Seminar of the Egyptian scientist Prof. Dr. Elham Fadali, professor at the University of Eindhoven - Netherlands

26 Jun 2024

(( a open invitation ))

Under the generous sponsorship of Prof. Dr. Mansour Hassan, President of Beni Suef University, and Prof. Dr. Tariq Ali, Vice President of the University for post Graduate Studies and Research, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farghaly, Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for Advanced Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Mai Raslan, Vice President of the College for Affairs Community Service and Environmental Development ,the College of Graduate Studies at Beni Suef University will hold scientific seminars during the month of July 2024 in the college’s seminar hall, where he will lecture in the first symposium  which will held, God willing, on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 11 a.m. in the college’s seminar hall. The Egyptian scholar Prof. Dr. Elham Fadali, professor at the University Eindhoven - Netherlands. The symposium will be entitled: Bridging Worlds: My Journey from Upper Egypt to Silicon Valley and Beyond in Optoelectronics