abeer abd elhakim elmaidomy

demonsterator at pharmacognosy department

Basic Informations


Curriculum Vitae

v  Name: Abeer Abd Elhakeem

v  Data of birth: 24.5.1987

v  Place of birth: Beni-Suef, Egypt.

v  Sex : Female

v  Marital Status : single

v  Home Address: Ateia Street from Omar Ebn Abd Elazze, Salah Salem Street, Beni-Suef. 

v  Tel. no. : (028) 2353015

v   Mobile: 01140762393

v  Fax no. : …………..

v  Current Job: Demonstrator at pharmacognosy department, faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University.

v   E-mail: abeerabdelhakium@yahoo.com  

v  H index ……….; total citations ………..


-      Secondary School: Graduated from Elthanwya Banat School, Beni-Suef, Egypt, 2004.

-      Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Grade: Excellent), Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Egypt, 2009.

-      Master Thesis unde investigation, Pharmacognosy, Beni-Suef University, 2016. Title: "Phytochemical and biological study on Premna odorata Blanco (Labiatae) cultivated in Egypt".

Chronology of Employment:

-      Inspector: in Elmoderya for Health and Population‎ , Beni-Suef, Egypt,2009.

-      Demonstrator at pharmacognosy department, faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, 2010.

Training Courses in Education:

1-      Presentation skills, 2015.

2-      Strategic planning, 2014.

3-      University management, 2015.

4-      International publishing of research, 2015.

5-      Students evaluation and examination techniques, 2015.

6-      Use of technology in teaching, 2015.

Attendance of Workshops:

1-      Fulbright information, 24 march, 2015.

2-      Recent advanced in chemistry and biology of natural products, 3-4 aug., 2014.

3-      Self marketing, 16 may, 2013.

4-      Hospital pharmacy development, 22-26 January, 2011.

Attendance of Conferences:

1-      1st international conference on Health between nutrition and treatment, (30-31 aug. 2015).


Master Title

phytochemical and biological study on premna odorata Blanco (Labiatae) cultivated in Egypt

