U.S. - Egypt Science and Technology Joint Fund

24 Sep 2023

Apply by December 7th – The U.S.-Egypt Science & Technology Joint Fund is now accepting proposals. Collaborative Research Grants provide up to $200,000 for each country’s research team on joint U.S.-Egypt research projects. Projects will be funded in the general areas of agriculture, energy, health, and water management. For Cycle 23, the U.S.-Egypt Joint Board has identified One Health, climate change, and the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus as priority topics. Those who are interested in applying, but do not have a prospective partner in the other country, can complete the program’s interested partner self-identification form. U.S. scientists may also sign-up to host an Egyptian early-career scientist through the Junior Scientist Development Visit Grants program.
     ./For more information, visit the application page or contact us
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