حسني حافظ علي عميش

استاذ بقسم الرعاية وتنمية الثروة الحيوانية والدواجن

البيانات الاساسيه

السيره الذاتيه

Prof.Dr. Hosny Hafez Ali Emeash
Professor and Chairman, Department of Hygiene, Management and Zoonoses, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University

Nationality: Egyptian
Date and place of birth: 1/9/1959- Dakahlia- Egypt
Martial Status: Married

Address : University of Beni Suef, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Hygiene, Management and Zoonoses
T .home : 0020237349535
Fax work : 0020822327982    &   0020233303482
Mobile : 01001113808
E-mail : hhemeash@yahoo.com

 Scientific status:
• Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University, 1982

• Master of Veterinary Medical Science, Cairo University, 1987                  Title:
Maternal behaviour of foreign rabbits with special reference to        feeding.M.V.Sc.degree of Animal Behaviour and Management, Faculty   of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1987 


• PhD Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1991

  Title: Effect of some environmental factors on social behaviours among   layers.Ph.D.of Animal Ethology and Management, Faculty of                    Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1991.

• Diploma of Microbiology, Cairo University, 2000

Functional status:
• Demonstrator, or Teaching Assistant or Faculty of Veterinary          Medicine Beni Suef, Cairo University, from 1984 to 1987.
• Assistant Lecturer, Department of Hygiene, Management and         Zoonoses, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni Suef, Cairo             University from 1987 until 1991
• Lecturer, Department of Hygiene, Management and Zoonoses,       Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni Suef, Cairo University  from     1991 to 1995

• Assistant Professor, Department of Hygiene, Management and        Zoonoses since 1995 and an acting Head of the Department since 1998
• Professor and Chairman, Department of Hygiene, Management  and Zoonoses, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Beni Suef, Cairo    University since 2000 till now.

  • Vice Manager of CIQAP project ,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ,Beni-Suef University.

 University Teaching Experience:
• Theoretical and practical teaching for students of Veterinary            Medicine Undergraduate
• Teaching of experimental psychology, Faculty of Arts, Minia            University
• Teaching for under and post-graduates students at faculties of        Agriculture and Education, Minia University
• Theoretical and practical teaching for postgraduate students           (Diploma - Master - Doctorate) and courses to help them at            Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
• Mandate colleges of Veterinary Medicine (Alexandria - Tanta -       Banha) for the teaching of graduate students
• Teaching in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of       Omar Al-Mukhtar Libyan Arab in the period from 1994 - 1996.

•E-learning of Animal Behaviour and Management in related to National E-learning Center, Ministery of Higher Education –Egypt.

Conferences , Scientific symposia and Training courses in abroad and inside the country:

• Attend the training course held in Germany in the period from         November 29 to December 19, 1999 in the care of poultry and       preventive measures in the draft white pathogen-free SPF
• Travel for a scientific mission to Germany in accordance with the   Agreement on Cooperation between the Academy of Scientific       Research German DFG and the University of Cairo in the period    from 1/10/2002 until 1/12/2002 down and many lectures at the       University of Giessen, Germany.
• Attend the Scientific Conference of the livestock and agricultural     development in the tropics in Germany at the University of Kassel, Germany, in Witzen hausen from 27 to 30 October 2003.
• Attend Academic Conference Department, the animal care and      behavior of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of           Giessen, Germany, 20 to 21 November 2002.
• Visiting a scientific fair for the production of animal and poultry,       held in Hanover, Germany, from 1 to 5 November 2002.
• Travel for a scientific mission for three months to the University of Giessen, Germany in the period from 15 - 1-2007 to 15 - 4 - 2007   from the General Administration of missions of the Ministry of Higher Education-Egypt.
• Traveling to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a consultant in a        company Hail Agricultural Development to contribute to the            development in the area of poultry production

