Mohamed Emam Abdelmobdy

Associate Professor

Basic Informations




Title:                                                       Associate Professor

Surname/Family name:                      Abdelrahim                        

Other name:                                         Mohamed Emam Abdelmobdy

Date of birth:                                         01/05/1973                      

Permanent address:                            232 Z Hadeek El-ahram, Giza, Egypt

Telephone:                                           +201118261953


Nationality:                                            Egyptian


1. Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, year 1996 with a very good with honour grade.

2. Master degree in Pharmaceutical science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, year 2003.

3.  Mphil degree in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Innovation, Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, School of Pharmacy, Bradford University, year 2006.

4. PhD degree in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Innovation, Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, School of Pharmacy, Bradford University, year 2009.


1.Associate Professor in department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ahram Canadian, Giza, Egypt 01.09.2016-till now.

2. Associate Professor in department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt 2014-2016.

3. Lecturer in department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt 2009-2014.

4. Associate lecturer (2003-2009) in department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt.

5. Demonstrator (1997-2003) in department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt.


1. Consultant of Clement Clarke international Limited (UK)

2. Consultant of Laboratoire ProtecSom-OptimHal limited (France)

3. Membership of International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM), 2007-2008.

4. Research assistant in school of life science, Huddersfield University, in a project sponsored by Advanced Gel Technology Limited (AGT science Ltd), Huddersfield, UK 2008.

5. Honorary contract with the NHS to perform a study on non-invasively ventilated patients in respiratory care unit in St. James hospital, Leeds, UK 2009.

6. Researcher in a post doctoral job in Institute national de la santé et de la recherché médicale (INSERM), Faculty of medicine, Francois-Rabelais University, in a project sponsored by TELEMAQ, Tours, France 2009.

7. Member of research team to answer a question raised by the GRAM association (Aerosol Research Group for CF patients in France) of Cystic Fibrosis about the possibility to use a single-use disposable jet nebuliser with home care patients to avoid the risk of bacterial contamination and to decrease the total nebulisation time, Tours, France 2009.

8. Preparing and teaching Community Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Dermatology, Treatment of respiratory disease, oncology and drug information courses for Undergraduates and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Care courses for postgraduates in Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef.

9. Preparing and using the Clinical Pharmacy course as an e-course uploaded and used on the Egyptian National e-learning courses website “”

10. Visiting lecturer to prepare and teach Clinical Pharmacy 1 and Clinical Pharmacy 2, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Community Pharmacy course syllabuses in Faculty of Pharmacy, Nhda University, Beni-Suef, Egypt 2009-2012.

11. Visiting lecturer to prepare and teach Clinical Pharmacy course syllabus in Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Arab Medicine University, Bengazi, Libya 2009-2010.

12. Visiting lecturer to teach Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Drug and poison information, Hospital Pharmacy courses in Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Ahram Canadian University (ACU), Giza, Egypt 2009-2013.

13. External evaluator of the syllabuses of the courses produced and taught to undergraduate and postgraduate students, since 2009/2010, till now by Clinical pharmacy department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

14. Creating and supervising training for clinical pharmacy undergraduate, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, in the teaching hospital of Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University for two months in Surgery, Gynaecology, pulmonary, cardiology, ICU, nephrology, infectious diseases, oncology, Gastroenterology and paediatric words, summer of academic years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012.

15. Visiting Associate Professor to participate in preparing and teaching Oncology therapeutics, Treatment of respiratory disease and pharmaceutical care Immunological disorder course syllabuses to Pharm D students in Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt 2010-2011 and 2013-2014.

16. Membership of British Pharmacological society (BPS), 2011-2012.

17. Visiting lecturer to teach Clinical Pharmacy course in Faculty of Pharmacy and supervisor of the final year project of the clinical pharmacy undergraduate projects, Modern Science and art (MSA) University, Giza, Egypt 2011-2012.

18. Editorial Board Member of World Journal of Respirology, Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited,

19. Associate editor of Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences (BUJAS) the official journal of Beni-Suef University, Elsevier.

20. Establishing and supervising a Clinical Pharmacy department in the public Hospital of Fayoum )Al-Nabwy El-mohandes), 2012.

21. Preparing and teaching “Woman health care” module in the first OTC-Certification in Egypt sponsored by Sanofi Aventis Egypt and Egyptian Pharmacist Syndicate, 2012-2013. 

22. Visiting lecturer to participate in teaching of Oncology Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course and The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course to Pharm D students in Faculty of Pharmacy, MUST University, Giza, Egypt 2012-2013.

23. External evaluator of Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) to evaluate research proposals

24. Visiting Associate Professor to participate in preparing and teaching Therapeutics course syllabus to Hospital Pharmacy Diploma students in Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt 2013-2014.

25. Visiting Associate Professor to participate in preparing and teaching Therapeutics course syllabus to clinical pharmacy premaster students in Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt 2010-2011, 2013-2014.

26. Supervising many master and PhD thesis since 2009.

27. Head of Clinical Pharmacy Department since academic year 2014-2015.

28. Speaker for Pfizer Egypt, preparing and giving a lecture called "Common Upper and lower Respiratory Tract Infections", 2015 and “Erectile Dysfunction” and “Fungal Infections”, 2017.

29. Reviewer of several scientific journals e.g. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, Respirology Journal, Lung, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Journal, Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy Journal, Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Journal of Asthma and Allergy, International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Journal of Allergy & Therapy, Pharmacology and Pharmacy Journal, Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences (BUJAS) the official journal of Beni-Suef University, Universal Journal of Medicine & Dentistry (UJMD), World Journal of Respirology, DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (JCP), SAGE Open Medicine, Journal Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries, Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine, Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine Journal, World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Iranian Journal of pharmaceutical research, Journal of Pharmacy Technology and The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Palgo Journals, Advances in Therapy, Pulmonary Therapy, Pharmacy practice, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, The Clinical Respiratory Journal and Clinical, Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology and International Journal of Risk, Safety in Medicine, Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Experimental Lung Research and BMC Pulmonary Medicine.

30. Member in the American Association of Pharmaceutical since 2015.

31. Speaker for Novartis Egypt, preparing and giving a lecture called "Drug interactions", 2016

32. Evaluator of many master and PhD thesis in different Universities; in Egypt (Beni-Suef, Helwan and Cairo Universities), In United Arab Emirates (Ajman University of Science and Technology).

