Enas Ibrahim Amin Mohamed

Assistant lecturer

Basic Informations


Curriculum Vitae
Personal information:
Name: Enas Ibrahim Amin Mohamed
Gender: female
Nationality: Egyptian
Date of birth: 21 / 9 /1982
E-mail address: enasebrahim2003@yahoo.com
*Languages skills: Arabic, English (TOEFL)
*Computer skills: Good command in Computer skills as Windows, Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Access (ICDL Certificate).
Educational qualifications:
? Master degree of pharmaceutical sciences (Pharmacognosy), Faculty of
Pharmacy, Cairo University, July, 2011.
Title of Master: "Phytochemical Study of Certain Plants Containing Flavonoids
and Belonging to Family Leguminosae"
? Courses covered during Master study:
- Advanced Medicinal plants and Chemotaxonomy.
- Tissue culture and Biosynthesis.
- Advanced Phytochemistry.
- Different chromatographic techniques.
- Structure elucidation using different spectral methods.
- Basic statistics.
- Literature search.
- Scientific English language.
- Computer and its applications.
? The following skills were gained during my master degree:
1. TLC analysis.
2. Column chromatography (analysis and isolation)
3. HPLC analysis.
4. Spectrophotometric and colorimetric analysis.
? Bachelor of pharmaceutical sciences (Excellent with honor), Faculty of
pharmacy, Cairo University, Beni-Sueif Campus, May 2004.
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? Courses covered during Bachelor study:
- Pharmacognosy and Medicinal plants.
- Phytochemistry.
- Applied Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicine.
- Organic Chemistry.
- Analytical Chemistry.
- Pharmaceutical chemistry.
- Pharmacology.
- Biochemistry.
- Public Health.
- Pharmaceutics.
- Microbiology.
- Toxicology.
- Industrial Pharmacy.
Positions held:
? Demonstrator, Pharmacognosy department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Sueif
University, Beni-Suef, Egypt (2004- 2010).
? Assistant lecturer (Teaching assistant), Pharmacognosy department, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Beni-Sueif University, Beni-Suef, Egypt (2011- up till now).
? Visiting Scholar at National Center of Natural Products Research NCNPR,
School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi, USA (2015-2017).
Teaching experience:
Acquired a significant experience during 10 years working as lab instructor and
teaching assistant and teaching Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry and Applied
Herbal Medicine at School of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt.
Improved my teaching skills through attending the following courses:
- Using technology in teaching.
- Credit hours systems.
- Thinking skills.
- Effective data showing skills.
- Effective connection skills.
- International publishing of scientific research.
Personal skills:
- Have the ability to work alone or as a part of teamwork.
- Overseas experience; ability to adapt to changing environment and
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- “Monoamine oxidases inhibitors from Colvillea racemosa: Isolation,
biological evaluation, and computational study”.
Enas I Mohamed, Mohamed A. Zaki, Narayan D. Chaurasiya, Asmaa I.
Owis, Sameh Abou Zid, Yan-Hong Wang, Bharathi Avula, Ahmed A.
Seida, Babu L. Tekwani, Samir A. Ross, Fitoterapia; 2017, 124: 217-223.
- “Phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity of Echinops
Lashyn Kiyekbayeva, Nesma M. Mohamed, Orazbekov Yerkebulan, Enas
I. Mohamed, Datkhayev Ubaidilla, Akhtayeva Nursulu, Mamurova
Assem, Radhakrishnan Srivedavyasasri, Samir A. Ross, Natural Products
Research; 2017; ahead of print.
- “Phytochemical Studies on Brownea ariza”
EI Mohamed, MA Zaki, AI Owis, S AbouZid, AA Seida, SA Ross,
Planta Medica; 2016; 82-PC52. (Poster abstract)
- "Phytochemical and Biological Studies on Isoflavonoids from Dalbergia
paniculata Cultivated in Egypt."
Enas Amin, Sameh AbouZid and Ahmed Seida, Pharmacologia, 2012, 3
(3): 84-90.
Conferences attended:
- 17th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals - April
3rd - 6th, 2017.
- 16th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals - April
11th - 14th, 2016.
- The Seventh Assiut University International Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference -
March, 17th & 18th, 2010.

Master Title

Phytochemical Study of Certain Plants Containing Flavonoids and Belonging to Family Leguminosae