• Participation in the Third Scientific Conference of the Faculty of      Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University in the period from 22 to 24    March 1994 with a research paper accepted for publication in the   conference and delivered
• Participation in the Third Scientific Conference of the Egyptian       Veterinary Association for poultry in the period from 7 to 9              December 1993 with a research paper accepted for publication in   the conference and delivered
• Participation in the Fourth Scientific Conference of the Egyptian     Veterinary Association for poultry in the period from 5 to 7 March   1996
• Participation in a seminar on "Food contamination of animal           origin and its impact on human beings," Academy of Scientific        Research and Technology conference room in March 12, 1997.
• Participation in the Third Scientific Conference of the Council of     Research Animal Resources and Fisheries Academy of Scientific   Research and Technology Center for International Egyptian           agriculture in the period from 6 to 7 April 1997 under the title "The   role of scientific research in the development of livestock and fisheries.
• Participation in the Conference of Cairo University for scientific and cultural relations in the Great Hall of the celebrations from 20   to 21 October 1997
• Participation in the Fourth Scientific Conference for Association     Egyptian Livestock Diseases in the period from 7 to 9 December    1997, Assiut University,  with a research paper accepted for   publication and delivered at the conference.
• Participation in the Fifth Scientific Conference of the Egyptian           Society of Poultry in the period from 3 to 5 March 1998 with a         research paper accepted for publication and delivered at the          conference and also participate in the preparation and the              presence of activities of the conference
• Participation in the Eighth International Conference of the                Egyptian Society of Animal Science German in the period from  29 to 31 March 1998 with a research paper accepted for  publication and delivered at the conference.
• Participation in the First Conference Veterinary Medical for Giza    Governorate in September 28, 1998
• Participation in the Fifth Scientific Conference of the Faculty of        Veterinary Medicine, University of Cairo in October 1998
• Participation in the Eighth Scientific Conference of the Faculty of    Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University in the period from 15 to 17   November 1998 with a research paper accepted for publication and delivered at the conference.

• Subscribe to attend the Conference of Cairo University for the        development of education in Undergraduate "A Vision for the          Future University" in the period from 22 to 24 May 1999.
• Participate in preparing and attend "conference biological for the twenty-first century in the period from 23 to 26 May 1999 and   the Research Centre for Future Studies, Cairo University.
• Subscribe to attend a workshop on "combat stray animals              civilized methods" of the Conference Centre at the University of Cairo, June 19, 1999 with the participation of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, the World Society for the Protection of Animals in England WSPA.
• Participating in the preparation and attend the First congress of       the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni Suef, Cairo University in   the period from 28 September to October 1999 with a research paper accepted for publication in the conference and delivered
• Participation in the Second Conference Veterinary Medical Giza    Governorate under the title "The Economics of Animal Diseases"   in the November 15, 1999.
• Participate in the festivities, Cairo University, the scientific              Calendar of the New Millennium in the period from 15 to 18              January 2000 and the Research Centre for Future Studies, Cairo   University.

• Attend the Scientific Conference of the World Poultry, held in         Cairo from 25 to 28 February 2002.
• Attend the Scientific Conference of Fertility and Reproduction,         held at the University of South Valley in the period from January  26 to 30, 2003
• Participate in the workshop of quality Assurance and                      Accreditation in the period from 26 to 30 November 2005 of the      Union of Universities Arabic - Arab Council for Graduate Studies    and Scientific Research Training Sector
• Attending the Fifth Scientific Conference, Faculty of Veterinary       Medicine, University of Beni Suef, from 6 to 9 November 2007.
• Attend the Fourth International Conference of the Egyptian             Society of environmental toxins in the period from 11 to 14             November 2008 Safaga.
• Attend the Scientific Conference, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,   Alexandria University, in March 2009.
• Participate in the XII Scientific Conference of the Egyptian              Society of technologies of education in Ain Shams University in   the period from 28 to 29 October 2009.
• Participate in the project committee to develop the Quality of         Education, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Beni           Suef.

Work associated with servicing the educational process and research, construction and equipment: -

• Contribute to the establishment and equipping Department of          Hygiene, Management and Zoonoses in the laboratory and            graduate students to the scientific equipment.

• Contribute to the creation and processing of the college's library     periodicals and scientific references in various fields, particularly in the area of specialization.
• Contribute to the design and construction of farm animals and         management.
• Contribute to the processing and design of farm animals, dairy and beef altogether.
• Member of the Committee of scientific equipment and laboratory and which college you update the hardware sections.

Business-related community service and development environment and convoys therapeutic and national projects: -
• Participate as a constant in all therapeutic convoys organized by the college in the areas of community service and development      environment in Beni Suef, Fayoum and Minia.
• Participating in the lectures the theory and practice in the care of   animals and poultry and for the veterinarians and agricultural          engineers working in the field of agricultural extension.
• Participating in the theoretical lectures and practical masters all     stakeholders in the field of livestock and poultry and fish in Beni Suef of the IFAD project, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture.
• Member of the Committee on Environment
• The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned to work as assistant        director of the National Project for the production of eggs from        pathogen-free SPF with the consent of Mr. Professor, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation

Supervision of the Theses and activities:
 • Supervision of many Masters and Doctoral students at Faculty of     Veterinary Medicine.
•  Member of the Jury to upgrade faculty and junior faculty in the        sector of the Committee of Veterinary Medicine and Animal            Hygiene and Food Control of the Supreme Council of                      Universities Egypt.

  .Member of Consultant and Supervision in Integrated Information      Systems and Decision Support at Supreme Council of                    Universities Egypt. www.scu.eun.eg.