33. Advisory board member of journal of Pulmonary therapy, ISSN: 2364-1746 (electronic version).

34. External evaluator of National Science Centre (Poland) to evaluate research proposals




1. Abdelrahim M.E., and H. Chrystyn, Aerodynamic characteristics of nebulised terbutaline sulphate using the Next Generation Impactor (NGI) and CEN method, Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, March 2009, Vol. 22, No. 1: 19-28.

2. Amir Amani, Peter York, Henry Chrystyn, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim and Brian J. Clark, Evaluation of supercritical fluid engineered budesonide powder for respiratory delivery using nebulisers, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, December 2009, Vol. 61, No. 12: 1625-1630.

3.         Abdelrahim M.E., Emitted Dose and Lung Deposition of Inhaled Terbutaline from Turbuhaler at Different Conditions, Respiratory Medicine, May 2010, Vol. 104, No. 5: 682-689.

4. Abdelrahim M.E., P Plant, Chrystyn H., In-vitro characterisation of the nebulised dose during non-invasive ventilation, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, August 2010, Vol. 62, No. 8: 966-972.

5. Salem HF, Abdelrahim ME, Abo Eid K, and Sharaf MA, Nano-sized rods agglomerates as a new approach for formulation of a dry powder inhaler, International Journal of Nanomedicine, February 2011, Vol. 6: 311-320.

6. Laurent Vecellio, M.E. Abdelrahim, J. Montharu, J. Galle, P. Diot, JC Dubus, Disposable versus reusable jet nebulizers for cystic fibrosis treatment with tobramycin., Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, March 2011, Vol. 10, No. 2: 86-92.

7. Abdelrahim M.E. KH. Assi, H Chrystyn, Relative bioavailability of Terbutaline to the lung following inhalation, using urinary excretion, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, April 2011, Vol. 71: 608-610.

8. Abdelrahim M.E., Aerodynamic characteristics of nebulised terbutaline sulphate using the andersen cascade impactor compared to the next generation impactor, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, April 2011, Vol. 16, No. 2: 137-145.

9. Megahed S.S.E.M., S.A. Tayel, M.E. Abdelrahim, A.A. Ali and M.H. Meabed, Role of L-Carnitine in Treatment of β-Thalassemia Major Disease, Journal of Pediatric Sciences, 2011; Vol 3, No. 3:e91.

10. Abdelrahim M.E., P Plant, Chrystyn H., The relative lung and systemic bioavailability of terbutaline following nebulisation in non-invasively ventilated patients, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, November 2011, Vol 420, No. 2: 313-318.

11. Abdelrahim M.E., A. Abdelbary, M. Ghorab, Formulation and Evaluation of Medicated Microemulsion for Topical Application, International Journal of Novel Drug Delivery Technology, December 2011, Vol 1, No. 4: 208-212.

12. Heba A. M. El-Ramly, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Khaled Hosny, Nada F. El Naidany and Sherief El-Degwi, New Approach for the Treatment of Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia using Olea europaea extract, Egyptian Journal of Biomedical Science, November 2011, Vol 37: 300-308

13. Hayam M. A. Mostafa, Saadia A. Tayel, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Ahmed Khamees, Mohamed A. El Maraghy, Mohamed H. Meabed, The Role of Piracetam in Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia, National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2012, Vol 2, No. 1: 58-65.

14. Randa M Shams, Medhat A Saleh,  Mohamed E Abdelrahim, Asmaa S M Mohamed, Impact of Orlistat on Body Weight and Lipid Profile of Adult Population, Life Science Journal, January 2012, Vol 9, No.1: 214-219.

15. Mohamed Askalany, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Shahera Fawze, Mohamed A. El Maraghy, Mohamed H. Meabed, Insulin Vial and Syringe Versus Insulin Penfill and Pen in Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Children with Diabetes MellitusType 1, J. of the Egypt. Soc. Endocrin., Metab. & Diab., 2012 (January); 44 (1): 31- 36.

16. Marwa O. Elgendy, Sadia A. Tayel, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Ahmed M.A. Ali, Mohamed Adel El Maraghy and Mohamed H. Meabed, Role of Piracetam in Treatment of Cerebral Palsy Disease, Journal of Behavioral Health, March 2012; Vol 1, No.1: 53-58.

17. Marwa K. A. Tolba, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Sameh S. Fahmy and Mohamed H. Meabed, The Effect of Nimesulide Compared to Other NSAIDs on Liver Functions in Children, Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences, 2012; Vol 1, No.2: 26-31.

18. Ahmed Mohsen, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Ahmed Khames, Hanan Taha, Comparative Study of combination of Leflunomide and Methotrexate vs. monotherapy of either Leflunomide or Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences 2012; Vol 1, No.2: 58-68.

19. Stephen Britland, Wayne Finter, Henry Chrystyn, Donald Eagland and Mohamed E. Abdelrahim Droplet aerodynamics, cellular uptake and efficacy of a nebulizable corticosteroid nanosuspension are superior to a micronized dosage form, Biotechnology Progress, 2012; Vol 28, No.5: 1152-1159.

20. Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim and Mohamed H. Meabed, The efficacy of oral versus parentral vitamin D in treatment of nutritional rickets, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2012; 1(4): 244-253.

21. Raghda R. S. Hussein, Rasha H. Soliman, Ahmed. M. A. Ali, Mona H. Tawfeik and Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Effect of Dosing Rate and Duration of Therapy of Antiepileptic Drugs on Liver Enzymes, Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013; 2(1): 18-28.

22. Arwa kh.A. Mohammed, Mohamed H. Meabed, Waleed M. El. Malah, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim and Ahmed M. Goda, Comparison between  the effect of sildenafil versus nifedipine in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in children, British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2013; 4(2): 51-55.

23. Abdelrahim M.E., Assi KH., Chrystyn H., Dose emission and aerodynamic characterization of the terbutaline sulphate dose emitted from a Turbuhaler at low inhalation flow, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Journal, 2013; 18(4): 944-949.

24. Lamyaa M. Kassem, Mohamed EA Abdelrahim, Hassan F. Naguib, Investigating the Efficacy and Safety of Silymarin in Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in Neonatal Jaundice, Journal of Pediatric Sciences, 2013; Vol 5, No. 3:e175.

