field training activities

19 Oct 2022

Sponsored by Dr. Heba Abu El-Nile, Dean of the College of Special Needs Sciences, and Prof. Mahmoud El-Shahawi, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Ramadan Ali Hassan, Head of the Learning Difficulties Department
Dr. Hammad Ahmed Abdel Aziz, Director of the Field Training Unit, started the field training activities for the third year students of the Learning Difficulties Department, in the presence and supervision of Dr. Abu Deif Mukhtar, the department coordinator and a faculty member in the department
and the auxiliary body
 M / Nasser Hamdan
M / Amr Mohamed
m/what sir
The meeting was held with the principal of the school, Mr. Ali and the specialists to clarify the field training plan for the Difficulties Department and how to help discover and identify children with learning difficulties and develop treatment and training programs for them and raise awareness of this category within and outside the school community to provide the diagnosis and treatment correctly for these students