained:

win a competitive national project in the field of humanities in thetheme: " Massive Open on line courses: Towards an Arab platform for higher education " for the academic year 2014/2015

 Distinguished Research Award, awarded by the Faculty of Arts -? University of Beni Suef, and that for 2013/2014 academic year for research entitled: "Implementation of the EMS requirements: the case of the Central Library at Cairo University study."
 Excellence Award, granted by the E-Learning Center - Beni Suef? University, researcher for first place at the university level in the operation of decision-mail: "indexing and extraction: Principles and Applications"
Foreign Activities

 lecturer Leadership Development Center (government employees) Adly Branch.?
 minutes of preparation cultural leaders of the General Authority for Cultural Palaces Center.
 expert Arab Organization for Administrative Development in the sectors of the total quality and strategic planning.

In addition to a number of training courses and conferences, in which he participated.

Master Title

Arab contribution in the field of common standards: an analytical study

Master Abstract

Concerned with the message by the Arab contribution in the field of common standards and targeted stand on the quantitative study and topical unified Arab standards in the field of libraries and information and concluded to the absence of a purely Arab standards in the area and most of them have been adopted by the International Standards

PHD Title

Electronic information services in some Egyptian National Public Libraries: An Empirical Study of Total Quality Management

PHD Abstract

Message by means of electronic information services from the perspective of the overall quality application on a sample of Egyptian libraries and finished to a high degree of willingness of workers in libraries under study on the application of total quality in their libraries

All rights reserved ©Wahid Issa Mousa Saad.