25. Mohamed Abdel Megied Abo El-Magd, Mohamed Adel El-Maraghy, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Khaled Refaat Abd El Meguid, Mohamed Hussein Meabed, Prevalence of Congenital Heart Diseases in Children with Congenital Hypothyroidism, Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, 2013; 2(2): 85-91.

26. Serag-Eldin A.  Sadek, Amany T. Abdelrahman, Noha G. Abdelkader and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Clinical and Microbiological Effect of Linezolid on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Colonization in Healthcare Workers in Egypt, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 2013; 15 (10): 1440-1449.

27. Amr Radwan, Hoda Abd El-Aziz Salem, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Ghada Atef Attia, Amgad A. Farhat, Inhaled corticosteroids and leukotriene modifiers as mono-therapy for mild persistent asthma, Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, 2013; 62 (3): 363-369.

28. Ahmed H. A. Hassanein, Mohamed A.E. Abdelrahim, Amira S.A. Said, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Mohamed Abuseif, The incidence of upper gastrointestinal complications of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in Elderly Patients, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2014; 3(1):1032-45.

29. Ahmed. M. A. Ali and Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Modeling and optimization of Terbutaline emitted from a dry powder inhaler and influence on systemic bioavailability using data mining technology, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation,2014; 9(1): 38-47.

30. Walid A.A.  Abdeltawab, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Ahmed A. Ahmed, Mahmoud A. Nassef, The effect of Gentamicin on the action of Atracurium in adult patients, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2014; 3(2): 1174-82.

31. Asmaa A.E. Ali, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Neveen A. Elmoslamy, Amira S.A. Said and Mohamed H. Meabed, Comparison Between Nitazoxanide and Metronidazole in the Treatment of Protozoal Diarrhea in Children, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2014; 3(2): 1162-73.

32. Doaa Hamdan El-Farok, Ezzedin S. El-Denshary, Manal Mahmoud, Naglaa Asaaf and Mohamed Emam, Lipid Lowering Effect of Ginseng and Alpha-Lipoic acid in Hypercholesterolemic Patients, Global Journal of Pharmacology, 2013; 7(3): 298-306 .

33.  Yassmin M. Kamal, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Amira S.A. Said, Osama E. Botrous, Adel Ahmed, Mohamed H. Meabed, The Efficacy of Elemental Zinc on Acute Diarrhea in Egyptian Infant and Children, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2015; 4(1): 1788-95.

34. Kamel Abdelaziz, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Identification and Categorisation of Drug-Related Problems on Admission to Adult Intensive Care Unit, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2015; 22(3): 138-141.

35. Aly A Abdelbary, Abdulaziz M Al-mahallawi, Mohamed E Abdelrahim and Ahmed MA Ali, Preparation, optimization, and in vitro simulated inhalation delivery of carvedilol nanoparticles loaded on a coarse carrier intended for pulmonary administration, International Journal of Nanomedicine, October 2015, 10: 6339-6353.

36. Marwa O. Elgendy, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Randa Salah Eldin, Potential benefit of repeated MDI inhalation technique counseling on asthmatic patients, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2015; 22(6): 318-322.

37. Marwa O. Elgendy, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Randa Salah Eldin, Potential benefit of repeated dry powder inhaler’s inhalation technique counseling on asthmatic patients, Pulmonary Therapy, 2015; 1(1): 91-101.

38. Hassna Osama, Hoda Abd Elbadie Hussein, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Heba F. Salem, Screening the effect of metformin on serum vitamin B12 and blood homocysteine levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2016; 5(1): 46-56.

39. Ahmed Hassan, Hoda Rabea, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Randa Salah Eldin, Maha M Abdelrahman, Amira S.A. Said, Heba F. Salem, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, In-vitro characterization of the aerosolized dose during non-invasive automatic continuous positive airway pressure ventilation, Pulmonary Therapy, 2016; 2(1): 115-126.

40. Mona A. Abdelrahman, Ashraf Genina, Amira S. A. Said, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Efficacy and Safety of Combined vs. Single Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockade in Chronic Kidney Disease, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2016; 5(3): 751-7.

42. Rania M. Labib, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Enas Elnadi, Reem M. Hesham, Dina Yassin, CYP2B6rs2279343 is associated with improved survival of Pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma treated with Cyclophosphamide, PloS one, 2016; 11(7): e0158890.

42. Magdy Zedan, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Hosam Zaghloul, Ahmed El-Refaey, Amal Osman, Mohamed Zedan, Nashwa Eltantawy, Montelukast as an add-on Treatment in Steroid Dependant Nephrotic Syndrome, Randomised-Controlled Trial, Journal of Nephrology, 2016; 29 (4): 585–92.

43. Heba Salem, Rasha Kharshom, Lekaa Abdel Hakim, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Edge activators and a polycationic polymer enhance the formulation of porous voriconazole nanoagglomerate for the use as a dry powder inhaler, Journal of Liposome Research, 2016; 26(4) 324-35.

44. Marwa K. Ibrahim, Hosny Salama, Mohamad Abd El Rahman, Reham M. Dawood, Noha G. Bader El Din, Heba F. Salem, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Dalia Omran, Moataza H. Omran, Khaled Helmi El-Wakeel, Tawfeek H. Abdelhafez, Ahmed Khedr, Mostafa K. El Awady, Three gene signature for predicting the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronically infected HCV patients, Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research, 2016; 36(12):698-705.

45. Hoda Rabea, Ahmed M. A. Ali, Randa Salah Eldin, Maha M Abdelrahman, Amira S.A. Said, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Modelling of in-vitro and in-vivo performance of aerosol emitted from different vibrating mesh nebulisers in non-invasive ventilation circuit, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017; 97(2) 182-91.

46. Amira B. Kassem, Salem Eid Salem, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Amira S.A. Said, Ahmad Salahuddin, Abeer A. Bahnassy, ERCC1 and ERCC2 as predictive biomarkers of survival and response to oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in colorectal cancer patients from Egypt, Experimental and Molecular Pathology, 2017;102(1),  78-85.

47. Mohammed A. Amin, M El-Khlousy, Ahmed A. Elberry, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Nesreen Mostafa Kamel, Radwa, Ahmed Rabea Sameh AbdelGhani, Aerobic Bacterial Profile and Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern of Pus Isolates in Beni-Suef University Hospital from 2008-2014: Observational Study, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2017; 43(1), 206-10.