Scientific Societies:
• Pioneer Scientific Society of manners.
• Pioneer family Message, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine                 University of Beni Suef.
• Board member of the Egyptian Veterinary Poultry over three           times.
• Member of the Egyptian Society for cattle diseases.
• Member of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association.
• Member of the Egyptian Society of beauty.
• Member of the Egyptian Society for young doctors.
• Chancellor of the University of Cairo in the period 1991 - 1994 to student activities - and Chairman of the delegation in Cairo University and Helwan camps Alexandria and Marsa Matrouh.
• General Secretary of the cooperative building and housing for        members of the faculty at Cairo University from 2001 to 2006
• Chairman of the Board of Directors of the cooperative building and housing for members of the faculty at Cairo University since    2006 to date.

List of Publications


 Maternal behaviour of foreign rabbits with special reference to feeding.

M.V.Sc.degree of Animal Behaviour and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1987.


Effect of some environmental factors on social behaviours among layers.

Ph.D.of Animal Ethology and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1991.

Emeash, H.H., O.K. Zahran and A.M. Abdel-karim (1993):

Influence of anticoccidial drugs on feeding behaviour and feed efficiency of broilers. Beni-Suef, Vet. Med. Res. Vol. III No. 2, 298-307, (1993).


The influence of repeated handling on the maternal behaviour and pup's performance of White New Zealand rabbits. Beni-Suef, Vet. Med. Res. Vol. III No. 2, 308-316, (1993).

E.M. Abdel-Gwad; Mervat, M.Kamal; Zamzam, H.Abdel-Wahed, M.M.Ali and Emeash,H.H. (1993):

Studies on the effect of litter type on some behaviour patterns and performance in broilers. The New Egyptian Journal of Medicine, Vol. 8, No, 1st June 1993.

Emeash,H.H. and E.M.Badwy (1993):

The effect of nest box design on the percentage of floor eggs in broiler breeder flocks. Prc.3rd Sci. Conf., Egypt. Vet. Poultry. Assoc. (1993): 111-116.

Emeash, H.H.;R.H. Fayed and G.S. Essawy (1994):

The effect of iodine-treated water on the performance and some behavioural patterns of meat-strain chicks. Vet. Medicine. J. Giza, Vol. 42 No. 1 (1994): 139-143. Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Congress of the Faculty of Vet. Med. Cairo University, March, 1994.

Karousa, M.M., Emeash,H.H. and M.E.M. Zowail (1994):

Effect of estrogen hormones on taste aversion conditioning and exploratory behaviour in Guina pigs. Alex. J. of Vet. Sci. Vol. 10, No.2 (1994).

Emeash, H.H. and Karousa, M.M. (1994):

The influence of some managemental programmes on maternal anomalies and pup's performance in white New Zeland rabbits. 1st International conference on rabbit production in hot climates, Vol. 8, Cahiers Options mediteraneennes ISSN 425-429.

Emeash, H.H. and Elham, S.Elsaid (1995):

The effect of feed restriction and management on behaviour and performance in female rats.

Vet. Med. J. Giza, Vol. 43, No. 2(1995).

Emeash, H.H.; M.M.Ali and M.A.El-Bably (1997):

Effect of some pollutants as stressors on some behavioural patterns and performance of broiler chickens.

Vet. Med. J. Giza, Vol. 45, No. 3, 307-314 (1997).

El-Bably, M.M. and Emeash,H.H. (1997):

Managemental and environmental factors associated with calf diarrhea in dairy farms with special reference to immune response in neonatal calves. 4th Sci. Cong., Egyptian Society for cattle Diseases, 7-9 Dec. 1997, Assiut, Egypt, 261-267.

Emeash, H.H. and M.Z.Attia (1998):

Performance and behavioural characters of layers as influenced by forced moult.Proc. 5th . Conf. Egypt. Vet .Poultry. Assoc.: 217-233,(1998).

E.S.Saleh; H.H. Emeash and H.I. Fahim (1998):

The influence of time-factor in animal protein nutrition on growth performance, spatial learning and some physiological parameters in weaning rats.

J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., Vol. 26(A) Comparative physiology, 8th Int. Conf. 29-31 March (1998) 213-228.

Emeash, H.H. and M.M. Ali (1998):

Effect of rearing system and calves separation on their behavioural patterns, morbidity and mortality rats.

Beni-Suef, Vet.: Med: Med.Res. Vol. VIII, No.2, July (1998) 365-388.

Emeash, H.H. (1999):

Temperament and breeds of rabbit and its effect on litter size performance and maternal behavioure. First Sci. Cong., Fac. Vet. Med. Beni-Suef, Cairo University. Egypt. Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J. Vol. 9, No.3 A (1999) 63-75.