Master Abstract

General Summary Premna odorata Blanco (Lamiaceae or Labiatae) popularly known as “alagaw” is a tree native to temperate and tropical Asia including the Philippines. In the Philippines, the decoction of the leaves considered diuretic, carminative and febrifuge and used for treatment of endemic tuberculosis disease, vaginal irrigation; coughs; beri-beri; abdominal pains and dysentery. Premna odorata is one of seven plants present in a commercialized Philippine herbal preparation called “Pito-Pito” used for headaches, fever, cough, colds, migraine, asthma, abdominal pains and diarrhea. The present study includes two main parts as follows: Part I: Phytochemical Study Chapter 1: Investigation of Premna odorata volatile oil isolated from leaves, young stems and flowers The aim of this chapter was to compare the volatile oils compositions of the leaves, young stems and flowers of Premna odorata cultivated in Egypt using GC/MS analysis. GC/MS analysis results revealed the presence of 20, 25 and 20 compounds represented as monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes and higher alkanes in the leaves, young stems and flowers oils, respectively. Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes represented the major oils fractions. The main compounds in the oils of the leaves and young stems were showed to be trans-caryophyllene (29.403% & 14.638%) and ß-phellandrene (22.390% & 11.701%); respectively. a-pinene (38.160%) and trans-caryophyllene (24.488%) were represented the main compounds in the flowers oil. Chapter 2: Preliminary phytochemical screening and TLC investigation of Premna odorata leaves Air-dried Premna odorata leaves powder (5kg) was successively extracted three times by cold maceration for three days using 70% ethanol till exhaustion, filter, and dry by evaporating under vacuum at 45º C. The plant give 750 g crude extractive, 500 gm was suspended in 150 ml distillated water, successively extracted with n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The residues left after distillation the solvents were weighted to give 38, 28, 37 and 250 g residue, respectively. They were subjected to TLC investigations. The percentage yield and organoleptic characters of the different extractives were recorded. From results of preliminary phytochemical screening and TLC investigation showed the following 1- Presence of carbohydrates and/or glycosides, flavonoids and sterols and/or triterpenes. 2- Presence of alkaloids and/or nitrogenous bases in traces. 3- Absence of crystalline sublimate, steam volatile substances, tannins, saponins, coumarins, anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides. 4- TLC investigation showed that the presence of sterols and/or triterpenoids in the n-hexane and dichloromethane extracts. On the other hand, carbohydrates and/or glycosides and flavonoids were predominated in ethyl acetate and n-butanol extractives. Chapter 3: Investigation of n-hexane extractive GC/MS analysis of n-hexane extractive GC/MS analysis for n-hexane extractive showed 25 identified compounds represented 72.15% of total identified compounds. Linolenic acid ethyl ester and linolenic acid were the major identified compounds in n-hexane fraction represented 19.00% and 18.58%, respectively. Isolation of the major constituents of n-hexane fraction of Premna odorata The n-hexane extractive was fractionated using CC and ended with the isolation of two major compounds ß-sitosterol and tricosan-1-ol primary alcohol which were identified using different spectroscopic data. Chapter 4: Investigation of ethyl acetate extractive The ethyl acetate extractive was fractionated using polyamide CC with the isolation of six compounds which were identified using different spectroscopic techniques (1H-NMR, DEPT-Q, HSQC, HMBC and HREMS). Two isolated compounds (1-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl-2-O-trans-caffeoyl-a-L-rhamnopyranose and 1-O-trans-caffeoyl-3-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl-a-L-rhamnopyranose) are new in nature. The isolated compounds verbascocide and diosmetin were previously isolated from these species, while luteolin and apigenin compounds were firstly reported for Premna odorata Blanco. Chapter 5: Investigation of n-butanol extractive The n-butanol extractive was fractionated using polyamide CC with the isolation of nine compounds which were identified using different spectroscopic techniques (1H-NMR, DEPT-Q, HSQC, HMBC and HREMS). Three isolated compounds (6-O-a-L-(3'',4''-di-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol, 6-O-a-L-(3'',4''-di-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol and 6-O-a-L-(3''-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl, 4''-O-trans-p-caffeoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol) are new in nature. The isolated compounds 6-O-a-L-4''-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl rhamnopyranosylcatalpol and premnoside B and C were previously isolated from these species, while 6-O-a-L-(2'',3''-di-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol, 6-O-a-L-(2'',3''-di-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol and vitexin compounds were firstly reported for Premna odorata Blanco. All compounds isolated from Premna odorata Blanco leaves were summarized in Table 34. Part II: Biological Study Chapter 1: In vitro and in vivo study of the antituberculosis activity of Premna odorata Blanco volatile oils isolated from leaves, young stems and flowers MeDipro M. tuberculosis Antigen ELISA technique showed that at concentration of 100 µL mL-1 in vitro and 300 µL mL-1 in vivo, the leaves, young stems and flowers oils exerted antituberculosis activities with measured values > 1.5 ng mL-1 Mycobacterium antigen; while the combination (1:1:1) of the three oils showed better antituberculosis activity with measured value < 1.5 ng mL-1 Mycobacterium antigen and negative result for PCR analysis. Because of Premna odorata volatile oil is rich in cyclic and acyclic monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes explained the oil activity against antituberculosis. Chapter 2: In vivo anti-inflammatory and antioxidant study of different extractives of Premna odorata leaves This study was aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of plant extractives (total 70% ethanol, defatted total 70% ethanol and n-hexane) against alcoholic inflamed liver Wister albino rats using liver and kidney function tests, oxidative stress markers and antioxidant tests, pro-inflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules tests. According to the biological results; using dose of 500mg/kg; total 70% ethanol extractive improved liver and kidney functions tests. Defatted total 70% ethanol extractive improved GSH and TAC activities; while n-hexane and defatted total 70% ethanol extractives opposite the effect of pro-inflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules tests. Consequently; Premna odorata showed potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which improved liver organ function in alcoholic inflamed liver disease. Chapter 3: In vitro study of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition activity (COX-I and COX-II) for selected isolated compounds The in vitro screening results of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition (COX-I and COX-II) for the isolated compounds revealed that all tested compounds from ethyl acetate and n-butanol extractives showed COX-I and COX-II inhibition activities with different IC50 values. Compound P11 and P12 exhibited the most potent suppression effect with IC50 –COX-I/COX-II- (4.5/0.87) for compound P11 and IC50 (4.2/0.83) for compound P12. Table 34. Compounds isolated from Premna odorata Blanco leaves cultivated in Egypt Compound Compound name Class Note P1 Tricosan-1-ol Primary alcohol New in genus P2 ß- Sitosterol Sterol Isolated before P3 1-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl-2-O-trans-caffeoyl-a-L-rhamnopyranose Acylated rhamopyranoside New in nature P4 1-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl-3-O-trans-caffeoyl-a-L-rhamnopyranose Acylated rhamopyranoside New in nature P5 Verbascoside Phenyl ethanoid Isolated before P6 Diosmetin Flavone Isolated before P7 Luteolin Flavone New in species P8 Apigenin Flavone New in species P9 6-O-a-L-(2'', 3''-di-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Acylated iridoid glycoside New in genus P10 6-O-a-L-(3'', 4''-di-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Acylated iridoid glycoside New in nature P11 6-O-a-L-(3'', 4''-di-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Acylated iridoid glycoside New in nature P12 6-O-a-L-(2'', 3''-di-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Acylated iridoid glycoside New in genus P13 6-O-a-L-(4''-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoyl)rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Acylated iridoid glycoside New in genus P14 6-O-a-L-(2''-O-trans-p-caffeoyl, 3''-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Acylated iridoid glycoside Isolated before P15 6-O-a-L-(3''-O-trans-p-hydroxycinnamoyl, 4''-O-trans-p-caffeoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Acylated iridoid glycoside New in nature P16 6-O-a-L-(2''-O-trans-p-caffeoyl, 3''-O-trans-feruloyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Acylated iridoid glycoside Isolated before P17 Vitexin Flavone C-glycoside New in genus

PHD Title

PHD Abstract

All rights reserved ©abeer abd elhakim elmaidomy