48. Marwa Mohsen, Ahmed A Elberry, Abeer Salah Eldin, Raghda R.S. Hussein and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Effects of Heat and Humidifi cation on Aerosol Delivery during Auto-CPAP noninvasive Ventilation, Arch Pulmonol Respir Care, 2017; 3(1): 11-15.

49. Ahmed Hassan, Randa Salah Eldin, Maha M Abdelrahman and Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, In-vitro / In-vivo comparison of inhaled salbutamol dose delivered by jet nebulizer, vibrating mesh nebulizer and metered dose inhaler with spacer during non-invasive ventilation, Experimental Lung Research, 2017; 43, 19-28.

50. Yasmin M. Madney, Maha Fathy, Ahmed A. Elberry, Hoda Rabea, and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Nebulizers and spacers for aerosol delivery through adult nasal cannula at low oxygen flow rate: An in-vitro study, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2017; 39, 260-265.

51. Reda A. Abobesht, Samia A. Shuman, Ahmed Khamees, Mohmed E. A. Abdelrahim, Alaa M. A. Elhdad, Efficacy and toxicity of once versus twice daily regimens of amikacin in febrile neutropenic pediatric cancer patients, Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017; 6(1) 76–82.

52. Esraa Adel Bamofleh, Jayda Abdullah Mohammed, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Mohammed Gamal, The reasons behind prevalence of Captagon addiction in Jeddah and community awareness: a questionnaire-based study, Scholars report, 2017; 2(1), 1-13.

53. Islam O.F. Moustafa, Muhammad H. E. ElHansy, Moataz Al Hallag, James B Fink, Patricia Dailey, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Clinical outcome associated with the use of different inhalation method with and without humidification in asthmatic mechanically ventilated patients, Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2017; 45, 40-46.

54. Haitham Saeed, Marwa Mohsen, James B Fink, Patricia Dailey, Abeer Salah Eldin, Maha M Abdelrahman Ahmed A. Elberry, Hoda Rabea, Raghda R.S. Hussein, and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Fill volume, humidification and heat effects on aerosol delivery and fugitive emissions during noninvasive ventilation, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2017; 39, 372-387.

55. Hadeer S. Harb, Ahmed A. Elberry, Hoda Rabea, Maha Fathy, and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Is Combihaler usable for aerosol delivery in single limb non-invasive mechanical ventilation?, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2017;  40, 28-34.

56. Muhammad E. ElHansy, Marina Emad Boules, Assem Fouad Mohamed El Essawy, Mohamed Bakry Al-Kholy, Maha M Abdelrahman, Amira S.A. Said, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Inhaled salbutamol dose delivered by jet nebulizer, vibrating mesh nebulizer and metered dose inhaler with spacer during invasive mechanical ventilation, Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2017;  45, 159-163.

57. Haitham Saeed, Ahmed A. Elberry, Abeer Salah Eldin, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Different nebulizer designs as a factor affecting aerosol delivery during non-invasive mechanical ventilation: Modelling of in-vitro data, Pulmonary Therapy, 2017; 3(1), 233-41.

58. Muhammad H. E. ElHansy, Marina Emad Boules, Heba Farid, Henry Chrystyn, Sameh Kamal El-Maraghi, Mohamed Bakry Al-Kholy, Assem Fouad Mohamed El Essawy, Maha M Abdelrahman, Amira S.A. Said, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, In-vitro aerodynamic characteristics of aerosol delivered from different inhalation methods in mechanical ventilation, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Journal, 2017; 22(6), 844-49.

59. Raghda R.S. Hussein, Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelhaleem Ali, Heba F. Salem, Maha M Abdelrahman, Amira S.A. Said, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, In-vitro/In-vivo correlation and modelling of emitted dose and lung deposition of inhaled salbutamol from metered dose inhalers with different types of spacers in non-invasively ventilated patients, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Journal, 2015; 22(7), 871-80.

60. Hassna Osama, Aya Abdullah, Bassma Gamal, Dina Emad, Doha Sayed, Eman Hussein, Eman Mahfouz, Joy Tharwat, Sally Sayed, Shrouk Medhat, Teza Bahaa, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Study on the Effect of Honey and Royal Jelly Against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Patients With Cancer, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2017; 36(5), 342-6.

61. Islam O F Moustafa, Mohammed R A-A Ali, Moataz Al Hallag, Hoda Rabea, James B Fink, Patricia Dailey, Mohamed EA Abdelrahim, Lung deposition and systemic bioavailability of different aerosol devices with and without humidification in mechanically ventilated patients, Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care, 2017; 46(6), 464–467.

62. Hassan A. H. Ali, Ahmed A H Ali, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Mohamed A. Abu-saif, Evaluate the efficacy of Simvastatin and Fluvastatin in patients with hypercholesterolemia and their effect on liver functions, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2017; 6(4), 724-28.

63. Amira Bisher, Hoda Hassab, Ibrahim Ahmed, Ahmed A H Ali, Ahmad Salahuddin Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, and Ezz Eldin Eldenshary, Antibiotics regimen to treat febrile neutropenia in acute leukemia, European journal of clinical pharmacy, 2017; 19(6), 379-86.

64. Mohamed S. Imam, Wael Z. Khaled, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Ahmed A H Ali, Lobna M.E. Shalaby, Is vancomycin monitoring and dose adjustment of real value in pediatric cancer patients?, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2018; 7(1): 54-57.

65. Marwa Ibrahim Koshok, Thuraiya khairllah Jan,  Samia Mohammad AL-tawil, Ebtesam Abdulrhaman Alghamdi, Ahmed A H Ali, Ahmed H. M. Sobh, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim Mohammed Gamal, Awareness of home drug storage and utilization habits: Saudi study, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2018; 7(1): 73-76.

66. LujainTurki Bin-Mallouh, Ahmed A H Ali, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim and Mohammed Gamal, Investigation of Perceived Stress and Quality of Life Assessment of pharm. D. Students at Ibn Sina National College in Saudi Arabia during 2016, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2018; 8(03), 82-90.

67. Haitham Saeed, Ahmed M. A. Ali, Ahmed A. Elberry, Abeer Salah Eldin, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Modeling and optimization of nebulizers’ performance in non-invasive ventilation using different fill volumes: comparative study between vibrating mesh and jet nebulizers, Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018; 50, 62–71.

68. Haitham Saeed, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, James B Fink, Stability of commonly nebulized drugs in heated and humid condition, Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2017; 7(2): 269-76.