Emeash,H.H., M.A.El-Bably and A.S.Moustafa (1999):

Studies on some behavioural patterns, performance and immune status in dairy calves under field conditions. Vet. Med. J. Vol. 47, No.4, 549-560, (1999).

Emeash,H.H. (2000):

Effect of group size and sex on performance and behavioural patterns of meat rabbits raised under commercial conditions.

J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. 60. No.1: 61-70, (2000).

Ibrahim, M.A.; Emeash, H.H.; Nahed H.Gohneim and Gihan, K. Abdel-Latef. (2003):

Epidemiological studies on Toxoplasmosis in animals and humans in Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J., Vol XIII. No.1 Oct., 2003, 251-260.

M.A.El-Bably; Emeash, H.H; A.M.Abdel-Rahman and A.S. Mustafa(2004):

Effect of climatic and management factors on milk production and performance of dairy cow. 1 1 st., Sci., Cong., 2004, Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit Univ., Egypt., 462-471.


Emeash,H.H.;Mostafa,A.S. and Naglaa M.Abdel-Azem (2008):Assessment of stress in relation to sheep shearing by using behavioural and physiological measurements.Beni-Suef Veterinary Medical Journal,Vol.18,No.2,15-18

Emeash,H.H.; El-Bably, M.A.;Mostafa,A.S. and Naglaa,M.Abdel-Azem(2008):Effect of castration and docking of lambs on maintenance behaviour and cortisol level.Beni-Suef Veterinary Medical Journal,Vol.18,No.2,10-14

Emeash,H.H.;Elbably,M.A.and Fatama,H.Said(2009):Effect of acute stress on the behaviour and cortisol level of virgin and parturient female rats.Alex.J.Vet.Med.Vol.28 No.1 March 2009. 

Emeash,H.H.,El-Bably,M.A.and Asmaa,N.Mohammed(2010): Effect of seasonal variations on performance and parasitic infestation of cultured fish in Fayoum governorate. Beni-Suef  Veterinary Medical Journal,Vol.30,No.1April 2010. 6 th Scientific Conference 24-27 April 2010,Faculty of Vet.Medicine,Beni-Suef University. 


El-Bably,M.A.,Emeash,H.H.,Asmaa,N.Mohammed and Nahla,R.(2010):

Influence of water quality on fish productivity. Beni-Suef  Veterinary

Medical Journal,Vol.30,No.1April 2010. 6 th Scientific Conference 24-27 April 2010,Faculty of Vet.Medicine,Beni-Suef University.

Emeash,H.H. and Mostafa,A.S.(2010):Prolificacy in Saidi and Ossimi ewes and its relation to their parity,age,body condition score and body weight.4 th Scientific Conference 25-28 October 2010,Egyptian Society. of Animal Management.Ras Sudr-Cairo.

Hosny H. Emeash, Naglaa, M. Abdel- Azeem, Safaa N. Abdel-Azeem  (2015): Effect of ewe's plan of nutrition on lamb Performance and colostral (IgG) concentration. 7th Scientific Congr. of Egypt. Soc. For Anim. Manag. 26-30 Augst,2015: 54-65.

Naglaa M. Abdel-Azeem and H.H. Emeash (2016): Hyline-White Behaviour, Laying Performance and Egg Quality in Two Conventional Caging Systems with Different Densities. Asian J.Anim.Vet.Adv., 11:137-143.

Rasha R.I.; Naglaa M. Abdel-Azeem ; H.H. Emeash (2017): Effect of stocking density in broiler housing on air quality and feed intake. 9th Scientific Congr. of Egypt. Soc. For Anim. Manag. 12-16 Sept.,2017: 32- 48

Asmaa K.M.; Naglaa M. Abdel-Azeem; Mostafa, A.S. and Emeash,H.H. (2017): Maternal separation versus maternal non separation in enriched and non- enriched environments for raising laboratory rats. 9th Scientific Congr. of Egypt. Soc. For Anim. Manag. 12-16 Sept.,2017: 16-77

Rasha R.Ibrahim; Naglaa M. Abdel-Azeem ; A.S.,Mostafa  and H.H. Emeash (2017): Studies on some Welfare Aspects of Broilers Reared Under Different Stocking Densities. Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences, 2(1): 23-34


عنوان رسالة الماجستير

Maternal behaviour of foreign rabbits with special reference to feeding

ملخص رسالة الماجستير

Maternal behaviour of foreign rabbits with special reference to feeding

عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه

Effect of some environmental factors on social behaviours among layers. Ph.D.of Animal Ethology and Management

ملخص رسالة الدكتوراه

Effect of some environmental factors on social behaviours among layers. Ph.D.of Animal Ethology and Management

جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©حسني حافظ علي عميش