yasmin mohamed madney

Assistant lecturer

Basic Informations




Yasmin Mohamed Madney.


















Date of Birth



Place of Birth









Marital status

















Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical science, Faculty of Pharmacy Beni-suef University, year 2013 with Excellent with honour grade.

Master in Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy Beni-suef University, year 2018












Arabic (Mother tongue),

English (Excellent)

Demonstrator at Clinical  Pharmacy department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University




Working as a demonstrator  from 2014  up to now





Madney, Y. M., M. Fathy, A. A. Elberry, H. Rabea and M. E. A. Abdelrahim (2017). "Nebulizers and spacers for aerosol delivery through adult nasal cannula at low oxygen flow rate: An in-vitro study." Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 39: 260-265.


Madney, Y. M., M. Fathy, A. A. Elberry, H. Rabea, M. Abdelrahim, A. Hassan, R. S. Eldin, M. M. Abdelrahman, M. Abdelrahim and H. S. Harb (2017). "Abstracts: International Society for Aerosols in Medicine eV 21st ISAM Congress Santa Fe, NM June 3–7, 2017." Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 30(3): A-1-A-38.

              Presented as poster in the 21th International Society for Aerosols in Medicine(ISAM) Congresss, Santa

               Fe, NM, 2017(3th June-7th June).




Conferences, Workshops And Courses Attended



??         The   56th     International Congress of The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis the 28 th Conference of Middle East Region International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases 24th – 27th March, 2015, Cairo, Egypt

?    Critical care  workshop in the   56th     International Congress of the Egyptian Society of  Chest Diseases and tuberculosis  the 28 th  Conference of Middle East Region International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases     25th – 27th March , 2015, Cairo, Egypt 

?    TOEFL with total score 597, in 2015

The 59th International Congress of The Egyptian Society of  Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis the 29 th  Conference of Middle East Region International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases  27th – 30th March , 2018, Cairo, Egypt





Master Title

In vitro and in vivo study of aerosol delivery to the lungs during oxygen therapy using different aerosol delivery methods

Master Abstract

Abstract Background: Combining oxygen-therapy with aerosol delivery within High-flow-nasal-cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy is an attractive practice. The possibility of such therapeutic combination in the clinical setting is still argued. Delivered dose (DD) was found to decrease with increasing gas flow rates and with smaller sized cannulas. The aim of the present work was to provide in -vitro data quantifying amount of aerosol emitted at the cannula outlet using different aerosol generators at low oxygen flow and then estimating the relative in-vivo pulmonary and systemic delivery of these aerosol generators in acutely exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients receiving oxygen therapy. Materials, Subjects and Methods: Aerogen-Solo vibrating-mesh (SOLO), jet-nebulizer (JN), Combihaler connected to metered-dose-inhaler (MDI) and SOLO, MDI connected to AeroChamber-Vent (VC) and MDI connected to AeroChamber-Mini (MC) were used to deliver aerosol in HFNC in-vitro setting. They were placed downstream from the humidification chamber. DD was salbutamol collected on a filter mounted to breathing simulator adjusted to simulate adult breathing pattern. Particle size distribution was measured by cooled Andersen-cascade-impactor. The in-vivo study was a prospective, randomized, open-label trial in a cross over design where COPD patients receiving oxygen by means of HFNC system were randomized to study doses of 5 mg salbutamol nebulized by JN or SOLO with T-adaptor or with Combihaler on day 1, 3 and 5 of admission. Two urine samples were collected from each patient, one was provided 30 min post inhalation (USAL 0.5) and the other was pooled to 24 hr post inhalation (USAL 24). The amount of salbutamol in each collected sample was then determined. Results: SOLO with its T-piece delivers DD~35% of nebulizer charge with high fine-particle-dose (FPD). Both Combihaler and JN delivered~18% with lower FPD. MDI with both spacers delivers only 2.1 and 1.3% of nominal dose, respectively. Mass-median-aerodynamic-diameters were small for the SOLO, Combihaler and JN and high for the two spacers (VC and MC). Twelve (6 females) patients were included, age 53.7 (8) years. SOLO with T-piece and Combihaler demonstrated the higher USAL 0.5 and USAL 24 post inhalation, compared to (p<0.01) JN. No significant different was found between T-piece and Combihaler. Conclusion: Salbutamol can be delivered efficiently using SOLO, with both T-piece and Combihaler, and jet-nebulizer during oxygen therapy using HFNC system. While MDIs with spacers delivers negligible amounts of salbutamol below that expected for clinical response in the in- vitro setting. SOLO with both T-piece and Combihaler have proven to provide higher in-vivo pulmonary drug delivery than the traditionally used JN when combined with oxygen-therapy within HFNC circuit.

PHD Title

PHD Abstract

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