69. Mina Nicola, Ahmed A. Elberry, Ossama M Sayed, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Effect of DPI's training-device on inhalation technique and clinical efficacy in asthmatics, Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences, 2018; 7, 178-183.

70. Mina Nicola, Ahmed Elberry, Ossama Sayed, Raghda Hussein, Haitham Saeed, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Impact of adding training device to familiar counselling on inhalation technique and pulmonary function of asthmatics, Advances in Therapy, 2018; 35, 1049-1058.

71. Rania M. Sarhan, Ahmed A. Elberry, Nada Saed Abdelwahab, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed Nabil Salem, and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Effect of a Nebulizer Holding Chamber on Aerosol Delivery, respiratory care, 2018; (in press).

72. Haitham Saeed, Marwa Mohsen, Abeer Salah Eldin, Ahmed A. Elberry, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Hoda Rabea, and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Effects of fill volume and humidification on aerosol delivery during single limb non-invasive ventilation,  respiratory care, 2018; (in press).

73. Hadeer S. Harb, Ahmed A. Elberry, Hoda Rabea, MahaFathy and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Performance of large spacer versus nebulizer T-piece in single limb non-invasive ventilation, respiratory care, 2018; (in press).

74. Marian S. Boshra, Ahmed G. Almeldien, Randa Salah Eldin, Ahmed A. Elberry, Nada Saed Abdelwahab, Mohamed Nabil Salem, Hoda Rabea, and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Total emitted dose of salbutamol sulphate at different inhalation flows and inhalation volumes through different types of dry powder inhalers, Experimental lung research,2018; (in press).

75. Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Aerosol-delivery to critically ill patient; a big issue easily solved by developing guidelines Pulmonary Therapy, 2018; (in press).

76. Yasmin M. Madney, Maha Fathy, Ahmed A. Elberry, Hoda Rabea, and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Aerosol delivery through adult nasal-cannula via HFNC circuit at a low-oxygen flow, respiratory care, 2018; (in press).

77. Haitham Saeed, Heba F. Salem, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Effect of human error, inhalation flow and inhalation volume on dose delivery from Ellipta® Dry powder inhaler, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 2018; (in press).

78. Mona A. Abdelrahman, Ahmed A. Elberry, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Effect of holding chamber as an add-on device on aerosol delivery and fugitive-aerosol from different jet nebulizers, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 2018; (in press).


1. Abdelrahim M.E., M. Ghorab and A. Abdelbary, Formulation and Evaluation of Medicated Microemulsion for Topical Application, oral presentation in the 14th multi-disciplinary IRCE conference in Europe, Bradford, UK; 13th September 2006, Conference book 2006.

2. Abdelrahim M.E., KH. Assi and H Chrystyn, Relative bioavailability of terbutaline to the lung following inhalation, using urinary excretion: 1. method validation, poster in the 16th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Tours, France 2007 (June 16th-20th), Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery July 2007 P016 Vol. 20, No. 2, page 168.

3. Abdelrahim M.E., KH. Assi and H Chrystyn, Relative bioavailability of terbutaline to the lung following inhalation, using urinary excretion: 2. Dose response relationship and application, oral presentation and poster selected as one of the eight best abstracts to be presented in the best oral presentations session in ISAM conference on Tuesday, 19th June 2007 in the 16th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Tours, France 2007 (June 16th-20th), Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery July 2007 P017 Vol. 20, No. 2, page 169.

4. Abdelrahim M.E., M. Ghorab and A. Abdelbary, Formulation and Evaluation of Medicated Microemulsion for Topical Application, poster in the 11th British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC), Manchester 2007 - Science on Tuesday 11th September 2007; Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2007; 103 Page A39 Volume 59, Supplement 1.

5.         Abdelrahim M.E., KH. Assi and H Chrystyn, Dose emission and aerodynamic characterization of the terbutaline sulphate dose emitted from a Turbuhaler at low inhalation flow, poster in the 11th British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC), Manchester 2007 - Science on Tuesday 11th September 2007; Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2007; 105 Page A39-A40 Volume 59, Supplement 1.

6. Abdelrahim M.E., P Plant and H Chrystyn, Relative bioavailability of nebulised terbutaline in non-invasive positive pressure ventilated (NPPV) patients, poster in the 17th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Monterey, California 2009 (May 10th-14th), Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery July 2009 P100 Vol. 22, No. 2, page 173.

7.         Abdelrahim M.E., Flow dependent dose emission of terbutaline sulphate from a turbuhaler, the importance of the second inhalation, poster in the 17th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Monterey, California 2009 (May 10th-14th), Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery July 2009 P118 Vol. 22, No. 2, page 178.

8.         Abdelrahim M.E., D Eagland and H Chrystyn, The aerodynamic characteristics of solubilised budesonide formulations nebulised by the pari e-flow, poster in the 17th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Monterey, California 2009 (May 10th-14th), Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery July 2009 P156 Vol. 22, No. 2, page 190.

9. Henry Chrystyn, Mohamed Abdelmobdy, Donald Eagland, Dinesh Nadrassan, and Stephen Britland, Improved Pulmonary Delivery and Retention of a Budesonide Nanagel Clear Solution, poster in Respiratory drug delivery (RDD) conference Europe 2009, Lisbon, Portugal (May 19th-22nd), Conference book 2009 Vol. 2, 405 - 408.

10. Salem HF, Abdelrahim ME, Abo Eid K, Sharaf MA, Agglomeration of Theophylline Nanoparticles: a New Protocol for Pulmonary Drugs Administration, oral presentation in The XXVIII international conference 2010 on Solid State Science and Materials Physics & workshop on Functional Nanostructures and Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials, Fayoum, Egypt (March 22nd-25th), Conference book 2010.

11. Amira Bisher, Hoda Hassab, Ibrahim Abd-el-Kader, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim and Ezz Eldin Eldenshary, Role of Different Antibiotic Combination in Treatment of Febrile Neutropenia in Leukemic Patients, poster in BioVision conference 2010 (TWAS/BVANXT), Alexandria, Egypt (April 10th-15th), Conference book 2010.

12. Amira Bisher, Hoda Hassab, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim and Ezz Eldin Eldenshary, Effect of Different Antibiotic Regimens in Treatment of Febrile Neutropenia in Leukemic Children Patients in Alexandria and Cairo Centers, oral presentation in The 13th Conference of the Scientific Association of Colleges of Pharmacy in the Arab World (25th-28th of May 2010), in Giza, Egypt, Conference book 2010.