Master Abstract

English Summary Phytochemical Study of Certain Plants Containing Flavonoids Belonging to Family Leguminosae Phytochemical screening of the organs of Dalbergia paniculata and Caesalpinia pulcherrima revealed the presence of carbohydrates and/or glycosides, sterols and/or triterpenes and flavonoids in all organs of the two plants; flavonoids are the major constituents of bark and leaves of D. paniculata Roxb. and aerial parts of C. pulcherrima Swartz. Tannins are present in low concentration in bark and leaves of D. paniculata and aerial parts of C. pulcherrima. Saponins are present in low concentration in bark and leaves of D. paniculata. Crystalline sublimate, volatile constituents, alkaloids, anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides are absent in the two plants. Quantitative estimation of total flavonoids revealed that leaves of D. paniculata contain the highest percentage of flavonoids (1.51 g %), followed by the bark (0.83 g %), the aerial parts of C. pulcherrima (0.70 g %) then the seeds of D. paniculata (0.68 g %). Five isoflavonoids were isolated and identified from D. paniculata by studying their chromatographic and spectral characters (UV, MS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, IR) as: biochanin A, genistein, sissotrin, dalpatein and formononetin. HPLC determination of individual isoflavonoids isolated from D. paniculata Roxb. revealed that the bark contains the highest percentage of each of the two isoflavonoids; biochanin A and genistein (1.07 and 0.35 g%) respectively, the leaves contain the highest percentage of formononetin (0.53 g%) and dapatein is present only in the leaves (0.48 g %). The LD50 of the alcoholic extracts of the bark and leaves of D. paniculata and the aerial parts of C. pulcherrima was found to be 5 gm/kg b.wt. The antioxidant activity revealed that Free radical-scavenging activity of the alcoholic extract of the leaves with % inhibition value of 68.46 % was superior to those of all tested samples, being almost equal to that of the positive control ascorbic acid (68.7%). Also dalpatein which isolated from D. paniculata leaves exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (65.84%) over the other isolated isoflavonoids. Other samples had % inhibition values between 19.3% and 68.1%, and revealed significant antioxidant activity of the alcoholic extract of C. pulcherrima aerial parts on diabetic rats followed by D. paniculata leaves at tested dose (100 mg/Kg) compared with the saline control The hydroalcoholic extract of C. pulcherrima aerial parts showed a significant activity against breast carcinoma cell line (MCF7) with IC50 = 3.77 µg/ well, and need more investigation, but showed non significant activity against liver carcinoma cell line (HEPG2) using the tested concentrations. D. paniculata bark and leaves showed significant activities against liver carcinoma cell line (HEPG2) with IC50 = 9.40 and 9.90 µg/ well respectively. However a non significant activity was observed against breast carcinoma cell line (MCF7). The antibacterial activity revealed that the alcoholic extracts of D.paniculata bark and leaves and C. pulcherrima aerial parts showed strong activities against Pseudomonas syringae and Vibrio fluvialis. Extracts of D. paniculata and C. pulcherrima showed strong activities against Pseudomonas fluorescence. Only D. paniculata leaves extract showed strong activity against Erwwinia cartovora. Biochanin A and formononetin showed strong activities against Pseudomonas syringae and Vibrio fluvialis, and no activity against Pseudomonas fluorescence, Serratia arubidea, Erwwinia cartovora and all gram positive bacteria.

PHD Title

Phytochemical and Biological Studies of Some Plants Belonging to Family Fabaceae growing in Egyp

PHD Abstract

Phytochemical and Biological Studies of Some Plants Belonging to Family Fabaceae growing in Egypt” Enas Ibrahim Amin Mohamed Pharmacognosy Department- Faculty of Pharmacy-Beni Suef University Fractionation and chemical investigation of Colvillea racemosa stems led to identification of two new a, ß-dihydroxydihydrochalcones, colveol A (C4) and colveol B (C5) along with fifteen known compounds that were isolated for the first time from the genus Colvillea and identified as lantibeside C (C1), lantibeside (C2), vicenin-2 (C3), vitexin (C6), isovitexin (C7), R-liquiritigenin (C8), R,R-aromadendrin (C9), 2S-7,3´,5´-trihydroxyflavanone (C10), fisetin (C11), genkwanin (C12), S-naringenin (C13), kaempferol (C14), isoliquiritigenin (C15), lup20(29)-ene (C16), and lupeol (C17), while chemical investigation of Brownea ariza leaves led to the isolation of one new fatty acid ester, (E) 3´,7´,9´,10´-tetramethylundec-2´-enylpalmitate (B1) together with nine known compounds that were isolated for the first time from the genus Brownea and they were identified as ß-hydroxypropiovanillin (B2), (-)- syringaresinol (B3), (+)lariciresinol (B4), (3R, 5R, 6S, 7E)-3,5,6-trihydroxy-7-megastigmen-9-one (B5), (3S,5S,6S,7E,9R)-3,5,6,9-tetrahydroxy-7-megastigmene (B6), apigenin-8-C-ß-L-rhamnopyranose (B7), kaempferol-3-O-a-L-rhamnopyranose (B8), isovitexin (B9), and vitexin (B10). The isolated compounds were evaluated for their inhibition activity toward recombinant human monoamine oxidases (rhMAO-A and -B). Compound C4 demonstrated preferential inhibition against hMAO-A isoenzyme (IC50 0.62 µM, SIA/B 0.02) while S-naringenin (C13) and isoliquiritigein (C15) demonstrated preferential hMAO-B inhibition (IC50 0.27 and 0.51 µM, SIA/B 31.77 and 44.69, respectively). Fisetin (C11) showed inhibition against hMAO-A with IC50 value of 4.62 µM and no inhibitory activity toward hMAO-B up to 100 µM. Molecular docking studies for the most active compounds were conducted to demonstrate the putative binding modes. It suggested that C4 interacts with Gln215, Ala111, Phe352, and Phe208 amino acid residues which have a role in the orientation and stabilization of the inhibitor binding to hMAO-A, while S-naringenin (C13) occupies both entrance and substrate cavities and interacts with Tyr326, a critical residue in inhibitor recognition in hMAO-B

All rights reserved ©Enas Ibrahim Amin Mohamed