13. Abdelrahim M.E., Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy; A key role for pharmacists, oral presentation in the 6th annual scientific meeting of the cardiology department, Dar El Fouad Hospital "DAFHeart 6", Novotel 6 October Hotel in Giza, Egypt, 28th April 2011.

14. Abdelrahim M.E., Over view of Clinical Pharmacy in Egypt, oral presentation in Egyptian Pharmacists syndicate Continuous pharmacist’s education committee “Clinical Pharmacy Practice in Egypt Step Forward”, Al Salama Hospital- Alexandria, 29th December 2011.

15. Ahmed Shafiek, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim and Hanan M. El-Laithy, Formulation and In-vitro and In-vivo Characterization of Inhaled Sildenafil Citrate Microemulsion, poster in The 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology in Istanbul, Turkey, 2012 on Thursday 19th-22ed March 2012.

16. Abdelrahim M.E., Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D), oral presentation in Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (EPSF) 11th National Symposium, Beni-Suef, Egypt, 18th-19th April 2012.

17. Raghda R. S. Hussein, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Ahmed. M. A. Ali, Rasha H. Soliman, Mona H. Tawfeik, Effect of Dosing Rate and Duration of Therapy of Antiepileptic Drugs on Liver Enzymes, poster in 1st International Conference on Advanced Basic and Applied Sciences(ABAS), Hurghada, Egypt 6th-9th November 2012.

18. Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim and Mohamed H. Meabed, The efficacy of oral versus parentral vitamin D in treatment of nutritional rickets, poster in 1st International Conference on Advanced Basic and Applied Sciences(ABAS), Hurghada, Egypt 6th-9th November 2012.

19. Amr Mohamed, Heidy Turki, Mohamed Osama, Heba Ahmed, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Effect of counseling on the patient inhalation technique from Metered Dose Inhaler, poster in British Pharmacological Society (BPS) winter meeting, London, UK, 18th-20th December 2012.

20. Alaa Ayman, Aya Tarek, Ferial Zakaria, Doaa El Bohy, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Effect of Counseling on the Patient Inhalation Technique from Meter Dose Inhaler with Spacer, poster in British Pharmacological Society (BPS) winter meeting, London, UK, 18th-20th December 2012.

21. Mohamed Bedawi, Fady Yousri, Doaa El Bohy, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Effect of counselling on the patient inhalation technique from dry powder inhaler, poster in British Pharmacological Society (BPS) winter meeting, London, UK, 18th-20th December 2012.

22. Basma El-Saied, Mohammed Saeed, Zeinab Gharieb, Reem Ali, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Potential effect of In-check Dial on the patient inhalation technique from Dry Powder Inhaler, poster in British Pharmacological Society (BPS) winter meeting, London, UK, 18th-20th December 2012.

23. Alshimaa Mahmoud, Mohamed Mahmoud, Norhan Abdelrahman, Reem Ali, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Potential Effect Of 2tone Trainer on the Patient Inhalation Technique from Metered Dose Inhaler, poster in British Pharmacological Society (BPS) winter meeting, London, UK, 18th-20th December 2012.

24. Salem HF, Abdelrahim ME, Abo Eid K, Sharaf MA, Agglomeration of Theophylline Nanoparticles: a New Protocol for Pulmonary Drugs Administration, oral presentation in International Conference on Nanotheranostics (ICoN 2013), Larnaca, Cyprus,  26th-28th September 2013.

25. Marwa O. Elgendy, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Randa Salah Eldin, Benefits of Repeated DPI Inhalation Technique Counselling, oral presentation in The 56th International Congress of The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases & Tuberculosis, 24-27 March 2015.

26. Marwa O. Elgendy, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Randa Salah Eldin, Potential Benefit of Repeated Aerolizer DPI Inhalation Technique Counseling on Asthmatic and COPD Patients, poster presentation in the 20th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Munich, Germany 2015 (30th May -03th June), Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery July 2015 P012 Vol. 28, No. 3, page A-8.

27. Marwa O. Elgendy, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Randa Salah Eldin,Possible Effects of Repeated MDI Inhalation Technique Counseling on Asthmatic and COPD Patients, poster presentation in the 20th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Munich, Germany 2015 (30th May -03th June), Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery July 2015 P013 Vol. 28, No. 3, page A-1.

28. Ahmed Hassan, Hoda Rabea, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Randa Salah Eldin, Maha M Abdelrahman, Amira S.A. Said, Heba F. Salem, Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, In-vitro Characterisation of Aerosolised Drug During Non-invasive Ventilation, poster presentation in the 20th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Munich, Germany 2015 (30th May -03th June), Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery July 2015 P014 Vol. 28, No. 3, page A-10.

29. Haitham Saeed, Marwa Mohsen, Randa Salah Eldin, Abeer Salah Eldin, Maha M Abdelrahman, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, In-vitro characterisations of dose volume, humidification and heat effects on aerosol delivery with mesh and jet nebulizers during noninvasive ventilation, poster presentation in the 2015 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, Florida, USA, 24th-29th October 2015.

30. Hassna Osama, Hoda Abd Elbadie Hussein, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, Heba F. Salem, Effect of metformin on serum vitamin B12 and blood homocysteine levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and role of vitamin B12 supplementation, poster presentation, 6th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo, Dubai, UAE, November 02-04, 2015.

31. R. M Labib, M. E. A. Abdelrahim, E. Elnadi, R. M. Hesham, D. Yassin, Can Baseline Body Mass Index Predict Treatment Outcome in Paediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma? poster presentation, 48th congress of the international society of paediatric oncology (SIOP), Dublin, Ireland, October 19–22, 2016.

32. Mohamed Emam Abdelmobdy Abdelrahim, Islam Omar Farrag Moustafa, Moataz Al Hallag, Clinical outcome associated with the use of different inhalation method with and without humidification in asthmatic mechanically ventilated patients, poster presentation, the American Thoracic Society (ATS), Washington, DC, USA, May 21-24, 2017, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017;195:A1892.

33. Mohamed Emam Abdelmobdy Abdelrahim, Islam Omar Farrag Moustafa, Moataz Al Hallag, Urine Levels as Index of Lung Deposition and Systemic Bioavailability Associated with the Use of Different Inhalation Method with and Without Humidification in Mechanically Ventilated Asthmatic Patients, poster presentation, the American Thoracic Society (ATS), Washington, DC, USA, May 21-24, 2017, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017;195:A3697.

34. Yasmin M. Madney, Maha Fathy, Ahmed A. Elberry, Hoda Rabea, and Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Nebulizers and spacers for aerosol delivery through adult nasal cannula at low oxygen flow rate: An in-vitro study, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

35. Haitham Saeed, Abeer Salah Eldin, Ahmed A. Elberry, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Effects of fill volume on aerosol delivery during non-invasive ventilation, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

36. Ahmed Hassan, Randa Salah Eldin, Maha M Abdelrahman, Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, In-vitro / In-vivo comparison of inhaled salbutamol dose delivered by jet nebulizer, vibrating mesh nebulizer and metered dose inhaler with spacer during non-invasive ventilation, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

37. Hadeer S. Harb, Hoda Rabea, Maha Fathy, Ahmed A. Elberry, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Combihaler vs T-piece for aerosol delivery in single limb non-invasive mechanical ventilation, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

38. Rania M. Sarhan, Ahmed A. Elberry, Nada Saed Abdelwahab, Hoda Rabea,  Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, The feasibility of using Aerogen Ultra as add on device for nebulizers other than Aerogen Solo, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

39. Mariane S. Boshra, Ahmed G. Almeldien, Randa Salah Eldin, Ahmed A. Elberry, Nada Saed Abdelwahab, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Effect of inhalation flow, inhalation volume and inhalation device changes on dry powdered inhaler total emitted dose, poster presentation in the 20th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

40. Haitham Saeed, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, James B Fink, The effect of heat and humidification on commonly nebulized drugs, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

41. Islam O F Moustafa, Mohamed R.A. Ali, Moataz Al Hallag, Hoda Rabea, James B Fink, Patricia Dailey, Mohamed EA Abdelrahim, Urine levels as index of lung deposition and systemic bioavailability associated with the use of different aerosol devices with and without humidification in mechanically ventilated patients, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

42. Islam O.F.Moustafa, Muhammad H. E. ElHansy, Moataz Al Hallag, James B Fink,  Patricia Dailey,  Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E.A.Abdelrahim, Clinical outcome associated with the use of different inhalation method with and without humidification in asthmatic mechanically ventilated patients, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

43. Haitham Saeed, Ahmed A. Elberry, Abeer Salah Eldin, Hoda Rabea, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Effect of nebulizer designs on aerosol delivery during non-invasive mechanical ventilation: Modeling study of in-vitro data, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

44. Mina Nicola, Raghda Roshdy, Osama Sayed, Ahmed Elberry, Haitham Saeed, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Impact of Adding Training device to the familiar counseling on inhalation technique in asthmatics, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

47. Mina Nicola, Raghda Roshdy, Osama sayed, Ahmed Elberry, Haitham Saeed, Mohamed E.A. Abdelrahim, Influence of using Training device beside the conventional  counseling on inhalation technique in asthmatics, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

46. Muhammad H. E. ElHansy, Marina Emad, Heba Farid, Henry Chrystyn, Sameh Kamal El-Maraghi, Mohamed Bakry Al-Kholy, Assem Fouad Mohamed El Essawy, Maha M Abdelrahman, Amira S.A. Said, Raghda R.S. Hussein, Hoda Rabea,  Mohamed E. Abdelrahim, New in-vitro methodology with the introduction of patient inhalation profile to determine aerodynamic characteristics of aerosol delivery in mechanical ventilation, poster presentation in the 21th International Society of Aerosol in Medicine (ISAM) conference, Sant Fe, USA 2017 (4th June -07th June).

47. Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Variables affecting aerosol delivery to Mechanical ventilated patients, oral presentation in The 59th International Congress of The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases & Tuberculosis, 27-30 March 2018.

48. Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, Variables affecting aerosol delivery to Mechanical ventilated patients, oral presentation in The 29th middle east regional conference of the international union against tuberculosis, 27-30 March 2018.

49. Attending the second ACU international pharmaceutical conference “Challenges in future pharmaceutical trends”, November 14th-15th. 2018.


1. University of Beni-Suef incentive Award, year 2011.

2. Inclusion in Who's Who in the World (, year 2012 (29th Edition).

3. Nomination by the American Biographical Institute (ABI) to be included in the, sixth edition.

4. Best research article in Beni-Suef University, year 2012.

5. Best research article in Beni-Suef University, year 2015.

Master Title

Formulation of different microemulsion bases using different surfactants, oils, and cosurfactants

Master Abstract

ABESTRACT Indomethacin is one of the potent classic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, practically insoluble in water, soluble 1 in 50 of alcohol, 1 in 30 of chloroform, 1 in 40 of ether. Microemulsions are clear thermodynamically stable dispersions of two immiscible liquids with carefully adjusted emulsifier(s) The aim of present investigation was to formulate stable microemulsion suitable for topical application containing suitable non-volatile carrier for Indomethacin with good physical and chemical stability, and of improved bioavailability. In achievement of these goals, the work compiled in this thesis implicates the next chapters. Chapter I Formulation of different microemulsion bases using different surfactants, oils, and cosurfactants In dealing with this topic, Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams were designed with a formula consisting of four components: - An oily phase, a low HLB surfactant (cosurfactant), a high HLB surfactant, and an aqueous phase. A. Using Brij97 as surfactant The existence of microemulsion regions in the quaternary systems composed of Brij97 as surfactant, sorbitol or glycerol as cosurfactant paraffin oil or Jojoba oil as oil phase and water has been demonstrated. The oil contents as well as the ratio of the surfactant to the cosurfactant control the formation of the microemulsion. B. Using Tween 80 as surfactant The existence of microemulsion regions in the quaternary systems composed of Tween 80 as surfactant, sorbitol or glycerol as cosurfactant paraffin oil or Jojoba oil as oil phase and water has been demonstrated. No gelling occurs in this case, whatever the concentration of each component is. Only microemulsion formation could occur. It is also obvious that, the (Cosurf./Surf.): oil weight ratio affects the water content of the formula. Chapter II Formulation and evaluation of Indomethacin emulgels. The aim of this chapter is to formulate an Indomethacin emulgels by selecting the best concentrations of surfactant, cosurfactant, oil, and water, which produce the best emulgels in the previous chapter and evaluating them for physical characters, Release rate of the drug and stability. A. Physical characters The effects of the drug on the physical characters of the microemulsion are observed when fresh based on the Gel formation and Clarity to select the proper mixtures that proceed for the followed testing procedures. A change in Clarity and gel formation occurs. the emulgels that remain stable and clear are used for further study. B. Determination of the Release Rate of Indomethacin from different emulgel formulae The aim of this section is to determine the release kinetics of Indomethacin from the selected Indomethacin emulgels. The obtained data were listed in tables and statistically treated by the least squares method to identify the order of drug release whether being zero, first or diffusion release model. C. Physical and chemical stability of the selected Indomethacin emulgels The aim of this section is to study the physical and chemical stability of the selected Indomethacin emulgels. The physical stability of the studied microemulsions shows no changes in any of the parameters studied from the samples maintained at room temperature, or under stress. The degradation rate constants (K value) and t90 for the microemulsions tested at different temperature and at room temperature are obtained. Chapter III Pharmacodynamics of Indomethacin from different emulgel formulae The bioavailability of Indomethacin in different microemulsions is tested by observing the effect of the formulae on reducing local edema induced in the rat paw by injection of the carrageenan as irritant. Indomethacin significantly inhibits the carrageenan-induced paw edema by different percentage of the control value. The effect of emulgels is between the effect of the commercial injection form (higher effect), and the effect of the commercial topical form (lower effect).

PHD Title

Relative bioavailability of terbutaline to the lungs following inhalation using different methods

PHD Abstract

Relative bioavailability of terbutaline to the lungs following inhalation using different methods Abstract Keys words: terbutaline, urine, MMAD, FPD, relative lung bioavailability, Turbuhaler, spacers, nebulisers. The primary aim was to validate and implement a urinary pharmacokinetic method for terbutaline to determine the relative lung and systemic bioavailability following inhalation and to measure the in-vitro characteristics of the emitted dose by these inhalation methods. Two new robust, accurate and sensitive high performance liquid chromatography methods for the determination of terbutaline in aqueous and urine samples were validated in accordance with the FDA and ICH guidelines. Terbutaline was extracted using solid phase extraction with salbutamol and bamethane as internal standards. The accuracy, precision, lower limit of detection and recovery for both methods were within recognized limits. The in-vitro characteristics of terbutaline sulphate inhalers were measured according to standard compendial methodology as well as adaptation of this methodology to simulate routine patient use. The dose emission of terbutaline sulphate from a Bricanyl Turbuhaler was determined using an inhalation volume of 4 L at inhalation flows of 10-60 L min-1. The particle size distribution was measured using an Anderson Cascade Impactor (ACI) with a mixing inlet valve to allow measurement at different flows. A steady increase in total emitted dose (TED) and the fine particle dose (FPD) was observed as the inhalation flow increased thereby highlighting the flow dependent dose emission characteristics of the Turbuhaler. The in-vitro dose emission characteristics of terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl MDIs were measured according to the standard compendial methodology at a flow of 28.3 L min-1 using a 4 L inhalation volume. The TED and particle size distribution of terbutaline sulphate from the Bricanyl MDI were determined alone and with different spacers [AeroChamber Max (AMAX), AeroChamber Plus (APLUS), Fisonair and Nebuhaler]. The TED from the MDI alone was significantly higher than all MDI+spacers (p<0.001). The MDI with APLUS resulted in the smallest mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and the highest fine particle fraction (FPF). The MDI with AMAX resulted in the highest FPD. The in-vitro characteristics of terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl respules using the Aeroneb Pro (vibrating mesh) and Sidestream jet nebulisers were determined by the CEN methodology and the Next Generation Impactor (NGI) methodology. The Aeroneb Pro was found to have significantly better aerodynamic properties than the Sidestream. The results from the NGI method were significantly different from the CEN method suggesting further evaluation of both methods. Cooling the NGI decreased the evaporation effect. Twelve healthy volunteers (6 females) completed in-vivo urinary terbutaline pharmacokinetic studies to determine the relative bioavailability following inhalation. The differences between the amounts excreted 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 24 hour post inhalation from a Bricanyl MDI (I) and oral (O) dosing of 500 µg terbutaline sulphate and with the co-administration of oral charcoal (IC and OC, respectively) were studied. No terbutaline was found in OC samples. The amount of terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post I and IC were significantly (p<0.001) higher than post O suggesting that the amount of terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post dosing can be used as an index of the lung deposition. The amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post I was significantly (p<0.01) higher than post O suggesting that the amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post dosing can be used as an index of the relative systemic bioavailability. The dose response relationships and the low inter and intra-subject variability studies confirm the feasibility of this method. To demonstrate the application of the method the effect of inhalation technique on the lung and systemic bioavailability following inhalation from a dry powder inhaler was evaluated. The effect of different spacers on the dose emitted from the Bricanyl MDI and the effect of different nebulisers on the dose emitted were also studied using twelve healthy volunteers (6 females) for each study. A fast inhalation flow using the Bricanyl Turbuhaler resulted in significantly higher amounts of terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing (2 doses of 500µg terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl Turbuhaler) than slow inhalation flow (p<0.001). The Bricanyl MDI alone resulted in a significantly higher amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post dosing (2 doses of 250µg terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl MDI) and significantly lower amounts excreted 30 minutes post dosing than the MDI+Spacers. The AMAX provided a greater amount of urinary terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post dosing than the APLUS and Nebuhaler. The Aeroneb Pro resulted in significantly higher amounts of terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing (1 dose of 5mg/2ml terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl respule) than a Sidestream Jet nebuliser (p<0.001). Further application of the method was demonstrated by 12 (6 female) COPD non-invasive mechanically ventilated patients. One dose of 2mg in 0.8ml terbutaline sulphate respiratory solution from Aeroneb Pro and one dose of 5mg in 2ml terbutaline sulphate respiratory solution from Sidestream jet nebuliser resulted in a similar amounts of urinary terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing. The results were consistent with the results of the ex-vivo study performed on the same patients. The thesis highlights extension of the urinary pharmacokinetic method following inhalation to terbutaline and its application in volunteer and patient studies.

All rights reserved ©Mohamed Emam Abdelmobdy